United StatesZeZombieFace4 years ago

Well, never hear about that skip. Maybe the others know better but I don’t remember seeing someone doing that. If you can redo it, that would be great! And if not, at least, we know it is possible.

Do you play on PS4 or PC? And since you speak about survival mode, does that mean you think it is impossible to do the same with the others mode?

xowidow これを好き
United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

So, I am not the only one who get mad at them (specially Natalia in episode 4 drive me crazy).

I play raid mode too but I just discovered there was a red mode (do not judge me please haha). Still exploring it ^^

Anyway, I already said it but thank you again StevenMayte and Soulless_Persona !

United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

Yes, that's my goal to bring more player and more challenge :)

And I agree with you 100%, if I was mod, I would wait for an other one to verify it, too.

United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago


And Congratulation for breaking the WR. I was happy to be 1st for a whole day ! I will try again later but for now, I am fed up with this episode ^^ Do you plan to submit your run?

Soulless_Persona これを好き
United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

Haha Soulless_Persona, I am so impressed by your skill! I trained every morning before work during 3 weeks to reach the same IGT you did in one night ! I love it ^^

United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

Yes, I was doing some tests with fire and explosive bottles since I almost never used them before and I did a surprising good run! Still, I was "chocked" when I saw the final result.

OK, I am a little bit relief since 2 moderators came to confirm it was not a glitch.

I am still at the office so I will submit my run tomorrow probably.

Thank you again for your answers guys, I really appreciate your feedback!

United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

Really !!!? That would be a great news if this glitch is only on countdown mode!

OK, so I have to check this run after work to understand how I won 11 seconds and I will be back to you.

Thank you for your answer StevenMayte, I appreciate that!

United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

Darn, I am looking for answer and I found my answer on a previous thread: https://www.speedrun.com/rev2/thread/8sej2 It seems it was a well known glitch.

Still, there is this ugly record of mine on the capcom leaderboard... I do not think I will be able to erase that with the regular way... As I said, for now, I just see an eventual 7:29 maximum...

Since it is IG time and this glitch disturb the timing, would it be too much to add that in the rules? I suppose there is other part of the game people can use this glitch... Or maybe there is somewhere else this rule is written? ^^

United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

Hi Guys,

As you can see, I started RE rev2 this mid-march. I was focusing on Claire Episode 4 on Normal since I don't really have a lot of time IRL.

I was doing a not so bad job and my goal today was to try sub 7:35. I think I reach my goal with my last run but when the highscore showed, instead of 7:33 (as I was thinking), it showed 7:25. Even if I did an excellent run, I do not think it is possible for now to go under 7:29 anyway.

I have to watch my replay when I will go back from work but I think it's because I was so bored waiting that the door open after Alexia speech (it was at least my 70th run), I started to switch from a character to the other until this stupid door open. Do you think it is because of that (that is the only big thing I did differently) ?

If yes, does that mean my run cannot be accepted on speedrun.com? That won't be an issue, the think that upset me off is I think I reach my goal of sub 7:35 but, more than that, on the official capcom leaderboard, I am now top 1 and, if it is a glitch from this stupid switching character, I look like a cheater... that's piss me off! I prefer to be second with a real high score than first with a glitch.

Can the community give me an advice? I would be grateful If it is a glitch, do you think I can ask capcom to erase this score?

United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

Super! Thanks StevenMayte! Your answer will help me a lot.

Unless it is a bad idea, I think I will create a new profile to play the "new game". I don't trust my luck with the cloud save ^^

And too bad for the raid mode, it looks fun.

Thank you again.

United StatesZeZombieFace6 years ago

Hello guys,

I am looking for some advices to speedrun this game. I am on console (PS4).

And I have several questions: 1/ I am trying to figure out what does mean the rules for the any%: New Game Rules-

  • Must be played with a clean save file (No upgrades/No EX weapons/No infinite ammo)

Since I don't use any EX weapons and infinite ammo, it is not a problem but I am not sure what does mean the "No upgrades" parts? Since I bought all the available skills, does that mean I have to delete my data?

2/ do you use the ex-weapon and infinite ammo to speedrun the level-runs? I think it is allowed but I did the episode 4 with Claire and no need for it. I was wondering if it was the same case for the other episodes.

3/it seems that you have higher level of zombies with the raid mode when you are connected with RE.net (I read that on a old threath in an random website). Is it the same with the game ?

4/Do you have a favorite control setting for speedrunning this game (I use the default one, the control type A)

5/I use to speedrun RE remaster and played in Japanese version because we could save some precious time to show the text. But I feel it is useless on RE Rev 2. Am I right ?

6/ Is Moira faster than Claire?

7/ And a last stupid question: do you think changing costumes change the speed of the characters ? ^^'

I am not sure if I will have a lot of answer because it seems not to be a very popular game among all the RE series - which is sad because it seems largely underrated (in my opinion of course) - but I would like to thanks everyone who came before (and who will come after) to give some tricks, it helped me a lot to start to speedrun this nice game.

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