スレッド: Metroid: Zero Mission
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilsolchant4 years ago

Ohhh I see. So I actually went the other way around this. Thanks for the explanation :)

スレッド: Metroid: Zero Mission
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilsolchant4 years ago

I've uploaded a screenshot of said area as my profile picture. I'll be very grateful if anyone can help.

スレッド: Metroid: Zero Mission
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilsolchant4 years ago

Okay, so I've just bomb jumped my way up a huge section of Norfair, and I honestly don't remember ever having done that before. It's a secret area in the rightmost part of the map, going from the lowest portion of the map straight up to the highest portion.

I'm really curious as to what section this is, and what's its purpose, since I have no memory of it. Is this part of a sequence break? Was I supposed to do something else there other than bomb jump my way up?

Thanks in advance, Cecilia

4 years ago
4 years ago
Metroid: Zero Mission
Metroid: Zero Mission
最終訪問 4 years ago