Custom Robo Any% Tournament
8 years ago
Texas, USA

Custom Robo: Battle Revolution (GCN) Any% Speedrunning Tournament!

Hey guys it's Pokehero and I think because the CR community has increased in size lately, let's have a tournament!

There are also quite a few people who have expressed interest in running this game but have not due to ¤insert reason here¤ so why not

Some things to go over first! 1) This is for fun! I have no plan of giving something to the winner, consider it bragging rights

2) The tournament will start either the week of the 29th or the week of the 22nd (of May). Sign-ups will end on May 13th

3) Emulator IS ALLOWED. Now obviously, emulator is faster than console, so the solution was if you are playing on console, whenever you do a run, I will add 90 seconds onto your final time to try and even up the competition and give no one an unfair advantage

4) This tournament will be Double Elimination! Meaning if you lose one race, it's not a big deal, you have another chance!

5) Not every run you do has to be a race. The way this will work is that each round will have a week long to compete (save maybe the final round since there will only be 1 run) and in this week, you may do your Any% run. Your run MUST BE RECORDED. And during the first 10 minutes of your run you MUST say that this is your tournament run. However, if you are able to schedule a race between you and the other contender, I'm sure Drac or I will be able to verify you did a race :P

6) If during the week you are unable to make your run for whatever reason, you will lose automatically
    a) If both players cannot do their run, the win is awarded to the the player with the SLOWER PB (#Underdog)
        i) If both players cannot do their run and neither of them have a PB, the winner is awarded to the player of the lower seed¤

6) The following are rules for the runs
    a) Timer must start on pressing "A New Journey" Timing ends on fadeout after winning the Rahu III fight
    b) Bathroom Skip is allowed (why wouldn't it be). If you fail Bathroom Skip, continue the run as normal
    c) The run must be off a clean file, not a NG+ run!
    d) You may visit the Parts Generator as many times as you need
    e) While not having the memory card in is faster, it is not required

7) For players who do not have a PB, feel free to use my route:

The sign up form can be found here: The bracket for the tournament can be found here: NOTE: Final Dates TBD for rounds past round 1

I hope you all can join!

¤An explanation of seeds: In sports, seeds are basically a ranking. The best team will have the highest seed and the worst team will have the lowest seed. You ideally want the highest seed because that way, if there are not a tournament multiple (4, 8, or 16) amount of people who submit, the people with the higher seeds will not have to run in the first round, effectively giving them a "by week" and thus increasing their chances of winning the tournament. This example of a by week can be seen here: (Where players 1, 2, and 3, have a by week) 1) If you do not have a PB, you will be given the lowest seed a) If more then one person signs up who does not have a PB, seeds will be assigned randomly to those without a PB

Any questions can be PM'd to me on Twitch @ or just by replying to this post

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