sockurmudda1233 years ago

I'm new to speed running and I want to get in the community so I just would like to ask a couple of questions maybe 2-5.

  1. How do I setup the timer? \ As in the "rta and igt" that I see on other speed runners streams for example, DaniMilkman. ( https://www.twitch.tv/danimilkman ).

  2. Which are the top 5 best clients for speed running. \ The only clients that I've heard of are JellySquid (I think that's what its called) I don't know much about that one and Optifine that I personally use.

  3. What mods are banned and which clients are banned? \ I saw on a different thread asking if Badlion Client and Lunar Client are banned and the only response I saw was about Badlion Client not being allowed and I'm asking if there's any others that aren't allowed.

  4. Do you have any tips for speed running? \ From this I am asking what I should do in order to get a good run like how much wood should I get?, should I go to the nether as fast as i can? and like how to prepare and do a one cycle of the dragon? And more questions like that but I cant think of right now.

If you are able to at least help with one of these questions that will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

3 years ago
3 years ago