New Management/Updates
6 years ago
Chiba, Japan

Hello, I'm ArtemisHunt and I've taken over as mod for this game. The old categories were outdated, so we've updated them to match the game. All runs are now Ein Lacher ILs. My friend and I have painstakingly gone through all of the Ein Lacher missions to add all of them as ILs for the game. Understanding that PC specs may be an issue regarding loading times, all times are to be done with effectively IGT. We've counted 80 Battle Quests but if we've missed any, please post them in this thread and we'll be sure to check and add them to the list. There is no medal requirement, but you can submit a medal with your run. Just for fun, we've added "Region Runs" which complete the Ein Lacher battles that correspond with bosses in those regions.

If there are any changes you'd like to see made, anything you think I've forgotten, please feel free to post it here! I'm sorry if the leaderboard looks weird, I've never managed a game before so I'm still figuring out the kinks. I hope that we'll all get along and I look forward to seeing your runs!

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
NutSPeedrunsShell これを好き
投稿日 6 years ago
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投稿日 6 years ago
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