Super Mario 64 DS - Mods
6 years ago

Hello everyone. For those few of you who still run SM64DS, you may have noticed how long it takes for run verification. Since Aether is no longer a mod, full game runs are only getting verified by Mr Shasta, who is busy enough with being a mod in around 30 other games, and the level runs only being verified by Mr Shasta too. Greenalink and ParadoxKarl don't seem to be verifying much anymore, TheWayFaringFox has not been on for a solid month and Mr Shasta has other games to moderate, some more popular than this one. With that in mind, I checked and no mod has been on for at least two days, whereas users like myself are on several times daily. With that, I nominate myself, Really Tall and the illuminati to become moderators of the game. I do not mind whether it's one of us or all of us that get to be a moderator, but we need an active moderator for this game as people like myself, Really Tall and Sharkey91 are running this game frequently and we need a trusted moderator to get it done, as some of my runs have waited up to two weeks for verification, and the worst thing about it is that when people like Mr Shasta go online, they don't always come into here like me. So either me, Really Tall or the illuminati should become moderator, or preferably all three. Since we're still running this, with myself doing more runs recently, we do need a moderator to accept these runs, with my recommendation going to Really Tall, who checks the TAS runs to make sure the run can be legitimate, and is extremely active. Thanks for reviewing my post and I hope that a new, active moderator comes to SM64DS and makes sure our runs can be verified and keep ourselves going.

  • MaxDragonSoul

Fox is pretty active on Twitter and ParadoxKarl was online only a couple days ago. I noticed you just created a forum post for the game as well. I recommend waiting a bit for the mods to come online and read that forum post as a super mod like Fox or Paradox can add other moderators if needed. You can also reach out to Fox on twitter to get a response as well if the forum post sits ignored for a while.

If you still get no answer or response after a while, then consider using this last resort thread

Just make sure to read the OP to be certain you've gone through the proper channels to try and resolve the issue within the current moderation.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago

Real life stuff for me means I don't have the time to do legit¤ verifications as I used to a few years back. ¤ Meaning watching the entire run, making sure there's no suspicious cheating and accurately timing the run by not using livesplit.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago