Level 1-100 Runs
8 years ago
Oregon, USA

I am going to make a section for 1-100 runs. I understand that nobody (yet) has completed a full timed run up to the rules that we currently have. To this, I am going to allow the /played counter to be an official timer in the mean time. For these runs, I will need a screen shot of the /played at current level, and in total, just to verify the time.

Now, since I can't double check all the aspects of it, we are going to operate on the honor system here. If people want, I can have an heirloom and non-heirloom 1-100, but I don't think people are going to care that much. I will update this when legion comes out (along with any changes to low level leveling as well), and will make sure everything is still fair and up to date.

So the rules for 1-100 runs are: No instant 90, no recruit a friend. Guilds are allowed, because we were probably all in a guild while leveling, and is not serious enough for me to warrant the restrictive nature.

Again, this is just to have a complete sense of the game, and so that we can start to get some interest built up for max level runs as time goes on.

Just to recap:

Death knights not allowed Imgur upload of your /played Submit with the character name (all symbols included) and server name Guilds are ok To figure out your time, take the total /played and subtract the /played from current level. If your toons were maxed out in vanilla/bc/wrath/cata/mop, then you will just need to eat the wasted time for now, until I can figure out a better system.

Edit: removed other categories requirement because I don't care that much about it, it's just a for fun thing.

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Nice to have this category. Eventho no footage is kind of sad, it isn't super realistic to get a good amount of entries with that. :x Would still be nice to take a look at what people did, maybe find some neat ideas and such. :) "Instant levels" include both granting levels and character boosts, I gather? :)

Gonna have to figure out which chars I didn't use RAF on before I can submit anything here. Was about to submit my freshly dinged druid, but I used RAF on her, so nope. :D

Archive Project is Complete!

Hi all,

I am happy to report that the archive project is just about complete! You are now able to see runs that used to live on on the following leaderboards

  • [Legion Archive](http
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