スレッド: The Legend of Zelda
beam_reach5 years ago

hi RandomEffeckt

unfortunately, I have to agree. the applications for speed running are limited.

even with skilled use of the boomerang, and all the potential benefits (item collection, iframes, the wooden boomerang is on every route), you still have to contend with flight time and also menuing. im guessing menuing is probably the real boomerang killer.

I just wanted to overturn this false dogma of

(1) can't buffer RtL screen scrolls (2) can't use b button items for screen scroll buffering

スレッド: The Legend of Zelda
beam_reach5 years ago

im not 100% sure that frame counting will be possible in that uploaded video. the resolution isn't high enough, I suspect. the orlginal video shows a full 4 frame input!

スレッド: The Legend of Zelda
beam_reach5 years ago

hi Timmiluvs, thanks for the interest in the video.

I added a frame counter for this video. you can see inputs on the bottom display persisting for much more than a single frame input. single frame inputs are almost impossible with my set up (Mac keyboard and fceux).

but don't take my word for it. try it for yourself. it is far more forgiving.

スレッド: The Legend of Zelda
beam_reach5 years ago

see my new vid to demo buffering of screen scrolls. (also started new thread)

スレッド: The Legend of Zelda
beam_reach5 years ago

you can buffer screen scrolls in either direction using the boomerang. I hope this helps some of the less elite players find their stride. Apparently this is not common knowledge.

throw, position, catch/buffer.


スレッド: The Legend of Zelda
beam_reach6 years ago

timmiluvs, looks like your conclusion is correct, but the reasoning is not correct. the memory address for the ladder (or anything under an armos) is not in the enemy sprite addresses (~0350ish). however, the whistle activation or bombable wall is in those addresses.

スレッド: The Legend of Zelda
beam_reach6 years ago

I don't understand why it doesn't cause overflow. if the sprite limit is e.g. 11, spawning the 11th armos on the right (in the video) will reveal a staircase. isn't the staircase the overflow? i couldn't find any evidence of overflow in searching.

スレッド: The Legend of Zelda
beam_reach6 years ago

Is it possible to exploit this glitch for arbitrary code execution?

6 years ago
5 years ago