スレッド: Speedrunning
WeaponLord4 years ago

@myfifa20 I was thinking about modern sports games. lol

Gaming_64 そして YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
WeaponLord4 years ago

This is all as far as I know, and I might be wrong, but;

I don't think Speedrun.com makes a police checking if games are or not original, although the community doesn't encourage Piracy for sure.

I think the cartridge issue is the same as a console. If the game runs differently in a non-original cart or console compared to how it would do in the original then there would be a category problem (like being considered emulation for example).

So in any case check how the forum of the specified game thinks about it.

WeaponLord4 years ago

I recently got back to running this game. I had to do major changes in my pc, so I'ts been a while, I'm kinda fresh starting again, getting used to the controls again.

I'll try to make my times closer to @Trebr0n 's

: )

Reicha7 これを好き
WeaponLord4 years ago


I have no idea if the original game suported analog stick but it's ok to use for me. It might help if you get used to it. @Trebr0n uses the analog stick to do a fast 180 quick turn only when placing the crystals. I use only the D pad all the time. It's personal how you prefer =)

Reicha7 これを好き
WeaponLord4 years ago

Version: All runs so far have been done on NTSC versions, but it's your choice.

Emulator: ePSXe is the one I use. Just watch some tutorials on youtube to set plugins and bios if needed and you'll be ready to go.

About the runs, it's easy to become frustrated with deaths and movement in this game, because of the outdated controls... I think this game is harder to run than tomb raider in my opinion, because it's an action game with tomb raider controls lol

Just keep trying and you will master enough to have decent runs. It gets time. =) I look foward to watch news runs.

Good luck!

WagnerBrasil これを好き
スレッド: Twisted Metal: Black
WeaponLord4 years ago

We are outta runners, more runs are always welcome, =) I see no problem with emulators

Although PS2 Emulators are always difficult to handle smoothly on many games. due to the alien architecture of playstation 2. But if you have a good PC and can do it, bring it on.

Alternatively (and best) Running the game with PS3 or PS4 seems the perfect idea as suggested

WeaponLord4 years ago

Since some Players want to play with these characters I created a new category: ARCADE MODE - Powerful characters.

How to play this category:

"Gain enough experience to display pictures of Dictator, Akuma, and Garuda in the Expert Mode screen. Now go to the character select screen and hold Start while choosing either Dictator, Akuma, or Garuda."


Como alguns jogadores querem jogar com esses personagens que causam mais dano, eu criei uma categoria: ARCADE MODE - Powerful characters.

Como abrir esses personagens:

"Ganhe pontos o suficiente no modo Expert para mostrar os icones de Garuda, Akuma e Dictator. Agora na tela de seleção, segure Start ao escolher Garuda, Akuma ou Dictator.

スレッド: Speedrunning
WeaponLord4 years ago

@MASH My idea was know more about Marathon Events. My thought was that "tournaments" had some to do with Marathons, lol. But you are right, sorry, I will delete the thread then

スレッド: Speedrunning
WeaponLord4 years ago

A simple silly question; I like to watch.

European Speedrunner Assembly https://www.youtube.com/user/EuroSpeedAssembly Brazilians Against Time https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKYDcGvkc0_WsEkaqj9T1Tw and GDQ https://www.youtube.com/user/gamesdonequick

Any other channel to reccomend? Doesn't matter the language

WeaponLord4 years ago

@MysticManiac Wuuuut! Niiice man! I'm gonna watch it right now! Congratulations for the WR!

MysticManiac これを好き
WeaponLord4 years ago

I moderate a game that keeps track of both In game and Real time


But just to show an example, in this case it makes no difference for ranking, because whoever gets faster in Real timer, gets in In game timer as well, It's just a matter of keep tracking.

But when loadings take differences between platforms it really can change ranking, so it's important to keep that in mind.

MysticManiac これを好き
WeaponLord4 years ago

That's very convenient! And very inclusive and practical. It allows everyone to get a InGame-timer comparison beetwen runs without concern about different platforms, or reading from a disc or hd. In my case I have a PS2 slim with no hard drive, I use the disc and it's tough. The loading times is really messed on this platform comparing to more simple architectures of its same generation as gamecube or Xbox specially with no hard drive installed (which also includes the factor using an emulator or real hardware)

But this can be a thing only if everyone agrees on. Specially mods. And also comes the question, it will be a variable or to change completely the Leaderboard records if times and rankings turn out to be different than current ones?

MysticManiac これを好き
スレッド: Streets of Rage 2
WeaponLord4 years ago


The way I see mods deal with brand new games that has few runners is to create 1 or 2 categories just as an experiment.

Since it's Just IMAGINE =D, All I can do now is tell you how I would do:

Streets of Rage Remake for PC;


  • Version of the game: 5.1 on it's Final Release (no mods)
  • Game options must be shown as "default" settings (there is a "Default" button in Options menu what would make things easy)
  • Cheats must be shown as all disabled
  • No bosses and secret characters allowed (other than that, can pick any SOR version of original characters)

Since the game also try to mimic SOR1, SOR2 and SOR3 routes, we could pre-stablish the SOR1 route, SOR2 route and SOR3 route (routes would be stablished first stage to last stage)

First categories could start as the following ones:

  • SOR1 route (Difficulty: Normal)
  • SOR2 route (Difficulty: Normal)
  • SOR3 route (Difficulty: Normal)


Subsonix そして SauceRainShinobi これを好き
スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago

Walking in the dark Now there's just some cookies Which is not for you, I know it's not I just can't explain, it melts in my mouth Dying to me now is pop corn

Can't you understand? Can't you understand, boy?

So, shake your head So, shake your head, sucker

スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago

And I love this loop for some sick unknown reason

スレッド: Talk
WeaponLord4 years ago

JUNØ117 これを好き
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