スレッド: Introductions
Portugalscaeva1 year ago

Hi all,

My name is Nelson and I use the handle 'scaeva'. I work as a system administrator and open source developer/maintainer. I play video games for almost 35 years and started with the ZX Spectrum and moved to consoles (Master System, Mega Drive, Saturn/Playstation, Dreamcast, Playstation2, Playstation3, Playstation4 and hoping to get a Praystation5).

I do tend to prefer consoles as I spend a lot of time on PC for work and the games I like to play aren't supported on my operating system of choice (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). Besides video games, I practice sports also, Kendo and Iaido.

I got some interest on the speedrunning community after seeing some videos on youtube by Karl Jobst on some very old games. As I followed the topic, it just amazed me the level of skill, creativity and commitment that the speedrunning community places in videogames.

So I decided to drop by and gather some advice for starting to learn how to properly speedrun a game, I choose Elden Ring to start, though I would like later on to try some of the ZX Spectrum games from my youth.

Thanks for your time, scaeva

Pear そして Comrade_S これを好き
Started playing video games in 8bit ZX Spectrum. Moved to consoles, SEGA and Playstation.
1 year ago
1 year ago