SFC any% route/notes
SFC any% route/notes
更新済み 7 months ago 投稿者: Vriaeliss

U = Up on Dpad. D = Down on Dpad. L=L button. R=R button. Left = Left on Dpad. Right = Right on Dpad. A, B, X, Y = A, B, X, Y.

This is more a stream of movements, inputs, and some notes as I was trying to follow and reverse engineer Kai Lio's absurdly amazing 23 mins run (JP RTA from new game to "To Be Continued" screen). The Saving isn't important during movements, mostly. "SAVE" in all caps is what I considered to be essential. I haven't finished going through it to make sure that's universally the case, but I tried.

Note on the Scroll of Magic Missile. It's PL3, so it will hit up to three targets in a single group. The Staff of Missiles hits up to two targets.

Note on dying with the Goat's Helm/Mask/Hat on: It seems like it skips right to the loaded game menu without needing to select "Load game" and choose the file which one normally has to do when dying. Still happens when the save doesn't have it equipped but you had it equipped when you died.


I'll be trying to clean this up and add maps over time. I'll have a google docs set up for that once it's done.


Solo Faerie Mage

Good boost to VIT and Speed if possible

All points into Thauma

Take Energy Blast and Cold Touch


  • X to Items

  • Y to Open

  • Down to Move Back

Take Chest "2" drop staff take keys, drop all but keys from inventory

  • Can take Staff for safety

Go through Northern door and get Key of Ramm

Go east to stairs against east wall

L, L, Back, Back, R, R, [SAVE], Up, R, Up, Up, R, R, R (Die)


Back, R, R, Use Iron Key on Door

Turn right, Search, Get copper key

A+R to walk through wall

Door, TURN Right, Save, Up, Up

Battle: RNG - hope for a single group, otherwise reset.

I use scroll of magic missiles instead of own spells allows

bigger easier victory v. 2+ in one group.

Rest regain magic (Green bar) then Save

Door, Turn Left, the A+L door glitch.

Up, Up, R, R, R, Up, Up, Turn Right, Up, Up, Door

Turn Left, A+L door glitch

Up, Door, Turn Left, Up, R, Search (Key of Spades)

Go back through door, Turn Right, A+R door glitch

Up, Up, Up, L, Up, Up, Up, Up, Turn Right, Use Copper Key

important to go Up here first, going L first is 

forced encounter.

Wall of Text, Go back through door, Down+A door glitch

Turn Left, Up, Turn Left, Search

Text then choose-Top option

Chest reveals, exit chest menu and save

Open chest, reset if trap kills you.

Take book and key, Save, Rest no status, Save

Turn around, Up, R, Door

Up, Up, Up, Turn Left ,Up, Door

Search, Up, Turn Right, Use Key of Ramm

Up, Quit Chest options and Save

Open Chest, reset if killed.

Take Helm and Dagger and SAVE

Back, R, A+R door glitch.




Turn right face door of spades.

Items, Drop extra iron and/or copper keys


--Key of Spades 2

--King's Diary

--Gold Key

--Goat's Mask

--Dagger of Ramm

** I keep the staff of missiles to make 1st grind

** battle safer, won't get stuck with no magic and

** only punches if the two spells fail.

Equip Goat's Mask exit menus

Use Key of Spades

GHOST! Mash dialogue get Horn of Souls


Rest and Die.

Inspect and unequip Goat's Mask and exit menu

should let you back in the entrance.

3:14 Rest and annihilation restart bug 1st time After resting and annihilating with Goat Mask equipped, look at the character in the restart menu and cancel to restart from the castle entrance.

Turn Right, U to wall, L, Door, Back+A door glitch

R to wall, U, U, Turn Right, U, SAVE

Grind time on Test Character

Mage to Alch to Mage end Alch, Bard once at least.

Stats might not allow changes, level again until can change


Thauma at 98

ALchemy at 100

why? Acid Bomb is level 4 and highest need to learn... 

makes more sense to start levelling Ninjutsu after 54 alchemy.

  -- because I want to have Deadly Poison in case I need it.

One into Ninjutsu 1st Bard level, rest into it after 100 alchemy

Spell goals: Take extra Air, Earth, Divine at level 2,3,4 to max SP gains

Fire: All

Only ever cast Nuclear Blast, but more known = more SP.

Water: Deep Freeze, Ice Ball

Take more for more SP, Stamina is good safety, others won't use ever.

Air: Asphixiation, Poison Cloud, Deadly Poison

Take more for more SP, skip Deadly Air to make menu to Asphixiation easier

Earth: Acid Bomb, knock-knock

Saves menuing later if do not take Acid Splash, Itching Skin,

Armor Shield, or Direction until after getting Urn chest after 2nd Giants fight.

