スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

That "proof" of Mineplex patching the Exploit is talking about leaping between the two houses in the valley (not the exploit). It's just that not a single person can make the Exploit anymore. ;)

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Don't think it should be locked yet. It's still someone active & relevant.

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago
  1. Your leaps aren't slower on Through Hell, they're actually faster...I timed & compared them. Not sure for LC.
  2. Digger runs should NOT be penalised as they're fully possible even with higher ping...even the quick ones. I've made the short cuts mentioned in your post perfectly fine when on EU with 150+ ping. It makes almost no difference when compared to low pinged executions. Nice try though, tac.
スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

We should just create a penalty for overly powerful leaps, it would be judged whether a leap is "overly powerful" or not by Mods upon verification...it would be useful in the sense that we would be making times more realistic & fair for the entire community, and now that we've experienced this situation with two people, I feel it would be well worth considering - as having overly powerful leaps has proven to be a hugely unfair advantage for those who possess leaps of such power. I feel this idea would require much greater planning & such, however, I feel this has been sat on too long without a fully thought out & logical conclusion.

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Everyone has different conditions, clearly...who are we to judge someone else's frame rate in a game where there are countless variables? Let's be realistic here.

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

I still support this idea tbh. :/

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Resetting just doesn't seem right if it's going to be fixed. Maybe it'll take a bit longer than expected but I don't think that should result in the map being entirely cleared. DaFatMan & I came up with a solution which wont involve resetting the entire map...it's in the Discord server if you're interested in checking it out.

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

The jump which is currently bugged is used in literally every single Dragon Escape speedrun on the map "Sandstorm". It would be pointless to reset Sandstorm when the bug is going to get fixed in about a week or so, Mineplex time. As a result, I feel (this isn't official), all current records should remain as World Records.

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

A low 48/high 47 is possible with DubJ. A 49 without DubJ is possible though.

~Thread locked; question answered.

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

I average anywhere between 15-110 on EU (my opposite server), so I'd still be struggling greatly to make the leap (not that I would go for any Sandstorm WRs, like...ever)

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Hello there, SkateOnIce!

tac23tac23 これを好き
スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

I thought people were joking about Pyxel & I talking all the time and things like that...we hardly talk, there's nothing remotely different between Pyxel & I than there would be between Maxi & I. Thank you however, Paris. :)

tac23tac23 これを好き
スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

You're actually worried I would make another absolutely retarded move with no thought process behind it, after all, this was well over half a year ago - there have clearly been several changes for the better in my attitude, capability & responsibility.

tac23tac23 これを好き
スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Through Hell addition date was November 9th, 2013 - proof in the Discord server. :)

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Very well created! If I find anything on the addition of Through Hell or removal of Journey I'll let you know! (November for Journey's removal is a start though)

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Actually...I think OP leaps were added on August 2nd - 2015. I remember them being added the day after KillbotGames got a 1:04.096.

スレッド: Dragon Escape
Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

If you're going to include people when they first started playing the game (Pauli), then you can put me down for September 21st 2013. :D

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