Speed Decrease = No More Speedruns??
6 months ago

Noticed there hasn't been anything approved for Rocket Racing in over 3 days, since the speed decrease was confirmed.. Yes, the speed was decreased by 3.25% or so, but I don't think we should hold out waiting for it to be reset, when it will likely remain like this forever. I hit the WR on Aer️o (after the speed decrease) and it would be really nice to see on the leaderboards. Maybe I'm reading the situation wrong and the mods are just really busy. But normally runs are approved on Speedrun in about 48 hours from my experience, it's weird to see it dead for over 3 days. Anyone have thoughts on this, or actually know what's going on??

Ps. Have a great day! <3

DylanosWR 이것을 좋아함
New Mexico, USA

I've personally just been dealing with personal issues on top of being really busy with school. As for the speed decrease, we are just going to wait for now. Wiping the whole board is completely different than just wiping one category. I'm giving it until Season 1 starts, and if it is still decreased, then we will wipe everything and just start fresh along with the new season.

Production, SGRKing 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함

Could there maybe be a "old speed" category even though it might not be necessary but also if leaderboards did get wiped then would new speed runs before season 1 count?

편집한 사람 작성자 6 months ago
Asyx_, Mipsel, 그리고 Production 이것을 좋아함
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Why are some times added even though we can't compare the old times to the new ones? So, I'm a bit lost, I don't know which record is accurate with the current speed.

Spunsz 이것을 좋아함
New Mexico, USA

People choose to submit, some have even still been getting WR times on the new speed run maps. We aren't going to close the leaderboards because of the speed decrease.

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Well, the response I have to give you is that we can't WR all the maps, so in my opinion, some WRs no longer make sense since the speed reduction. If it was possible to WR certain maps, it's because they were never maximized from the beginning. I can assure you, for example, that Cliff Runner 2 is unassailable. I struggle to get sub 21 and old WR was 2:19. Clearly impossible to beat.

Louisiana, USA

I have to agree with Genesis, some times aren't obtainable anymore. I'm not asking to wipe leaderboards or anything, but I believe even Zarza (Day Drifitng WR holder) has made statements and produced evidence of the car being slower leading to unobtainable WR's.

Genesisx 이것을 좋아함
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
삭제한 사람 작성자
New Mexico, USA

yes we know. If you read what I posted above, I'm giving it until the Season 1 start to at least give word that its only a bug. But a complete leaderboard wipe of the ILs is really the only way to go about it

Spunsz 그리고 Genesisx 이것을 좋아함
United States

Epic/Psyonix seems to be aware of this issue and is considering it a bug. Hopefully that means it will be resolved soon. Right now we are holding off on any leaderboard wipes but will be monitoring the situation. WRs are still possible on maps but are just harder.

United States

As far as “old runs being added to the leaderboard” there was a 2 week long backlog that I approved a bunch of runs for so that may be what you were seeing. There are still runs being submitted on the current patch that are beating old speed records.

United States

Speed appears to have been restored to normal as of update v29.20 Edit: maybe it hasn't? Getting conflicting answers from different sources.

편집한 사람 작성자 5 months ago
Spunsz 그리고 johnXXVII 이것을 좋아함
Bourgogne, France

not at all lmao

Production 그리고 Spunsz 이것을 좋아함

Definitely hasnt

Spunsz 이것을 좋아함
게임 통계
Rocket Racing
SRC Series: Rocket Racing Expert Tracks
7 months ago
상금 풀
최신 뉴스

Go have fun submitting to the more silly categories that aren't here on the main boards!

Initial categories include:

  • Turboless
  • Trackless
  • Reverse Camera
  • Throttle & Steering Only
16 days ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 5 months ago
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