スレッド: Doom 64 (2020)
c944441 year ago

Is there SR40 and SR50 like doom classic?

If so, what buttons are used to do this?

(Sorry my english)

スレッド: Doom (Unity Ports)
c944441 year ago

That is a good idea, delete every leaderboard and let only Episode 1-3/4 categories I think.

These sites had sense before 2015 IMO.

Moderators seems kind of inactive since I submited a little run 3 weeks ago and has not been verified, the recent runs section shows runs from 2 months ago on every site.

You guys should ask 4shockblast, I think everyone will agree with this.

スレッド: Doom (Unity Ports)
c944441 year ago

I think mods from here should request moderation on official classic Doom sites, since Tezur0 doesn't appears on the moderators list.

スレッド: Heretic
c944442 years ago

"In-game time" field is supposed to be maps 1-7 time.

"Real time" field is supposed to be maps 1-8 time.

Leaderboards are currently sorted by igt, there should be a way to make them sort by real time. (since nowadays nobody matters map 01-07 timing)

About run timing, if you save and load, the use of intermission screen igt would be unfair, in that case real time is used (first frame when start playing to first frame of last intermission screen I think).

This game has demo recording feature, in the original engine a complete episode can be recorded in a demo file, but just a single episode not multi-episode, so real time is used on fullgame runs.

ラン: Heretic
c944442 years ago

Retimed to IGT because is single-segment run.

スレッド: The Site
c944442 years ago

I think that comments section on runs could produce toxicity in the speedrun community, I guess that youtube comments are enough.

Also, I think that forum post likes and dates are not relevant, think that should not be shown in the front page.

Gaming_64 これを好き
スレッド: Ultimate Doom
c944443 years ago

They have vanilla behavior?, oh... I really felt it easier and with a little of bit weird playability. So, I take back what I said about my ignorant arguments.

Thanks for the answer.

スレッド: Ultimate Doom
c944443 years ago

I cannot understand why does that ports exists, this product is already done.

c944443 years ago

You can do it, but using igt on this site could not be fair. Old video proofs doesn't show the map time in ep4-5, and there's a source port issue that shows 0 seconds on intermissions screen when is skipped too fast, then true igt of existing ep1-5 and some ep1-3 runs could not be calculate. I think that it's fair start using igt when all runners begin using new crispy port or gzdoom.

c944443 years ago

Probably nobody would like do it at single segment, meanwhile you can use the real duration of the playback for this site and leave in-game time in blank, because runs are not sorted by real time (that means that any run with any igt will be the 1st). If that becomes popular only sum of igt could be used on the leaderboard, or sum of igt could be used in the real time section, don't know. Hope not to sound rude and also I doubt that anyone run that category at skill 4 or 5 as fast as episodes.

c944443 years ago

I did some rule changes (2021-02-01):

  1. Deletion of in-game time for episode 1-3 1-5 runs. (I did a backup of all in-game times: https://archive.org/details/igthereticbackup )

Timing metod was really weird (the sum of map1-7 time of each episode), I consider this change more fair for rta.

If you will submit a run of this kind, please let the in-game time field empty.

Anyway In-game times can be restored again if there are disagreements.

  1. Jumping feature banned.

  2. Added Crispy Heretic to source ports.

As well I'm thinking to add individual levels for make this game more active.

Thom_Wye そして Shyanji これを好き
c944443 years ago

I opened this thread for opinions, questions, suggestions and complaints related of this site, rules and moderators.

If you have anything to say be free to do it.

Shyanji これを好き
スレッド: Hexen: Beyond Heretic
c944443 years ago

Does anybody have any tip or setup for the lastest skip?

I got all the glitches working, but with the last I always get killed, I have tried look at the all directions with shorttics, using disc of repulsion, including the left pedestal of the door and when I can get out of bounds the majority of times inside the room with the monsters.

スレッド: Ultimate Doom
c944443 years ago

It's allowed turn off the screen melt on boom to ep1-3,4 rta runs?.

I think that this feature have to be banned because could improve time against runs that have it enable.

c944444 years ago

I think that should be a hard subcategory because it is pretty different than easiest difficulty, is possible to fail a run being killed, against easy that is just do the skips without care about the enemies.

OmaiR_IrfaN これを好き
スレッド: Heretic
c944444 years ago

That is used in hexen speedruns, looks legal

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