how can i break a new record (in a new game)
8 years ago

Hi guys!

I want to know how can I try a new record in a new game (actually an old one, but anyway...) that don't exists in here yet. I just wanna know how to submit runs in here.

Can you help with it?

Thank you so very much! AH! That's right, let's have some fun! :P


shut UP brandon, he's not asking what game to speedrun!!!

submit runs here:

Beowalf 그리고 Gyoo 이것을 좋아함

speaking of Toy Story 2, is the emulator exclusive clip in Andy's House banned or is it still allowed?



Trollbear666 이것을 좋아함

pld - Don't highjack a thread, go talk on your own forums. Everyone is sick and tired of hearing about Toy Story 2 in threads that have nothing to do with it.

Like Deln said, if a game doesn't exist on you can request it at the link he provided. The request process can take up to about a week, so don't worry if it doesn't get added right away. Do note that this makes you the moderator of the game and you are required to set the game up with categories and such within 2 weeks of the page being made, otherwise the page is removed and you must request it again.

Beowalf 이것을 좋아함

Thx my dear friends. especially @Deln who answer perfectly. and @Ozotuh too!

Let me work hard in my first attempt now.

Cya around fellas. :D