Oklahoma, USAvgm5.06 years ago

Wait so what's the skip? Watched the WR run and didn't notice anything that I didn't know about 3 years ago.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.08 years ago

If you use a door and go back through it before it closes the game freaks out and puts you back on the original side if the door. could potentially skip cutscenes with this.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.08 years ago

Areas are loaded based on the location of the camera not on where harry is (you can load and unload areas without moving harry). Getting the camera locked in place could result in additional oob.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.08 years ago

Sorry i haven't been looking at the forum Im going to look for sonera glitches related to camera manipulation

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

The chest with the Godric gryfindor card refills itself when you reload the area.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

ps2 confirmed Inferior Version.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

Found a way to do the Out of Bounds whokilledthekitty did.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

I wonder what would happen if you entered a cutscene in this state.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

Nice! I haven't seen anything like that inside the castle, but its good to know the Out of Bounds physics are consistent.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

Didn't even realize there were any differences between the console versions besides load times.

cheekychunk これを好き
Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

And while I'm at here is a weird glitch that happened to me on the title screen.

スレッド: Harry Potter
Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago
  1. Win the quiditch cup.
  2. Win the house cup.
  3. Obtain all 101 wizard cards.
  4. Complete all the lost and found quests.
  5. Get distinctions (or the best) grades on everything.
  6. Never lose any house points.
  7. Cause slytherin to get the least ammount of house points. (which means as goyle you need to get caught in the library until you lose the maximum points.
  8. Card dupes aren't needed for 100% (this means you dont have to go to gringots which would require a gameboy link)
  9. All 3 potion vials.
  10. All the equipment upgrades like the bean expansion, balloon expansion, and stink pellet expansion

Some of these may sound ridiculous, but if you lose points you don't necessarily have 100% of the points. Plus I don't even know if gringots is in the other versions. If you were Harry Potter wouldn't you want slytherin to get as low of an amount of points as possible?

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

Here's a video of it and some other stuff like a potential cutscene skip. Of coarse skipping the staircase between the 2nd and 3rd floors could save some time.

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

Found a way to get back in bounds but on the other side of all the teleports. Once out of bounds fly under the hagrids hut area. Fly up so you're nearly above ground around the front of hag rids hut is a spot where you can get off your broom. It's best if you face the quiditch stadium for this trick. Similarly to the expelliarmus skip you will be suspended in midair out of bounds. Hop towards the quiditch stadium (you need to be below the fence)if you're too high tap a different direction to lose height. If you have the right height you will go through the hill and on the other side.

スレッド: Harry Potter
Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

Thanks for putting the rules up! FrankerZ

Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

Just wondering if anyone can help me find anymore glitches. Besides the ones I've already found and made guides of the other glitch I've found is a out of bounds in hogwarts grounds. It's pretty simple just walk into one of teleports and when the screen starts to fade out use the nimbus 2000. You'll appear wherever the teleport takes you but on the broom. Because you went through a teleport the game assumes you're on land ,but you're actually on your broom so most of the assets of the map are unloaded. You can then fly under the map. The only problem is I haven't found a use for it.

スレッド: Harry Potter
Oklahoma, USAvgm5.09 years ago

This game needs some rules laid out.

  1. Timer starts on start of new file.
  2. Timer ends on loading for the ending ceremony.
  3. All glitches are fair game.
9 years ago
6 years ago