게시 일자 5 months ago 작성자

Hey everyone! This game currently only has a full run as it's speed run category, however to make it more inviting for players and add some other competitive fields to the game we are looking into adding individual level timing!

Our hope with this is that it'll create more opportunities for people to play the game without committing to a multi-hour run through making it easier to jump into the game. It'll also allow more interesting/risky strategies to be used as the risk of losing a full run to bad RNG doesn't feel as bad. Resetting one individual level isn't as impactful as a whole run, so it doesn't feel as bad when happening.

Fine tuning individual levels will also be impactful for the full run category, as seeing more strategies (including very risky ones) will give tools for players running the full game to use in the event of needing to make up time or going for the best record possible. I hope this can be brought to light sooner rather than later but with just me tackling it right now, it will be a bit of time.

Best of luck to all future runners of Goblin Commander!

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Upcoming: Individual Level Speedruns!

Hey everyone! This game currently only has a full run as it's speed run category, however to make it more inviting for players and add some other competitive fields to the game we are looking into adding individual level timing!

Our hope with this is that it'll create more opportunities for people

5 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 5 months ago
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