About category + I want to be a mod.
5 years ago
Franche-Comté, France

I see the new category and somes of them that you need to or edit or remove it :

Slow% : it's just "how much time i have to waste for WR" Ball% : What ???? meme% : Just . . No.

And there is the category i wanted to add :

Reverse100% : reverse but you have to do a 100%. Blindfolded% : You can't see the screen.

( and ONLY 100% and Any% have to be on Normal category, and other have to be in a Extension tab and on this tab you can select what you want cause it's really messy ! )

I wanted to be moderator because this page need somes edits, and because i like speedruning this game. :)

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

Sadly I cannot add you as a mod but I will clean it up sorry it is so messy I was just in a rush Also I think Reverse100% is a good idea Blindfolded would be to easy to cheat via earpiece Ball% is a thing I guess but since the ball is what any% runs depends on so I guess it is basically the same thing as any% but it starts and stops differently so I will remove it Slow% actually takes some skill because you need to move at just the right speed because if you go at a platform and you are trying to go slow you will either miss or hit the side

New Orleans, LA, USA

Right now I cant change these things but later I will

Franche-Comté, France

Thx for the leaderboard fix ! :D

Icyphoenix これを好き
New Orleans, LA, USA

No problem

投稿日 5 years ago
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投稿日 5 years ago
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投稿日 5 years ago
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