Maybe require video proof?
7 years ago
Virginia, USA

The last two times I've checked back here to try to improve my time/find new strats there's been a different WR without a video (the current video is an invalid link; likely a past broadcast that was never highlighted). It kinda sucks not being able to see what the top runners are doing to save time when all I wanna do is learn. Has requiring video proof ever been considered? If so, what was the reasoning against it?


Ontario, Canada

The current record had a video when it was submitted. The second-place time was also a past broadcast.

If you'd like to improve your time, I would suggest trying to skip every fight. Some of the fights are skippable. There's also a three year old run with a video that is 20 minutes faster than yours.

Sorry that the videos aren't available, but I can't do anything about that. We can require video proof in the future, sure.

Virginia, USA

Sorry, I phrased that original post poorly. Wasn't meaning to sound accusatory, merely curious on background. Thanks for the response!

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