Scotlandsapphics5 years ago

Forgot to post this here; a couple of weeks ago Cyan artist/designer Eric A. Anderson uploaded two proto-Uru proof-of-concept demos for DIRT (plus a non-Uru-related tech demo for the Plasma engine), posting links on his Twitter account. These are: • DIRT/Descent: A relatively long demo spanning from the Desert Canyon down the Great Shaft to the end of the Bug Cave. I've created a (miscellaneous) category for this and submitted a run for it; if you're reading this, you're probably already aware of that. • Hector Cove: A very small demo showcasing an early version of what would eventually become Noloben. I didn't create a category for this one, since there's not much in the way of gameplay, and there isn't really an obvious end point of any kind. • Nexus: The aforementioned pre-DIRT Plasma tech demo, created by Headspin to showcase the engine to Cyan, before their acquisition. Since it's not an Uru game at all, I refrained from creating a category for it. If people really want to run it, though, I could consider creating one (I'm not sure how likely it would be to be accepted as a separate game on this site).

Scotlandsapphics5 years ago

The online The Path of the Shell category requires runners to drop a pellet in the Pellet Bahro Cave in order to get the K'veer imager combination. This of course means that the runner will have to bake a batch of pellets during each run.

Luckily, from what I can tell by looking at the relevant Python scripts, it would appear that 'orange glow' pellets are also capable of illuminating the imager combination (though not for nearly as long as 'white glow' pellets). This is extremely fortunate, given that white pellets take over two and a half hours to bake, while the lowest tier of orange glow pellets can be baked in several minutes.

I did some research, and so, if anyone is looking to run PotS online: There are 749 oven setting combinations (if you use the same settings on all four ovens) that will produce "orange glow - LOW" pellets in 9 minutes. A particularly simple one is 1.5 / 50.0 / 50.0 (1.5 units/lines of time, and maximum values of amount and temperature). There are no combinations that can produce orange pellets in 3 or 6 minutes, even if you use differing settings on all four ovens. Low-orange pellets will illuminate the symbols in the Bahro Cave for 3 seconds (compared to white pellets' 18 seconds), so taking a screenshot of the combination will likely be easier than trying to write it down. For reference, medium-orange pellets illuminate the symbols for 6 seconds, and high-orange for 9.

Scotlandsapphics5 years ago

I've been considering various aspects of the Uru Live rules and categories for a while; the current rules are not finalised, and need to be expanded and modified in a few places to account for the differences between offline and online Uru. I've removed the online To D'ni, The Path of the Shell, and Complete Chronicles categories for the time being until everything is worked out. What I'm looking for with this thread is your opinions on the issues described below, if you have any. Even if you don't have opinions on every issue here, any feedback at all would be useful. (Though I realise that asking you to read this 2.5k-word wall of text that has very little importance to anything or anyone and give feedback is... not necessarily entirely reasonable. If you do, I am incredibly grateful, and if you don't, I understand.)

I've split this post up into sections just to make it clear which areas specifically it is that I'm looking for discussion on here. (Though of course please feel free to discuss any other aspects of MO:ULa categories that you have opinions on.)

I am fully aware of the fact that no-one has run this game in over two years, and that the number of people interested in doing so is quite low. Because of this, obviously some of these issues aren't particularly relevant or urgent in the slightest at the moment. As veo said, "i dont know if it's worth getting too bogged down in category discussion if nobody has or is willing to run them". That said, I'd say that it's better to get most of this out of the way now such that when it becomes relevant it's all already done (...co-op runs excluded). Also, I'd imagine that having concrete categories and rules in place is more likely to encourage people to run them, and less likely to cause problems if someone submits a run that breaks not-necessarily-obvious rules that were never explicitly stated. Honestly I also largely just don't want any new individual runners in the future to make up their own rules without consulting the community beforehand.

