Netplay via the Mednafen Emulator
Netplay via the Mednafen Emulator
업데이트됨 3 years ago 작성자 0lhi

This Guide assumes you know how to setup Mednafen for single-player. If you don't, look up a Guide for that first.

The Mednafen Emulator allows to have Netplays, which can be used for speedrunning the Adventure Mode in Co-op. To set it up, you'll need:

  • The same Mednafen version (e.g. 1.26.1)
  • The same Crash Bash ISO (ideally NTSC)
  • Synchronized Controller Configurations

The controller configs can be changed in mednafen.cfg. Alternatively, you may also create a dedicated Config File for Crash Bash in the pgconfig folder titled ISONAME.psx.cfg.

I recommend the following configurations:

psx.input.pport1.multitap 1

psx.input.pport2.multitap 0

psx.input.port1 dualshock

psx.input.port2 dualshock

psx.input.port3 dualshock

psx.input.port4 dualshock

psx.input.port5 gamepad

psx.input.port6 gamepad

psx.input.port7 gamepad

psx.input.port8 gamepad

cheats 0

(pport1 enables the 1st Multitap, allowing to play with four players. pport2 disables the 2nd Multitap, but port5-8 still have to be synchronized. Having Cheats enabled can cause confusion for some builds, so they should be disabled as well.)

Next step is looking up a server with your preferred search-engine. The closer to you, the lower the lag. For this example I'll use the default fobby server.

Once the game is booted, press T to open the Netplay console, and type the following:


/gamekey PASSWORD

/server 4046

The password will be displayed. If you are worried about stream-sniping, you can use something long. In my example I used 400 characters. Here's the result:

Nick, gamekey and server will be saved, so the next time you'll only have to type "/server".

You can "switch the controllers" by typing:

/swap 1 2

That covers the basics. For more in-depth info, check here:

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