Arcane: Nothing

Divine: Cure Wounds, Astral Gate

I usually start with Magic Missile, rarely use it but it's a nice backup and hits

everything in a single group. Can skip this element until Alch level 2 if wanted.

Once all done levelling: Current class level 5-6, HP 100+, ideally 16+ speed, spells and skills learned:

SAVE, Goat's Mask ON, Rest (won't die yet), SAVE, Rest (til dead) // might need to save and rest again if high hp

Death Scene

Inspect and unequip Goat's Mask and exit menus to start at entrance again.

Turn Left, Up to Wall, R, Door, Turn Right, SAVE

Up to wall, SAVE

L, Back, back, R, R, Up, REST/Heal, SAVE

L to Battle, Nuke 'em.

L, Back, Back, Turn Right.

Go to end of hall, Turn left to skull door. Clear Text.

Back to closest gate door, use gold key, Y to OPEN on door, top option (Force)

Once through turn around and Go back to Skull door and open(Y), Force (Top option)

I had battle :( Nuke 'em. SAVE

U, L, L, Back. R, Back until Text

back, more text, use Horn of Souls.

Text, Say "NO", "YES", then "YES" to pay 500g for a tour

=I'm on a BOAT=

After dropped off and text: back, back, SAVE

Turn around, get handed stuff take it all.

Turn right, Up to door, use Key of the Damned.

Up, SAVE, Up to battle.

Demon fight:

1st turn HIDE

Deep Freeze and Acid Bomb. Asphixiation can work sometimes.

After battle a Ghost chatters. Search. Take Key, drop rest. SAVE

Back, Equip goat hat, rest 'n die.

Death Scene, then LOAD save!

Ah, I keep forgetting this - it clears the battle tile just before the fountains.

Back, Turn left. Save.

L, L, Use Key of Minos on door.

Heal up: Left Fountain HP, Right one MP.

Get good HP and max MP.

Turn left from MP fountain, L, SAVE.

Up, L, Up, Up, Use Key of Damned on door.

Up, Up, Turn Left, Up, Up, Use Key of the Damned on door.

Text, Choose top option.

Auto-moved into battle.

Hide and Deep Freeze Moat Monster, ice ball if Deep Freeze doesn't kill it.

Can get bugs too, Nuke works, Asphixiation better choice though then kill Serpents.

Auto-moved to stone tile encounter Sirens. Skip text and enter battle.

Level 4 Nuke should work.

Hope to go first... will need to reset if you don't, very probably.

Take water wings. USE water wings.

Choose bottom option from text.

Back, Back, Save.

L, L, L, L, Up, Up, R, Up, Up, Turn Right, Up to chest.

Leave chest options and save, Open, unlock with Knock-Knock level 6

You want Amulet of the WINDS or AIR and hopefully 6-9 skyrockets

Air/Winds gives 50% resistance to Air, which can negate silence in a fight later.

Probably don't /need/ to reset for Ice amulet and/or only 3 skyrockets.

Take first Amulet and Skyrockets, drop the rest.

Turn Right, Save.

R, R, Up, Up, R, R, Up, R, R, Up, Save (on gravel now)

Up into Ogre Battle (tm)

-Hide if less than only 1-2 groups. 3+ groups Asphixiation level 6 and hope. Probable reset/death if 3+ groups.

-Max Nuke. Twice. Finish off stragglers if any.

Drop any loot that you might get. SAVE

L, Up, Search and take Key of the Lost.

Turn Right, Up, Search (Button).

Up, Up, Turn Left, Back. Turn Left. SAVE.

Turning right into that nook has extra wall of text.

Knock-Knock Level 6 until door unlocks.

There might be Giants, round 2 D: Same tactics as first battle.

Drop any loot from the fight. SAVE

Turn left. Use Key of the Lost on door. Up.

Exit chest, SAVE. Knock-Knock 6. Take Urn, drop rest. Save.

Turn Right, R, Back+A door glitch.

L, L, Use Water wings.

Up to wall, Save, R, Up to wall. SAVE

Up to circle, Use Horn of Souls. (Encounters possible before circle).

Say "No" then say "No" then pick Trade, give urn of ashes.

Quit menues after text, boat leaves w/o you.

Turn around, go up to fountains and max MP. Heal HP if low. SAVE

From MP Fountain: Turn Right, R, Back, R, R, Up, R, Use water wings.

Up, Up, Up, R, Up, Up, L, L, L, L, L, Turn Right, Save

Take that R move to avoid encounter tile.

L until hit door (2nd stone tile), Turn Left

Strafing to skip text.

Use Key of the Dead on door.

Up, L, L, Save.

Up to wall, L, Up to wall, Turn Right.