The premise of To D'ni in offline is that you must: gain access to the Great Zero via Kirel, collect the required markers to activate the GZ, link to Descent (which can only be accessed after turning on the Zero), open Dr. Watson's journal, and jump down the Great Shaft. In Uru Live, however, reaching Descent doesn't really present an issue at all, given that you can just head directly to it via the Bahro Stone in Tokotah Alley. Given that this sucks as a category and doesn't really keep with the spirit of the offline TD category, I'd like to propose just removing it entirely in online.

I would, however, support the creation of some kind of 'Calibrated KI'/'All Marker Missions' category (name suggestions welcome), wherein the run starts upon first movement in Relto and ends upon the completion of the final CGZM mission.

The conditions for completing the Path of the Shell Ages are different enough in online that an online PotS category would be completely different from its offline counterpart. The whole ball-rolling part of The Path of the Shell just isn't in Uru Live, nor is the ending of TPotS. In Uru Live, the Pellet Bahro Cave (which in offline gives you part of the fireplace combination, which is not randomised) gives you a randomised imager combination for the Cleft that takes you to the main hall of K'veer. A linking book to Myst is located in K'veer's other hall. There are no linking books in Myst, meaning that it is effectively the ending point of that particular quest. Additionally, Uru Live also has the ring segments (one each for Er'cana and Ahnonay), requiring touching all of the Journey Cloths and then entering the Shell Portal that appears in each Age.

Thus, should the category end upon reaching K'veer (as in offline) or upon reaching Myst? I personally vote for the latter, since it seems to make more sense for Uru Live (and it's not like any other part of the category is the same as offline, lol). Also; should the ring segments be a part of the category? That is, require the runner to collect them both before linking to Myst to end the run (and if so, should the runner be allowed to link to Myst beforehand in order to get the linking book in Relto?).

Two of the puzzles in this part of UL (reaching the fourth maintenance area in Ahnonay and dropping the pellet in the Pellet Bahro Cave) require multiple avatars to solve; I'll go into more detail on this in a later section.

Given the (potential) removal of To D'ni, I don't think that this category would make sense. An 'All Ages' or 'All Rings' category would also face problems, given the nature of the Pod Age's puzzle. There may be other things that can be done with categories like that, but honestly imo that's a discussion for another time.

Just for completeness; aside from ABM and TPotS, there are three other Relto rings. They are: • Eder Delin and Eder Tsogal: As this category would require a large group, I'd prefer to hold off on this discussion until some indefinite point in the future. • Pod Age: You thought offline TPotS was bad? The nature of this Age's puzzle means that runs would have a minimum length of around 4 hours and 45 minutes, almost all of which would be spent sitting around doing literally nothing. Let's just agree to never speak about this again. • Minkata: This would require a player to complete Minkata with a new avatar, ending upon collecting the ring. Given the fact that some people have suggested Age ILs (this category would just be the Minkata IL plus getting to Minkata in the first place, which isn't difficult), along with the fact that Minkata just doesn't seem like it would be particularly interesting to speedrun, I personally don't think this is a category that should be created (unless someone particularly wants to run it).

This isn't really a relevant issue at the moment, but I guess I'll throw it in here anyway, just for future reference.

Currently all online categories allow for a maximum of 4 players (though I may lower this to 2 and change the rules to be solo-only for now, until anyone is actually interested in running co-op). It should be fairly obvious that having more players corresponds to a direct advantage in terms of speedrunning. As Kat pointed out a while back, taken to the extreme you can have each player go to a different Age and solve them independently in parallel. Thus, I feel like just allowing any number of players in every category isn't really the best decision for the purposes of fairness and accessibility.

If more people ever become interested in running the game (in groups, in particular) then I propose that subcategories be added for 'solo' runs (ie. 1 player plus a heavily-restricted second player for Ahnonay and the Pellet Bahro Cave - see below for more on that) and 'duo' runs (ie. the main runner plus an unrestricted second player); possibly also other subcats for larger numbers of players. That does, however, raise several questions. In non-solo runs, should every player be required to complete the game, or just player 1? Should every player be forced to start with a new avatar in Relto? (gonna say no to this one, since synchronising that would be... rather difficult.) Should every player have to record and upload their own PoV? What restrictions should there be for players other than player 1? Where do Eder Delin and Eder Tsogal fit into this?

