スレッド: Mario Sports Mix
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

Yeah, that's because of how SRC works, there are two options: Create the same subcategory 8 times (for each category that needs it) or asign it to all of them. The second option is better imo. It will be changed if it's possible at some point. I added a part to the rules regarding it.

スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

The tables are just ILs with the default view changed to ILs, which is why they pop up instead of the full-game leaderboard (this option is found right above the save button in "Edit Game"). So you can create the IL Leaderboards while still having the full-games one up, once your done you can just delete all full-game categories and everything should work. Maybe admins could help you move runs over, although im not too sure about that.

Imaproshaman, Quivico, そして pikashy これを好き
スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

Can you link some of these runs? Would be easier for us to help you then.

NihilistComedyHour これを好き
スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

You can filter by regions tho' so you only see runs done on EU, US etc systems.

HowDenKing そして ShikenNuggets これを好き
スレッド: Talk
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

I watched someone speedrunning some games and then joined this site, and now I like being here

スレッド: Speedrunning
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

Depends on the game, ask on the games forum/discord.

ShikenNuggets これを好き
スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

As a Mario Sports Mix speedrunner, I don't see a big problem here, just put "2on2, Normal, Behemoth, 1P" somewhere on screen and it should be more than enough for viewers to find the right category. Your game has less subcategories so it should be even easier. And sure, URLs for it would be super useful either way.

スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

It's not a bug, just a mistake (I guess) on the mod's side. I create a post on the games forum regarding it, hopefully he fixes it

Imaproshaman そして ShikenNuggets これを好き
スレッド: Street Racer
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

@Fulgrima 's run currently isn't showing up on default, it only shows up when clicking on Filter > Racer > Any. As a mod it is possible to fix this by unchecking the "default" checkbox in the "Driver" variable under "Edit Game". Also, you might wanna set some rules up (Timing etc) so runners know when to time the run.

Fulgrima そして MelonSlice これを好き
スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

You need to enter "channel/UCMiNt-X_-FRnBcPPuk5ikKA", on YT multiple users can have the exact same name so you need to enter the URL instead

スレッド: Super Mario Odyssey
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

Yeah, Super Mods can if they want to.

スレッド: Super Mario Odyssey
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

You can't delete a thread, only the first post which makes everything worse. Just leave it here.

TezLog これを好き
スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

@diggitydingdong Your first post came off really aggressive, that's why all these posts came. And your last post wasn't much better either as it's really just "How about you start listening to feedback instead of doing anything else??" which isn't exactly nice. Again, staff are volunteers and do this entirely in their free-time and by doing so you can't add 10 new features per day because there's just not enough time to do so. Staff is currently working on a site redesign and you can't really work on two things at a time so it takes a while until they can add new features and everything. Coding isn't pressing a button and done, even seemingly small features could take hours of work with bug-testing and everything included, and if you do everything in your free-time these features already take up multiple days. Be patient.

/edit: And not even mentioning that these kind of messages demotivate a lot! If you really want to see new features, stop asking.

Imaproshaman, CarkInTheDark そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

A solution would be to just use one of them like this: https://www.speedrun.com/newerds For fullgame we only use times with loads and for ILs only wtimes without loads. Both are using the same time column as the two aren't used at the same time. Should work good enough.

If you do need both then I don't know how to fix it except using variables, which isn't exactly a good solution either.

スレッド: Speedrunning
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

Bizhawk is actually quite often banned in my experience, so not really the best one for speedrunning.

スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

^ Not all suggestions should actually be implemented and some would just take way too long. There are other more important things that should be worked on and these aren't listed here. And the staff is doing everything in their free time too. Just be patient, they will get to some suggestions at some point.

Imaproshaman, Oxknifer そして 5 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

^ Maybe add a "image" checkbox next to it which you could also disable entirely as a mod.

HowDenKing そして diggity これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

About the Wii: You can't really download any VC games anymore because the Wii Shop is closed now so youd need to get them illegally (use google for that), Wii U still has VC, even with DS although that one isn't exactly cheap and probably shuts down soon too.

スレッド: Speedrunning
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

Yeah, just a normal post, maybe shorten it bit if your asking on Discord

スレッド: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
SwitzerlandblueYOSHI5 years ago

Just upload it to YT once you recorded it (Twitch works too but YT has the better video player)

Tepill これを好き
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