Speed function
1 year ago
Pomorskie, Poland

Since when is it allowed to use speed up to x10 in RPG Maker games? I've tested almost all the original games I know on this engine and this feature doesn't work in original games except in EasyRPG. Also, using a feature that EasyRPG has, e.g. speed, is not allowed in speedruns because it leads to cheating between the original downloaded versions.

cleverpidgeon そして Lebkuchen これを好き
Greater London, England

i largely agree with this tbh. i was told by the mod in my own thread when i asked about it that turbo wouldn't be allowed bc they thought the mashing was part of the game (fair enough), but i feel like speeding the whole thing up whenever you want is changing a much more substantial part of the game - at least the turbo is better for your hands and has a precedent, e.g. omori speedruns.

at the very least i reckon the boards should have emulated/sped-up runs split from runs of the game in its native engine at its original speed. personally i'd also separate Reboot runs into a completely separate leaderboard page; given the changes in scenes and the battle rebalancing i'd say it's its own thing, and there are a number of games on src that have their "reboots" separate from their original versions like that.

just my two cents. granted i don't run this game (yet, if all goes to plan), but i figured i should chime in bc i'd like to see this game with a healthy speedrunning scene and i do care about it regardless of whether my life atm lets me speedrun properly

Tegron これを好き
Pomorskie, Poland

I have to agree with you and also want to mention that EasyRPG has a scrolling function which should not be allowed in any self-respecting RPG Maker game using emulators and also EasyRPG is inaccurate in emulating RPG Maker 2000/2003 games.

cleverpidgeon これを好き
Connecticut, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
7 months ago

It’s not that it’s allowed or not, it’s just a separate category. If you were to play without easy rpg you wouldn’t have that function but you would get the world record for said category. (And it would probably be more valid than mine). I used easy rpg because I wanted to get a board up for it I’m general and just never had the time to take to run on regular (as I think most people would agree). If you’d like to run a world record in regular time you can but this is just a diff category.

As a whole the game plays completely differently faster as well it’s just not the same so it would be a diff category either way.

If that’s still controversial I can take the runs down obviously I have zero problem with that. As of now it especially doesn’t matter as no one has submitted a time other than me to begin with.

Pomorskie, Poland

I'm in favour of removing the variable and removing the runs because of the fast forward feature, using such emulator features is not right and leads to an unfair advantage over the original version, besides that you won't be in first place anyway if you use the original version by using the feature in EasyRPG, no one allows this and most RPG Maker 2000/2003 games forbid EasyRPG, notice in Space Funeral that there is a subcategory for the original version as well as EasyRPG and not even fast forwarding is allowed, I would like for Wadanohar to see pure competition and leaderboards and probably most will confirm this too

編集者 投稿者 7 months ago
Baza これを好き
Connecticut, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
7 months ago

Update: I changed some stuff around on the board again and it should look more how I intended now. EasyRPG was only there in the first place for accessibility and doesn't even pop up first when you pull up the page. I do agree with you to a degree and also want to see some sort of actual competition so I may try and get some original runs done as well.

投稿日 7 months ago
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投稿日 2 years ago
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