Presumably because of influence from offline Uru, the current rules state that runs in all categories start timing upon linking to the Cleft. While this may have made some amount of sense when the only online category was ABM, it (in my opinion) definitely doesn't now that other categories are potentially going to be added. You're not required to complete the Cleft at all in order to meet the completion conditions of PotS in MOULa (or, indeed, any category that doesn't require you to go to the Journey Ages). Furthermore, it's possible to do things like open the Relto door / link to various Ages before linking to the Cleft (though this could be specifically forbidden in the rules, of course).

Thus I personally believe that online runs should all (possibly or possibly not including ABM; see below section) instead start upon first movement in Relto (or doing something like viewing your Relto book; just first input other than settings changes).

Though I personally think that Ages Beyond Myst online should also start on first movement in Relto, this presents an issue when considering the fact that three online ABM speedruns already exist without that section being part of the run. There are a couple of possible options here: • Have ABM start in the Cleft, unlike the other online categories (and also specifically require that you are using a new avatar that has not opened the Relto hut door or linked anywhere other than Relto). This option would be inconsistent with the other UL cats, though would be consistent with the offline ABM category. Personally I dislike this option; I think that consistency with the other online categories is more important than the latter. • Have ABM start in Relto like the other online categories, and add a set amount of time onto the current three runs in order to compensate for the rule change. This would involve measuring some kind of average amount of time between the Relto and Cleft start times in a typical run scenario, and adding this average time onto the three runs on the leaderboard. This obviously isn't entirely ideal, since the average time would not necessarily reflect the time that veo or Synth would actually have achieved, though to be honest the difference would be at most a few seconds; it wouldn't exactly rock the leaderboards. It would be very unlikely to cause issues at any point, unless someone submitted a run within a second or so of either veo's or Synth's.

Creating speedrun rules for an MMO like this, with overly-complicated and obtuse instancing rules, where there are so many potential loopholes (many of which don't necessarily fall under the umbrella of things that 'common sense' dictate aren't allowed), is headache-inducing (especially when multiplayer categories are considered; which again, isn't a thing that I have any intention of doing here). In order to clarify exactly what is and is not allowed when speedrunning Uru Live (in solo only – the rules would have to be modified for multiplayer categories), I've come up with a couple of simple restrictions (in addition to common sense stuff like not using bot commands). I think that these should cover most cases where potential loopholes could exist? If I've missed anything, I'd appreciate suggestions for further additions or changes to the rules.

• All runs must be done with a newly-created avatar. • You may not link to an instance owned by another avatar (though you may link to other neighborhoods). • You may not allow another avatar to link to an instance owned by you (except under the circumstances described below for The Path of the Shell, wherein you may have a single restricted helper avatar). • You may not deliberately have another avatar assist you in public and neighborhood instances (in ways such as opening doors before you come to them).

This is the part where I talk about my bullshit and arbitrary plan to still have a solo category in online The Path of the Shell! I propose that, instead of simply disallowing solo PotS runs, the runner be allowed to enlist the help of another avatar for the purposes of the two puzzles that require another avatar (ie. dropping a pellet in the PBC and rotating Ahnonay to reach the fourth maintenance area). This helper player would have a very specific list of things that they would be allowed to do; something like the following: • You may link to the main runner's instances of Relto, Er'cana, the Pellet Bahro Cave, Ahnonay Cathedral, and Ahnonay, though to no other instances owned by them. • In Er'cana, you may only interact with the pellet dispenser, the pellets, and the PBC Bahro Stone, in addition to objects such as ladders that do not impact progression. • In Ahnonay, you may only interact with the Ahnonay Cathedral linking book (you may also chase Quabs off of the island).