Up, Up, Up - Text - Turn Right, Up SAVE, Up - Battle


Level 5 nuke should work. Level 6 okay if strong SP max.

Up and Save. Up 'til wall then R, R, Back, Back, Use Ashes.

Save after Text.

R, Back, R, R, R (Text), Up, Up (text),

Up, Up (Devil's Wind text, Damage probable), Up, L.

====== Devil's Wind?! No resets from here on out! ======

If you end up dying, let it happen and load game from save.

This bug persists until the game is reset.

With it you can walk over any pit w/o falling to your death.

Essential for skipping Temple of Ramm.

Rest and/or Heal Up with magic.

Equip Skyrockets and amulet of air/winds.

Save, L.


Level Six Asphixiation kills lackeys

HIDE from Disko Zombie.

Deep Freeze works well.

SAve, L, L, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, SAVE. Up.

Ghost fight - you are often silenced when battle text happens.

Amulet of Wind/Air gives 50% air resistance which can prevent the silence
  • Hide

  • Attack with Rockets if silenced. DON'T RESET!!

  • Can KICK if out of rockets, need to hide between hits.

  • If lucky and not silenced Deep Freeze works well when it hits.


I like to rest here until I can cast spells again, encounters are possible

during this next walk and anything down here will kill you w/o spells.

Up, Up, Turn right, Up, Up, Up, R, R, R, R, R, SAVE.

Up, Up, Up, Up, Text (Scared), REST until fear is gone. SAVE.

Up x5, L x3, Turn right. R, R, R, Save. Up to battle.

SKellies fight.


Hide then finish off Insane Skelly.

Drop all but the key.


Equipping Goat Hat here adds risk but will clear some extra encounters

if/when you get killed by something going forward.

Back, R, R, R, Turn Left, L, L, Up, SAVE, Up to door (maybe encounter).

Use Skelly Key. SAVE.

Up, Up - Text - Turn Left, Up, R, R, Save.

Up, Normal Skellies fight. Nuke 'em.

Drop any items dropped. Search. SAVE.

Up, Up, Up, Up, R, Up, R, Up, R, R, Turn Left.

R, R, R - Text. Turn Left, Text - Say "YES" to attack Dracula.

Dracula fight:

Do. Not. Hide. Heal if needed, punch at him. He'll flee after dominating you.


Heal up to Rest away the debuff w/o dying from Goat Hat if wearing it.


Turn around, Search, Take key of Queens. Turn around again, Save.

Up to wall, R, R, U, R, U, R, Up, Up, Up, Up, L, Up to wall, SAVE

R, Skelly fight. Nukes. Drop any items. Search and SAVE.

Up x4, L, U, L, U, L, L, U to door. Use Key of Queens. SAVE.

Up to bones, Search.

So. Much. Text. Choose top option.

Turn around and SAVE.

Up, L, Search(Button). R, Up to fountain and use it for FULL HEALING~ (Save optional)

R, R, U, R, U, R, Up x4, Turn Left, Up, R, Up, R, Up to door.

Items menu, Drop Silver Cross, exit and use Key of Evil on door.

Up, R, R, R, R - Text. Rebecca~

Say "No" to attacking her.

Say "Yes"

Go for ride, meet Drac again. Soooo much text. R after regain control.

Equip Goat's Mask if not already wearing it.

Use Dagger of Ramm.

Fight ensues, Asphixiation lvl 4 works.

Up, Up, Another Battle. Asphixiation again.

R, R, Up, Turn Left. Door opens, Up stairs more text.

L (Over Pit if haven't reset since Death's Wind trap), L, SAVE

Back into battle.

Giants: Hide ONLY if they're alone. Asphixiation works. If they're with Floating Light, let them kill you and load game - do not reset

Ninja: Hide if only 1-2 groups, Nuke or Asphixiation 6. Deep Freeze if any survive.

Ramm Priest: Hide or Die. Asphixiation 6 can kill the priests. Nuke/Deep Freeze stragglers.

Other fights? If Nuke doesn't win: die and reload (no reset!) and hope for better fight.

Drop any loot. Back and SAVE

L to TP and battle. Same strats / encounters possible.

Drop andy loot. Back, L, Back, L (over pit), L, Up to wall, fall down.

Door, Drac and Becca talky,

Choose top right option with Rebecca.

drop all but ring and key.

Use ring on the King's Diary

Up to door. Skip through text.

Turn Right and L until bonk and automatically turned left and Say YES.

Mash through the few lines of text.

**** SRC timing ends when ship is completely off screen. ****

Note: JP RTA timing ends when "To Be Continued..." screen appears.

kai_lio has 23m 56.12s (JP RTA timing) with this route and AMAZING RNG.

Site describing bugs: http://emonoya.pekori.jp/tip/6t.html
