United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

No, its happening to everyone. There trying to fix it currently https://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/x6f7o

kibowman これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

im locking this thread, @Mid7at any questions will now be done between the mods/Full mods.

Mangoflame, ReportWroteByLeon, そして Mid7at これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

@Mid7at my Discord is YossyHop#3772 you can message me there.

ReportWroteByLeon これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

@Mid7at You can contact the mods on Discord, or any other social media. Discord is always best and most preferred.

andrewlim そして ReportWroteByLeon これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

Really?..... Alright Well most runs dont sit for more than 4 days. We get to as many as we can, be patient. There are LOTS of runs being submitted per day. Understand that moderators have a life outside of re2. It is very normal to have a run sit for 24 hours on any game.

Elfonztm, TrichaelMan そして 2 その他 これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

"We've decided not to ban it. We feel that it is not something that is not adequate enough (as far as time save goes) to worry about. This "strat" isn't going to get you WR. Even with 1 changes it's 5 seconds max time save. Even if a runner did do it and then their run was garbage, it wouldn't even matter. Having clean lines, good inventory and an overall feel for the game is what's going to get you ahead, not some silly strat. If people wanna use it, go ahead, but it's not going to wreck the RE2 speedrunning community by having it. If you feel above using it, that's your business, but as of right now, it stays. Please respect this decision in an adult way."

We mods have looked into this discussion twice now, we are no longer giving this anymore attention, the strat is allowed. Please move on and continue enjoying the game.

LeviTheRelentless そして Jadusable2 これを好き
スレッド: Layers of Fear (2016)
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

alright Thank you! I'll try and mess with it as well :)

スレッド: Layers of Fear (2016)
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

Hi, i just started running this game and curious how you guys get that trick? I run on ps4 so I assume its harder then PC. Sometimes i get it but I have no idea why i got it lol. Is there audio/visual ques that you guys use?

United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

Yes, upgrades for handguns are allowed.

ReportWroteByLeon これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

Hi, currently we the mods and what seems like the rest of the community (unless others speak up) don't care if people do this. It is allowed as long as it does not exceed the 2 min pause rule.

LeviTheRelentless これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

@Kreeftt I looked and your run has been verified but for some reason is not showing on the boards. Give it time, and it should show up soon. The site has been weird lately. The run is on your profile and if you check Jadusable's run it actually says 2nd.

ReportWroteByLeon これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know (if you don't already) that the "runs awaiting verification" section located on your profile is not working currently. If you submit a run trust that it's in the queue, or if you are really uncertain DM a mod and will let you know :)

RaceKing1900, tommy67pham そして 4 その他 これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

Until we see more popularity in the CE boards we have no plans on adding more categories.

ReportWroteByLeon, Ibmendes, そして Jadusable2 これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

no, only the Handgun can be used with exception of the Launcher on Leon's scenario. no other Items offensive or defensive can be used.

United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

As long as you do not use that item you're good

Zoft これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

The current difficulties are "Standard" or "Hardcore" Yes it can be upgraded :)

Zoft これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

For anyone that hasn't heard the news, we've added Handgun Only to the CE boards. https://www.speedrun.com/re2remakece Be sure to try it out along with other categories over there :)

ReportWroteByLeon そして Jadusable2 これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

Yes, you are allowed to do that. Only thing you can not do is, change FPS settings during the run, and Graphics Settings may only be changed at Boss fights (and must be shown)

ReportWroteByLeon そして morelan これを好き
United StatesYossyHop5 years ago

in a few other DLCs I believe you actually lose time if you have Cero D

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