Brazilnetworkags7 years ago

Thank you so much for the help, Julian. First of all, let me explain that the sound issue is only on Windows XP, because lowering the hardware sound acceleration is needed in some machines--and even then the sound isn't perfect--you can experience some sound clicks. Second point is that I follow and watch a lot of RE3 runners which has mainly random slowdowns sometimes--I already noticed this even in Wusscake races. Anyway, I finally figured out that part of the problem's caused by the number of CPU cores used for the game. On Windows 10 I set 3 of 6 cores and now the game runs better but not perfect. I hope it can help a lot of runners facing the same or similiar problem. Below some settings and recommendations. Sorry about my bad english--hehe. Take care and keep the good work! :D

Game/process settings: Compatibility - Windows 98/Me or Windows Vista SP1 CPU afinnity - 3 of 6 Cores "CPU 0/1/2" Desktop resolution: 1600x900 Game resolution - 960x720 Windowed

My system specs: Windows 10 Pro x64 "all updates 5/1/2017" AMD FX 6100 @4GHz AMD XFX HD 7790 Core Edition AMD Driver: 17.4.4

Note: Use the software Process Lasso that's a "Process Priority Saver" to save the CPU afinnity, so you don't need to configure the CPU cores everytime you re-open the game. And if you still having issues, play the game on Windows 98/Me or Windows Vista SP2.

allancg これを好き
Brazilnetworkags7 years ago

Hello guys! I've noticed many problems running the game "EA Taiwan" on Windows 7 and 10. On 7 there's random slowdowns but no apparently input lag. On 10 there's both. I've also tested on XP 32 & 64 bits, but there's audio problems even with basic hardware acceleration, and my AMD 7790 video driver crashes randomly--anyway there's no input lag and random slowdowns. On Vista it seems to run flawlessly. Other versions of the game have the same problem. Any suggestions? I really appreciate. Thanks!

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