게시 일자 9 months ago 작성자

I figured I would make a news post about this, as the last time a category was added before this, is at least a year ago. I have added 2 new categories, the all levels% category, which also includes glitchless, nmg, any%, and HARDCORE as sub categories in there, and the tutorial IL which everyone wants for some reason lol.

Anyway I added all levels% a few days ago and there has already been quite a few runs submitted there, and understandably so because all the other main categories (or well, every category) are just way too optimized. You'd be extremely lucky to save even half a second in a new glitchless WR, and seeing how tutorial and bonus aren't in main level speedruns, and that would make it harder to optimize as well as the other categories, I really like the edition of that new category (especially because I was the one who first suggested it in February 2022, and that's a really long time).

I also added the tutorial IL, something that people have been asking for, for a long time, the same day that I suggested an all levels category over a year ago, and for the longest time that idea has been rejected because 3/4 of the rooms in tutorial is just holding one direction and jumping, and there would be no room for optimization besides for that single room. I still think that'll be the case, but hey, I listened to the speedrun community when I added this one.

One last thing, thanks to anyone who still runs this game (because there's hardly any of you), and to the new mod, Finn, who is making my life verifying all these runs 5x easier, prior to him being mod, I verified every single run that had been submitted over the past year, and you can imagine the work doing that. Also if Qainet, the super mod ends up reading this at some point, I would like mod in the discord server, and possibly super mod even on src and discord for all the work this has taken. Anyway that's all I have to say for now, bye.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
New categories: All levels% and tutorial IL!

I figured I would make a news post about this, as the last time a category was added before this, is at least a year ago. I have added 2 new categories, the all levels% category, which also includes glitchless, nmg, any%, and HARDCORE as sub categories in there, and the tutorial IL which everyone wa

9 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 1 year ago
3 개의 답글
게시 일자 2 years ago
0 개의 답글
게시 일자 2 years ago
1 개의 답글
게시 일자 2 years ago
1 개의 답글