This area is one I'd particularly like feedback on; are these restrictions too strict? Too lenient? The main reason that I wanted to have this weird semi-solo TPotS category with stringent arbitrary restrictions in the first place, instead of simply having the category be multiplayer-only, is because I wanted people to be able to run the rest of Er'cana and Ahnonay alone (instead of requiring two active runners, and requiring routing around having two players). I completely understand the perspective of disliking this approach, though, if it seems too arbitrary to actually be any fun.

Another, related question: Should the helper have to record and upload their PoV as well? I don't think it's as necessary in this category as it would be in actual multiplayer categories, but I can definitely see arguments for and against it.

This isn't relevant to Uru Live categories or rules, but since I never received any responses when I suggested it in the Discord server, I'm just going to state it one more time here, in case anyone other than me has an opinion on it. How would you all feel about the speedrun.com URL for this game being changed to 'uru'? It would make far more sense than 'moul'. Unfortunately the old URL wouldn't redirect (only the default URL, which in this case is 'URU_Ages_Beyond_Myst', would still redirect), meaning that any links to this game page would have to be updated accordingly.

In conclusion, to repeat what I said at the beginning of this post, I would appreciate hearing anyone's opinions on anything that I've said here, or on any other aspect of Uru Live categories. Even if you don't run this game or only have opinions on certain areas, please share them, either here or on Discord. The purpose of this post is to consult with the community and seek consensus on how Uru Live as a speedgame should operate.

Thank you for your time ^^;

Scotlandsapphics5 years ago

Just to maximise visibility, here's a link to the Any% guide, featuring descriptions and demonstrations of techniques and strategies, and an overview of a possible route (both for Vanilla and for No Cutscenes). Please feel free to suggest edits to the document!


Scotlandsapphics5 years ago

The current rules for both Any% and Achievements% state that the timer starts as soon as input is given to start the game. However, I have recently noticed that each run on the leaderboard starts the timer at a slightly different time relative to the fade-in and appearance of the message pop-up. Generally speaking, this is not really the fault of the individual – it can be difficult to reliably ensure that the timer starts on the frame that input is given, especially if the timer is added in post (due to there being a fade-in from the main menu instead of a cut). It is, however, something that must be addressed for the purpose of fairness.

The obvious solution to this problem would be to change the point at which the timer starts, the two possibilities for which are: • The appearance of the message pop-up: ie. the frame on which the pop-up first becomes visible. This may be more difficult than the other possibility for those starting the timer live (since they would have to estimate the point at which the pop-up appears). • The disappearance of the message pop-up: ie. when the player presses 'Accept'; ie. the first frame on which the pop-up is no longer visible. If this start time is used, it will be difficult to switch back to any earlier start time in the future; that does not necessarily mean that this timing should not be used, but it is a fact that should be considered.

These new start times would slightly change the current Any% leaderboard. Specifically, the leaderboard would end up looking like this:

  1. CarlThaBeast (18s 220ms or 18s 020ms)
  2. FrostySeason (18s 919ms or 18s 635ms)
  3. EmojiMOON (19s 231ms or 19s 006ms)
  4. sapphics (19s 260ms or 19s 100ms) 5/6. Leoj20 (21s 470ms or 21s 140ms) 6/5. FionaKaenbyou (21s 520ms or 21s 130ms) The only positional change here is that Leoj20 and FionaKaenbyou would swap positions, but only if the 'disappearance' timing was used.

On a somewhat-related note, I have considered for a while the possibility of splitting the leaderboard based on platform, given the significant differences in what is humanly possible with a touchscreen and with a mouse. This would group runs into a 'Touchscreen' category (iOS, Android, Switch) and a 'Cursor' category (Windows, macOS, Linux); suggestions are of course accepted for other names for these subcategories.

These are both issues that I have considered since I first started running this game, though I originally ended up deeming them insignificant (a particularly poor decision in the case of the start time issue).

I welcome any and all feedback for these suggestions! Nothing is set in stone, and feedback from other people who have run the game would be particularly useful in making decisions related to this topic.

