スレッド: Metal Gear Solid
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino9 months ago

The thing works like this:

  1. You reach the requirements for Fox to switch phase, but you throw him instead so he can't immediately teleport away

  2. Before the teleport there is 1 frame he can be hit by anything, so using the Famas makes it easy enough to hit. By doing this, you're keeping Fox in place and he can't teleport to where he's supposed to be for the camera anymore

  3. In the first cutscene, Fox has to put the sword away, but since you're interrupting it with bullets, you're overriding the animation, and if you stop shooting it's like you override it again by just making it stop

At this point the game still plays the cutscene, but is unable to switch camera because of Fox's position and animation. Fox still has the behaviour as if he would be inside the cutscene, hence why he stands in place. He runs towards you if you keep him busy during the animation to take away the sword because it counts as movement inside the cutscene as well.

スレッド: Metal Gear Solid
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino9 months ago
スレッド: Metal Gear Solid
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino9 months ago

To me either are not a glitch even if they might look like it, just a happy coincidence in the frames.

But since it looks like I'll be in the minority anyway, if something has to be banned I'd say it is ONLY the cutscene being triggered but still being able to move around.

Everything else that doesn't involve specifically that should 100% get in.

Rules about this should go like "Being able to control Snake while a cutscene is playing is BANNED". So we just cut down the problem to the very root and solve eventual problems in the future with new possible skips.

And of course, switch it back to No Major Glitches.

iLL_Pazzo これを好き
スレッド: Metal Gear Solid
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino9 months ago

Made a video that explains the whole thing in detail

スレッド: Metal Gear Solid
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino9 months ago

But what exactly is not allowed?

The cutscene skip? The empty cutscene? The phase delay? The throw into corners? The TAS frame perfect hits after any jump? Or the game just killing itself on its own?

Like, even if you ban something this one could still be valid for Glitchless since the cutscene isn't skipped:

Just like this:

And this:

Like, even if you want to ban something about it, there are so many ways to break it (even unintentionally) since the fight is just JANK AF by itself so what EXACTLY are you banning?

スレッド: Metal Gear Solid
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino9 months ago

First of all, the category itself should just go back to "No Major Glitchles" because in the current route, there are things like using a nade at Mantis, Leaning to avoid damage and Skating to name a few that are borderline glitches but are still allowed.

Then, for the actual Ninja, the whole deal comes by abusing a specific frame after the throw where the Ninja can be hit by anything, but the game gets confused and plays a different outcome based on the situation.

By doing this after dealing enough damage for him to skip phase, the game just tries to play two things at once, the cutscene camera change and the Ninja's position. However, we're blocking Fox's position by dealing damage, and for phase 1 we're lucky that the game reacts like that because of the katana animation and doesn't switch to the cutscene. If you try to do that on the other two phases, however, the results change, and if you do that by throwing Fox first but not dealing enough damage in the first place, abusing that frame just extends the current phase.

HOWEVER, this can also happen randomly on a normal gameplay, with Fox getting stuck by himself on this exact frame. And it reproduces the same effect of forcing it out with a throw. AND, basically all of his flips have this 1 frame where he can be frame perfectly hit and it does funny stuff breaking him. On top of it, we can literally have the same phase delay effect by throwing a Chaff.

Or randomly playing the game like it's supposed to like shown here...



SO, TL;DR The fight is jank and we're just exploiting it by poking it in the right place with basic gameplay tools, exactly like what we do with Mantis. And even if we didn't, it could still break on its own. Allow it for No Major Glitches.

MetalGlennSolid, dlimes13, そして ApacheSmash これを好き
スレッド: Metal Gear Solid
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino11 months ago

A ) Ban both Wolf2's trick, any Hind trick and Ocelot/Baker Game Over abuse to leave before the actual Rank Up animation.

If not

B ) Leave Wolf2's trick like it is, ban Game Over abuse on Hind and Ocelot/Baker but allow this trick:

If not

C ) Keep Wolf2's trick, allow Hind's trick and Game Over abuse and also Ocelot/Baker Game Over abuse

Reason: Just stop cheating :DDD

EDIT: Ocelot/Baker Game Over abuse just does not work because the laser room doesn't load until Ocelot is defeated for real, so there is no load zone to the Canyon

Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply, this game has been inactive for years.

Requested the game to be added to the series, and will add a sub category when a Special Edition run gets submitted.

Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino4 years ago

For the record, both my and Veictas' runs are executed using D3DWindower

スレッド: Syphon Filter
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino4 years ago

Is there a Discord or something like that where speedrunners can interact with each other? I'm enjoying ILs on SF2 and it'll be nice to receive advice or confront myself with other runners on a common platform

スレッド: The Site
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino5 years ago

Hello, I'd like to become a moderator for The Lost World: Jurassic Park (PS1/Saturn) as I've submitted a WR run since 3 weeks, the only moderator is offline since 2 months and I have no ways to contact him.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: Hogs of War
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino5 years ago

How come? Does the PAL version have special movements or something like that to compensate the 25hz?

スレッド: Hogs of War
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino5 years ago

Well, at that point you could just use a NTSC copy of the game. Any% and Glitchless% are 2 opposite things, to me that whole category is just nonsense and should be called Glitchless instead, where not a single glitch is allowed.

Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino6 years ago

I didn't find anything about this, so I ran my own tests.

There is not much difference between loading times and dialogs before the battles, even if the USA is slightly faster on that for most characters, but the real deal is that Vegetto's perfect/little damaged victory speech is 2,20s faster on the USA version. And since you have to see that for 11 times, that makes the USA version 34s faster.

Here's the video proof:

Hdot12 これを好き
スレッド: PAYDAY: The Heist
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino6 years ago

"Timing begins when the players come in control of their character on the first heist and loading times ARE counted between levels, so you are NOT allowed to skip any intros"

For me this is definitely not accurate and should be changed, since as you said already loading times are always different depending on the connections and computers used. I agree that for multiple levels should be used the end screen stats. Of course, if a heist is failed the time should apply. Even if I would say that clients should not be able to submit their stats UNLESS it's the same as the host (verified with another video or screenshot if the host doesn't record). Using this method even if there is huge desynch between host and clients the timer should still be accurate.

Also, for multiple heists in a row, restarting should be banned and if the host crashes during a heist the run should be nullified, since there isn't any failed time to count. I don't see any problem if a client crashes and rejoins during mid-game, since the host's timer should be unchanged (as far as I know). About that, more in specific I think leaving and rejoining (to speed up the escape, for example) should not be banned, but put in the Any% category instead OR, like in PD2, in a complete different category called Shuffle which counts as a separate Any%.

スレッド: PAYDAY: The Heist
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino6 years ago

You're always the best! I might return on PDTH for some speedruns, I find a lot of fun and satisfaction by doing them lately, I think it adds a new meaning to the game. I tried on PD2, but it's a RNG fest. Welcome back PDTH!

Razio これを好き
スレッド: PAYDAY: The Heist
Sardinia, ItalyTromboncino6 years ago

I was wondering why there isn't a sub-category for each difficulty for every heist and full-game. Speedrunning something on Easy and Overkill completely changes the cards on the table.

Razio これを好き
I am very World Famous, thank you
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