スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago

(for videos just turn subtitles On and click auto translate if interested)

スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago


スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago


スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago


A little late, sorry, but how's the hack going?

Brazilians have a kinda "out of time n space" love relationship with Sega Master System and this game specially. If you find some in forums or in youtube channels a lot of people might enjoy and even publish your stuff.

For instance you might wanna contact Velberan Channel: A real "Seguist"Enthusiast

スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago

Videogames ruined my life.

Luckily, I have 2 more lives left


RaggedDan, QuikTime22 そして 9 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago

@asbmafi "...because they have to many of the same game or the game is just really bad"

Absolutely not always the case.

Such a vague and simple answer for such a relative and more complex matter. Many games are awesone and pretty popular and they get a long time without seeing a sequel or even not seeing any version in newer generations ever again. It might have to do with sooo much more stuff.

スレッド: Streets of Rage 2
WeaponLord4 years ago

@Sm_Izumi I know. But is very true to SOR originals. Don't those kinda fit in the same category as hacks?

Not really that I'm interested in, I'm just curious what characteristics on the game exactly make it not fit Speedrun.com.

スレッド: Streets of Rage 2
WeaponLord4 years ago

Why isn't Streets of Rage Remake in Speedrun.com?

WeaponLord4 years ago

Some forums stablish rules for what emulator is accepted, but this happens when a lot of runners feel interested on the game. This is not usually a problem in games that don't have much competition. As long as runners do not nottice some real visible flaws or frame speed increase that would be like a "cheat", I mean.

I think if you feel ok with an emulator you think is closer to original hardware, you are good to go. This is my personal opinion by the way, I don't know if you will get any other answer here. As you can see this game doesn't have many runners.

For my run I used Psxfin. For the reason that it doesn't have much configuration (not even fps configuration), so I wouldn't be worried about this. I don't know if it's an ok emulator in other forums.


LeandroAmadeu これを好き
スレッド: The Site
WeaponLord5 years ago

Yeah, I notticed that too. Will it get back to normal?

WeaponLord5 years ago

@MysticManiac This will be great also for us all to see the three consoles put aside =P Since you're using a xbox. We already have Gamecube and Ps2 on the board ^^

Don't worry about these stages you're not entirely confident. This game is a lot random. It is in fact the most inconsistent game I speed ran. I can assure you will never have 2 similar runs lol. It is ridiculous how random things get into theis game. Be in stages or in one on one fights. Sometimes see, I die to a hard opponent and I don't give up. And on the continue I manage to kill the very same difficult opponent in a matter of seconds. So that's what I think it's fun in this game. Even with 1 or 2 deaths, you still have a run because You never know how fast next fight will be, and RNG enemy movements and reactions on stages (they can or cannot defend punches and throwns a lot) etc etc etc It's so much randomness that it turns out to be fun. Even if you set some strategies, there will be a giant inconsistency.

Just tell it to knock off and break it as you can =P

WeaponLord5 years ago

@MysticManiac Yeah, when it's just a slight difference, it depends on small things, like if you loading the game from Disc or hard drive... But I notticed the difference in PS2 is tremendous, which is expected since playstation 2 is notorious for having a more complex architecture, compared to others from same generation. Some games tend to be "heavier" on the system. The difference in real game time I see between my gameplay and Falcos is really big, not only in loadings screens but also in transitions from a cutscene to other between stages, the transitions take seconds to disappear, appear, etc It seems anything that is not in game time takes extra seconds on ps2. I use a PS2 loading from a disc. I don't know if it can be fixed with a hard disk mod, but anyway I'm not buying a fat ps2 with hd mod any sooner...

Well, I think I have a good time for what it is anyway, and I might take a break for a while =) But I'm looking forward to watch your runs =)

WeaponLord5 years ago

I loved the Femme fatale fights! It's so good to know I have a lot of more time saving possibilities to do! My Current PB is about 1h 37min. I think that my ingame time is close to Falco but the loading times take several minutes of my total time. I just compared his video with mine and it seems PS2 has a much slow loading times compared to Gamecube =(. I will have to use emulator or get another console if I want competition lol

You did a good job fiding these time save jewels dude. I think when you have a good run it will be a much better run than the current WR. And I can't wait to watch it!

MysticManiac これを好き
WeaponLord5 years ago

Nice work. It's great that you doing this study on the possibilities of actual skips. I found the elektra top of the world to be amazing, although I think for what the trick requires it should save more time, I don't know if the save is worth, but it surely is not a hard trick and once the runner feels safe about it it can be used all the time.

The Elektra Death from afar seems a lot harder but is the only one so far with a shield and a "goal point" that is possible to get and trigger the stage clear.

Street fight with wolverine in the other hand as I suspected still requires that the player kill all enemies, so the force field skip turns out to be not worth on this one.

MysticManiac これを好き
WeaponLord5 years ago

Today In DEATH FROM AFAR with elektra I found totally by accident an interesting skip

It's possible to skip the green energy shield walls by going through them. Some characters have moves for thrown enemies. While making these moves the character has some invulnerability frames, so they can go through these walls.

Maybe this can be exploited with other characters. If we could skip the green wall in death incarnate with Magneto, for example, it could be a big time save

The biggest issue I see is that you have to bring the enemy close to the shield, which is the hardest part, since enemies usually spawn far away from these walls. I had an enemy close to the shield just out of luck

When throwing enemies Elektra has this acrobatic stunt move, that other characters don't

But I wonder if "throwing objects" animations, or any other move, have similar invencibility frames?

MysticManiac これを好き
WeaponLord5 years ago

I've already submitted them. The strange thing is I can't see them in my pending actions, like I see the story run (I supose it's because it's miscellaneous?).

I hope they were submitted ok. If there's any problem tell me ^^

WeaponLord5 years ago

Here are my runs time starting on "choose stage"

Versus 9 Lives hard

Versus 9 lives hard NO RING OUT

WeaponLord5 years ago

@Jumpyluff What i meant by "editing", is before even uploadig to youtube I like to prepare the video from my run by simply adding a timer on the screen (since it's impossible for me to do that while I record from Ps2), so I do after recording whenever is a small run, it takes just minutes. It's not against any rules (as far as I know) or neither required in the rules. It's just something I like to do. You will see when I upload.

WeaponLord5 years ago

@MysticManiac I'm having an issue on my internet. My upload speed is 0 lol. Althought the download is normal. which means I'm unable to upload videos to youtube... I'm trying to solve this ussue with my internet provider, But it should get back to normal soon

It's great you might be able to play it this weekend. I'm looking forward to watch your runs. Try having some versus too if you have the chance. I have a PB recorded on ring out and no ring out 8-)

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