Ohio, USATyadran6 years ago

I shared this in the Power Rangers speedrunning Discord, but in looking for good strats against Ivan Ecto M. at higher difficulties, it looks like j1+2 is the answer.

Recorded on Hard difficulty:


  • Jumping right as he stands up after getting hit and having him block the glide /almost always/ results in him uppercutting, which you can glide into and repeat, as you see here.
  • After throw, if you immediately glide past him, he will /always/ use the dashing slash special, which you can hit him for doing (as you see me do) by just gliding again.

Between these two 95% guaranteed behaviors and the fact he will almost always uppercut after blocking a glide, he becomes pretty much a flowchart to fight and shouldn't be hard to defeat consistently.

Ohio, USATyadran6 years ago

Running ILs alone in this game is kind of weird since there's no level select or anything. So basically I just time them off of each fight in the runs that get submitted. Technically I prefer it that way too, since a level being submitted alone has no way to verify the difficulty, and it could be hard to tell between Normal and really incredible luck on Hard. If it's submitted as part of a run, submissions are supposed to verify the difficulty being run at the start so it eliminates any ambiguity.

Ohio, USATyadran6 years ago

Actually, I added my Discord to my profile here. I didn't realize that was a thing I could do. Feel free to use that instead, but there is a dedicated channel to this game on that Discord for more public communication if you prefer it over these forums.

Ohio, USATyadran6 years ago

Hey, sorry I've been slow about verifying runs. College has been getting into full swing so this game has been the last thing on my mind. If you notice I'm not doing something I should, feel free to message me on Twitter or find me on the Power Rangers speedrunning Discord. It's not my Discord but you can find me on there and DM me: https://discord.gg/VAu6SmC

Sorry again! Everything should be verified now. When I have a lot more spare time I'll go through and update ILs from all the new runs.

Ohio, USATyadran6 years ago

Gotcha. Speaking of rules though, is there a definition for 100% yet? Would it include the tutorials or just the normal missions?

The ease of splicing a run for this game makes me partial to preferring livestreamed runs, but there's only so much you can do.

WiiSuper これを好き
Ohio, USATyadran6 years ago

Alright. I noticed there were no rules set in general so I thought I'd check. The save game makes sense for doing a number of consecutive runs.

It'll be a while before I'm ready to run the game anyway (just got back to it after a long time) but i wanted to make sure I understood what was currently used.

WiiSuper これを好き
Ohio, USATyadran6 years ago

I noticed that one of the runs loads a save game and the other one doesn't - I assume this is so you don't have to change the settings when you start the first level? This is normal/allowable?

WiiSuper これを好き
Ohio, USATyadran6 years ago

Ah, sorry I didn't see this sooner - I haven't logged in for a while. I used DxWnd (https://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/files/) to force the game into windowed mode. From there it's no problem to record. Updated my setting to email me about forum posts so I won't miss this kind of stuff again.

Best of luck if you run this game! Curious to see how it goes.

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