スレッド: Kid Icarus
United Statesfruitbatsalad1 year ago

Thanks for this info and congrats on your damageless run! I'm hoping to catch some of your streams soon.

This is great research. A deep understanding of these rooms can be helpful for every category. Even if we can't fully manipulate the RNG, it's helpful to know the odds (like 1/5). I think you're the first person to detail the RNG routine in this way.

Zetorux これを好き
スレッド: Kid Icarus
United Statesfruitbatsalad2 years ago

One other glitch/exploit is that shots can double hit Medusa when you're up close. I'm leaning towards "minor glitch" for that one.

By the way, be careful what you wish for - in a NMG category without wall clips, you'll need to deal with more eggplant wizards! And the randomness of the 3-4 boss. It might be worth it to get a 3rd strength upgrade.

Thee_Deadguy これを好き
スレッド: Kid Icarus
United Statesfruitbatsalad2 years ago

Personally I've thought about a "No Major Glitches" category. Some of the borderline tricks are "minor glitches" in my opinion, and would still be allowed. Keep in mind I'm not a mod, and this is just my own two cents. These are just my ideas, and I'm interested to see where the conversation leads.

Minor glitches (allowed):

  • rapid fire
  • locking the first boss in place
  • enemy/platform manipulation such as making a reaper fall through a floor, making a snowman despawn, or making the platform on 1-3 bonk the wall and turn back early (because all of these things can happen accidentally anyway, so we might as well just allow them)

Major glitches (not allowed):

  • wall clips
  • wall jumps (the old 1-4 trick)
  • screen wraps in world 2
  • health underflow glitch
Schlimtor, AiSnake そして 4 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Kid Icarus
United Statesfruitbatsalad4 years ago

Hi everyone. I've been working on a simple practice hack, and I just added it to the Resources section in the sidebar. You can use Lunar IPS or a similar program to apply the patch.

I also made a video explaining how to use the practice rom:

Let me know if anyone has questions or issues.

Pikraken, Beanalby そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Kid Icarus
United Statesfruitbatsalad5 years ago

I like the idea for 100%, but I think it could be debated about what constitutes 100%. What's the rationale for not including fortress items like pencils and torches? Must all bosses be killed?

That's one of the reasons I personally prefer a "Best Ending" category - everyone can agree on what the requirements are, since it's built in to the game. Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing both categories added. I wonder if having more categories might draw in more runners.

スレッド: Kid Icarus
United Statesfruitbatsalad5 years ago

Hi everyone - I've been playing this a lot lately and thinking about other categories. Besides Any%, my favorite idea is a Best Ending category. Some other games have this as a category, such as Gimmick and Cave Story.

For Kid Icarus, getting the best ending requires all strength upgrades, all health upgrades, all 3 special weapons, and 999 hearts. It's difficult to do all of that while still going fast. My favorite part is that this category would actually make use of the special weapons, which we don't get to play with in Any%. The crystal shield is fun.

Is anyone else interested in this? I've done a few runs of it, and I'm linking my PB video below. If other people are interested, then I'd love to see this added as a category and submit my PB.

Pikraken, barnowl, そして Hearn これを好き
スレッド: Hebereke
United Statesfruitbatsalad5 years ago

I did some runs of this about a month ago, and I'm planning to return to it sometime. In my PB I got the 2 safety potions that ZodaNOR mentioned. In some of my earlier runs, I also grabbed another potion (the underwater one near the waterfalls) somewhere in the middle of the run. You might also consider getting a life container for safety somewhere (maybe the one in the dark area, because it could help with the final boss).

I struggled with the wall jump for a while and thought I'd never figure it out. What helped the most was lots of practice and trying slight variations on my timing until I found the timing that worked. I agree with ZodaNOR that it's about building a good muscle memory - you have to do it enough times to get a feel for it. I wouldn't bother doing the second wall jump (at the trees) until you're confident with the first one.

Turbodog702 これを好き
スレッド: Kung Fu
United Statesfruitbatsalad6 years ago

For what it's worth, I do run this game (maybe your comment wasn't directed at me). But I'll stay out of this discussion from now on. Cheers.

スレッド: Kung Fu
United Statesfruitbatsalad6 years ago

I thought my post was reasonable - what part looked like a witch hunt? I don't know JoshKeys, but I was happy to see a new runner playing Kung Fu. I watched his run and enjoyed it.

スレッド: Kung Fu
United Statesfruitbatsalad6 years ago

I don't think there should be a PAL category. I don't see PAL categories when I look at popular NES games like Super Mario Bros. 1-3, Metroid, Zelda, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, and Castlevania. I don't see why Kung Fu should be different in this regard. In my opinion, the games I mentioned (and others) demonstrate that there is a consensus on this issue in the speedrun.com community. It would be odd for the Kung Fu leaderboard to be different from that standard.

On the other hand, PAL categories make sense for games like Blaster Master and Super Metroid, because those games have tricks that can only be done on the PAL version.

When someone submits a PAL run, my opinion is that this is exactly why we have the region indicated in the "Platform" column. If the categories were merged, then the region flag would still show everyone that JoshKeys has the fastest PAL run in the world. (Incidentally, I noticed he has submitted speedruns for some other NES games in NTSC format recently, so maybe he would decide to try Kung Fu NTSC sometime.)

7 years ago
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