FrostySeason これを好き
Scotlandsapphics6 years ago

The following is a proposal for a 12 Achievements category, based on the game's 13 Steam achievements.

I'm aware that this game doesn't exactly have an active speedrunning community, but it would be nice to get at least some feedback on it (Fiona in particular - I'm sorry, but you are the game's sole moderator). Some specific feedback I'm looking for includes opinions regarding the inclusion/exclusion of Faster and Reset, as well as opinions regarding the category's name; I've been calling it "12 Achievements" (or jokingly "DownWithCis%") but I'm not sure about that name, tbh?

None of this is urgent, of course. :p

[section=Rules] All runs must start from the main menu. The timer starts as soon as input is given to start the game. The timer ends as soon as the conditions for the last achievement are met.

Throughout the run, you must meet the conditions for all of the twelve achievements listed below (all Steam achievements except 'Faster'). The achievements may be collected in any order.

[section=List of achievements] This is a list of the game's achievements and the conditions required to unlock them. The precise frame-specific 'timing' conditions are only used for retiming the end of a run (if necessary), and so only the one for the last achievement in a run is relevant.

Reset Erase the phone's data without having reached the bottom of the diary. Awarded upon clicking 'Accept'. For a run, this is counted as the first frame after the pop-up disappears.

Free WiFi! Connect to the Melren Open Wi-Fi network (password: 29064). Awarded upon either clicking 'Accept' OR upon receiving the pop-up for Alice's email (15 seconds after reaching the bottom of the diary; this activates the wi-fi regardless of its prior status). For a run, regardless of whether or not the email skip is used, this is counted as the first frame after the wi-fi icon in the top-left changes to its 'connected' variant.

<3 Log in to Sam's 'Sam-Thing' account on Lovbirds (password: 0131). Awarded upon clicking 'Accept'. For timing, this is counted as the first frame after the profile becomes visible.

<3 <3 Log in to Sam's 'Sam-Thing-Else' account on Lovbirds (password: 1219). Awarded upon clicking 'Accept'. For timing, this is counted as the first frame after the profile becomes visible.

Bookworm Click on every topic on the Be You forum (including the VIP thread, though you are not required to have unlocked it). Awarded upon clicking on the link to the last thread. For timing, this is counted as the first frame after the webpage changes (either to the topic in question or to the login page).

VIP Enter the VIP thread on the Be You forums (security question answer: 1961; account password is randomised). Awarded upon entering the VIP thread after logging in. For timing, this is counted as the first frame that the VIP thread is visible.

Photo Booth Let go of any sense of ethics you may have been clinging on to and send Sam's selfie to Phil_free (and receive his response). Awarded upon clicking 'Accept' on the message pop-up. For timing, this is counted as the first frame after the pop-up disappears.

Secret Garden Unlock the diary in the Calculator app (password: 85922). Awarded upon clicking the 'Diary' icon. For timing, this is counted as the first frame that the diary itself is visible.

You've Got Mail Send the draft email. Awarded upon clicking 'Send Draft'. For timing, this is counted as the first frame after you are returned to the inbox.

Photo Album Download any one of the image attachments in the E-mail app (ie. not any of the ones on the Be You forum). Awarded upon clicking on the attachment to download it. For timing, this is counted as the first frame that the 'File added' notification is visible.

DJ Download any one of the audio attachments in the E-mail app. Awarded upon clicking on the attachment to download it. For timing, this is counted as the first frame that the 'File added' notification is visible.

The Truth Erase the phone's data after having reached the bottom of the diary. Awarded upon clicking 'Accept'. For timing, this has the same conditions as an Any% run (ie. the first frame of the credits).

Use the 'to top'/'to bottom' button 10 times. Awarded upon clicking/pressing it the tenth time. The game has a bug involving this achievement, and even if it didn't there would be problems with it; see the 'notes' and 'potential methods' sections below for more information.

