United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike26 days ago

Thank you for pointing the error out. I honestly have no idea how it was miscategorised, but I suspect it may have gone all the way back to before I was actually a mod in this group.

United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike2 months ago

I like games this like. They appeal to the orderly side of my brain. I run many games with a lot of RNG crap so it's nice to get to occasionally dip into something (mostly) ordered like this where any mistake is usually my own.

Typically my resets here are within the first 10 seconds with a bad initial plane landing. Compared to resetting 2-15 minutes into a run, that's quite pleasant :D

United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike2 months ago

yes... that is... weird.

Aeihu hasn't been online in 11 months, so I'm guessing life happened. No worries though, not exactly a crazy community here. Well, crazy as in busy. We're a bit nuts for running this.

United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike2 months ago

I submitted a ticket to take over the group and was accepted around 2 weeks ago.

I'd originally submitted my runs around 6 months ago and they had been sat in pending since. I presume the groups original MOD went inactive. They've since (apparently) abandoned the group entirely as even I did notice I was sole mod until you submitted this.

スレッド: Airport Madness 3D
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike2 months ago

Hi all - Please try and include the IGT with any submission videos. IIRC it's displayed at the successful completion of each level. Just makes verification easier.

スレッド: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike3 months ago

When Suck Up! was originally released I was not personally aware of any specific glitches or skips within the environment that could impact anything notable in regard to speedrunning. I did, quite literally, just map out what I thought was the most efficient route using the intended (most obvious) pathways.

Since that time, however, three fairly significant time-saving glitches have been discovered:

1 - The ability to clip through porches to knock on doors (saving time walking around them)

2 - The ability to clip through a wall in Mr. Boomer's house (making a more direct route to Sakura's house)

3 - The ability to jump over Karen's roof, coming from Elom's house (making a more direct route 'as the bat flies')

When the "Normal" category was created, this was solely in regard to it not allowing any glitched 'conversations' with the AI. In other words, interactions had to be, relatively speaking, 'as intended'. And in regard to the this category, it was only created because some very clever people found that there were ways to 'trick' the AI.

With that being said, however, the above skips have made me question the overall nature of 'Normal' vs 'Glitched' and specifically what definitions people may apply to those categories moving forward.

So, I've had to make a decision...

For the current patch version, and any future patch which does not fix or change any of the above, "Normal" will allow the above three skips and anything else subsequently discovered as long as it is nothing too crazy; Such as the ability to permanently fly as a bat, etc..

If this is an issue, I will happily rename the category to 'Normal% No Major Glitches" and create a new one "Normal% No Skips", but I'm going to leave the community to decide that as we have precious few runners and I wouldn't want to muddy the waters by making a whole new leader board nobody would participate in.

スレッド: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike3 months ago

Around 2 months ago I attempted to tidy up the leader board to better comply with the updates Suck Up! received since its release 6 months ago.

To do this I did archive the original 0.2.11 submissions which, unfortunately, sent them to a metaphorical graveyard.

It was not ideal, but at the time I couldn't think of a better solution.

With that being said, I did regret losing the older records and talking with some of the Suck Up! speedrunning community, I have re-created those leaderboards and reinstated the records under their respective categories.

If I've made any errors, please let me know.

スレッド: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike3 months ago

I should note too, an easy speedrunning trick is possible.

Firstly, from #19 - After you leave his house turn left and jump over his porch railing. - This gives you a neat line around the edge of #20 (Elom's) garden which avoids the police (which seem to congregate there quite heavily). - I'd recommend against turning into a bat, however, until you know you'll reach the door (Elom doesn't mind your nudity).

After #20 (Elom) if you follow the garages to the left, turn into a bat and jump onto #21 (Karen's) roof. You can literally run and jump over it to land right on her doorstep. - This only works as a bat, but it will easily save you 10-15 seconds (and there are 'clothes' just to the left of her door).

スレッド: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike3 months ago

Sometimes, despite the strats, the AI can be very difficult, so consider this more of a generalised speedrunning strategy. There are definitely some inconsistent people in this game and you may want to experiment with finding your own methodologies.

ラン: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike3 months ago

Retimed to 32m 36s

スレッド: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike3 months ago

Just an fyi to runners that I'm not going to archive past version leader boards anymore unless a new version release significantly alters something.

TLDR - If the games mostly the same, the leaderboard will stay the same. - If something significantly new happens, it might get renewed.

ラン: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike4 months ago

I massively approve of this run (I did actually consider renaming the category 'Verbal Diarrhoea%" as when I ran this mode I enjoyed getting into the overall theme of the game.

スレッド: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike5 months ago

Hi all! - With the release of v.0.4.3 I've finally gotten around to updating the leader boards (apologies for the delay but I've been working away from home for, pretty much, the last 3 months). Alas, those on the prior release version have seen your runs consigned to the 'archive' pile as the undoubted release of more updates would only see this leader board get very cluttered (and mostly obsolete) very quickly.

The good news is that the runs should still exist on your own profile, the bad news is that they won't appear on the leader board any more.

But hey, you can always submit a new run... Apologies for any disgruntlement though.

スレッド: The 7th Guest VR
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike6 months ago

That sounds perfectly fair and reasonable to me. Picking up the oar is literally the first meaningful input with nothing you do prior having any major effect (if any at all).

スレッド: The 7th Guest VR
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike6 months ago

We could just use an honor system that if you're not grabbing the paddle to the boat you're fine. - Usually I wouldn't have a problem with the 'new game' start point but on my submitted run (for reasons unclear) it took around 20 seconds to boot the game. And with that being said, I've never really checked that it's consistent.

I'll happily take the time loss as I can improve upon my submission, but if it's going to be an inconsistent point then I think, as you said, maybe kicking things off on the first frame out of the black transition makes sense.

スレッド: The 7th Guest VR
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike7 months ago

Okey Dokey thank you - I wasn't sure as this game is a pain hitting the splits with the headset on to begin with.

My only mild issue would be that something glitched on the initial load adding around 20 seconds of time (I have no idea why, but in my other runs the boat usually spawned within 3-4 seconds of me hitting the timer whereas on that run it didn't actually load up until WAY later. - You may note at the start of the run I said 'I hope I'm in the boat' as I was running between my desk (to start the timer) and the middle of the room so I didn't keep whomping my hand on things. The issue was I would end up being stood in the lake rather than on the boat :D

スレッド: The 7th Guest VR
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike7 months ago

Hello - Have we established at what point submitted times should be recorded? - I've been going from 'first' input (on the boat) to last input (walking into the portal in the end game).

Any issue with this?

スレッド: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike8 months ago

Route guide which I may update according to new discoveries, but if you're looking for starting tips, this should be helpful!

ラン: Suck Up!
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike8 months ago

I'm back off to work soon for a few weeks, but the plan is sub-50 before then.

スレッド: The 7th Guest VR
United Kingdomhowlin_mad_mike9 months ago

Yes, I watched how you did it first just to make sure it wasn't already known. Your technique certainly has advantages from the point of view you can scuttle over and get cracking on the cash register puzzle while the train is solving itself, I just thought this worth a mention in case it could present/offer a slightly more optimised version.

Tbh how you've already got this sub 1 hour is somewhat baffling :D

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