スレッド: Resident Evil
South Australia, Australialeviathan00106 years ago

I have tried running both in administrator mode and non admin mode... Still no effect. I just want to know what that error is so i can fix it... But it is gibberish so i can't even attempt to decipher it.

スレッド: Resident Evil
South Australia, Australialeviathan00106 years ago

I run this game in Windows 95 mode. and this message pops up before the game even starts to run. Like once i click on either Biohard or Biosoft, this is the first message that appears. When i click ok... The message pops back up again instantly

スレッド: Resident Evil
South Australia, Australialeviathan00106 years ago

I am running Windows 10. I do use that install file with the Chris icon, But still no effect :( I will try to instal it on my Laptop and see if anything changes or if it is a faulty file or somewhat.

スレッド: Resident Evil
South Australia, Australialeviathan00106 years ago

I have done everything in that tutorial video and in other tutorial videos as well but still receive the same error message... If only i knew what the fucking error was saying and not be installed with complete gibberish.

スレッド: Resident Evil
South Australia, Australialeviathan00106 years ago


This is the error i am receiving

スレッド: Resident Evil
South Australia, Australialeviathan00106 years ago

The setup option? can you elaborate a bit more? I have done the setup as explained in the tutorials and done everything that the tutorials require (Including patches) And their versions work, yet mine has an issue. Ill post a picture of the error soon.

スレッド: Resident Evil
South Australia, Australialeviathan00106 years ago

So the story goes like this, I have installed Biohazard 1 on my pc. The disc is mounted, i have downloaded the patch and everything is running in compatibility mode. Yet any time i run Biosoft or Biohard, i get a box that comes up which looks like an error but since i can't understand it (Because it's just symbols and giberish) I do not know what to do or how to fix it. I have look up for hours how to fix it but no one else seems to be having my problem.

Can anyone here please help me??

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
South Australia, Australialeviathan00106 years ago

Hey there everyone!

I just need some help with being able to quick fire the pistol as i cannot find any real useful information other than "Spam aim" Even with spamming aim, It only has something like a 20% chance of working. Since i am using a keyboard, I hold fire (Space Bar) and spam Aim (X Key) and only sometimes will this work. Is there a better way of showing what i need to do? I have even used the unlimited ammo cheat just to test and muck around and even after weeks, i am still unable to get the quick fire working more than 50% of the time. Would using a controller be better?

Secondly, With the door skip scenes, i can usually get the timing right on skipping doors, but certain doors will skip the animation but remain black for the rest of the scene (Basically using the same amount of time as not skipping at all) Is this a common thing or are some doors just un-skippable?

I'm still a noob in the RE2 Speed running scene but I am improving. So go gentle on the noob shaming :(

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
South Australia, Australialeviathan00107 years ago

@Drazankoll I had to delete everything, Re download both Live split and Resident evil 2 and i followed your instructions and now it FINALLY WORKS!! I cannot thank you enough! Merci! You are all amazing! And thank you too @Julian for helping out too! I know your post didn't exactly help but I am grateful for your help regardless!

Liv そして Darazanjoll これを好き
スレッド: Resident Evil 2
South Australia, Australialeviathan00107 years ago

This is one of the tutorials i have watched and I have followed every instruction and yet still nothing! I have the right version of resident evil 2 sourcenext but not even the SRT's work with the game. Everything is running through administrator but still nothing.

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
South Australia, Australialeviathan00107 years ago

Hey everyone! I am trying to use Livesplit 1.6.9 And the auto splits provided in the resources tab and i have had nothing but trouble.

-The timer does not sync with the game (When i start playing, the timer does not start)

  • I cannot see my split times when I split manually (I will split and instead of a time, all I get is a ~ and no time)
  • I am unable to save my Layouts or Splits at all because Every time I do, It just closes and doesn't save.

I have followed so many different tutorials online to a T and yet while it works for them... Nothing is working for me.


I could just be retarded and it is a simple fix or there could be something very wrong here..

Please Help me?

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