[section=Sources for achievement conditions] • https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=851053355This YouTube video • Original research/experimentation

[section=General notes regarding the 'Faster' spam bug] • When the button is pressed normally, it triggers a jump from the current position to either the top or bottom of the current conversation/list, depending on the direction last scrolled by the player. As far as I can tell, this jump always takes the same amount of time. When a jump is in-progress, the player cannot scroll at all, and the only way to cancel the jump is to exit from the current conversation/list (difficult on PC, given the speed of the jump). • The internal 'number of times pressed' counter starts at 0, and the achievement triggers as soon as it reaches 10. The counter does not increment past 10. The value of the counter persists unless you reset the phone and then immediately quit the game. • The counter can be incremented (by 1 each time) in three ways: ‌ ‌ • NORMAL: Clicking on the button while it is visible (and there is not a jump in-progress) will increment the counter and play a sound effect (as well as triggering a jump). ‌ ‌ • MID-JUMP: Clicking on the button while a jump is in-progress will also increment the counter (but will not trigger a jump), and will play a sound effect. ‌ ‌ • INVISIBLE: If the button would appear in a particular conversation/list if the player scrolled, then clicking on the location of the button will increment the counter, regardless of whether or not it is visible (note that a jump will not be triggered if the button is not visible). This will not play a sound effect. • Like most other buttons in this game, it only counts as being pressed (for all three methods above) if the mouse button was both pressed down AND released while hovering over the button (though it can be moved off of the button between those two events); specifically, upon the release of the mouse button. The enter key shortcut does work with the button.

[section=Potential methods for verifying 'Faster'?] • : Not at all ideal since it automatically excludes people not using Steam (including anyone on Android, iOS, or Switch), and isn't particularly convenient even for people that are using Steam. Achievement notifications are also delayed, and sometimes don't show up at all until another achievement is unlocked; this poses a problem if for some reason Faster is the last achievement that someone collects. • : Imprecise, though precision isn't required unless Faster is the last achievement collected (which I suppose is something that could technically happen; this method would be useless in that case). As mentioned in the notes above, not all actions that cause the counter to increment will cause a sound effect to play. This would also require all runners to have sound effects audible in their recordings; not sure if that would be considered.. acceptable? Another problem that I just realised: the sound effects are so much quieter than the game's music, which makes them more or less inaudible and pretty much precludes this method as a possibility. • Visual (ignore spam bug): ie. the first frame of the jump. It's unclear how this could be done with a 100% success rate; in small lists/conversations it would probably in some cases be unclear if a jump actually occurred or if it was just the player's scrolling. • : So, this method would have used a combination of visual and sound effect verification to make sure that each discrete jump actually occurred (though would still have had other issues), though the volume of the sound effects kind of makes this as impossible as the standalone sound verification method. So, whatever. • Ignore achievement: Given the difficulty in verifying this achievement, honestly it might just be best to not require it for the run (though of course it wouldn't really be an all achievements run any more). This is the option that I personally think works best out of these five.

[section=Example run] This is an example run I did in this category (without Faster), clocking in at 01:05. It's not fully polished, but it shows what a run might look like.

The basic route layout that I used: • Reset • Activate the wi-fi • Log in to Lovbirds • Collect the forum achievements and download the selfie • Enter the diary and scroll to the bottom, starting the 15s timer • Send the selfie to Phil • Collect the three E-mail achievements • View Phil's reply • Head to Settings and use the persistent pop-up bug to complete the run

And the times for each achievement: 00:03.33 | Reset 00:12.18 | Free WiFi! 00:15.93 | <3 00:19.10 | <3 <3 00:30.10 | Bookworm 00:43.38 | VIP 00:47.65 | Secret Garden 00:57.23 | You've Got Mail 00:58.51 | Photo Album 01:00.28 | DJ 01:02.23 | Photo Booth 01:05.68 | The Truth

And (just to make sure!): please don't feel like you can't suggest (major or minor) changes to the category just because I've already run it. I'd be happy to redo my run (which I'd probably be doing anyway, given the imperfections) if it meant having better rules for the category.

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