スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

So are you saying you go through the tale, and once you get to the final checkpoint you disconnect, join a new server, continue from your checkpoint on the new server, and turn in the fresh spawned item at that outpost? So long as you have unlocked that checkpoint during the run and the run doesn't start from a checkpoint, I think we should be okay with that, yeah.

ColeSlaw これを好き
スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Yeah, those rules clarifications are the main issue, because people DO try and exploit the wording, but I think you've summed it up in a way that works there. If no-one has any problem with it, I'll add the checkpoints rule tonight to give time for discussion.

MrLeSinge そして Anemion これを好き
スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Obviously this isn't an easy one to solve, and as a mod the rule generally is that I'm not gonna add a rule unless the community (Mainly the runners) agree on it. Personally, I'm happy with the rule "Run cannot be started using a checkpoint" which should work with having to be at the starting island. I'm also personally okay with placing kegs before you start, but we can have the "Kegs can be on the boat" as a compromise rule (Though this is ultimately pointless for TT9 because getting the kegs through the traps is much slower than the current method).

I still have 2 problems to deal with though, firstly, a new runner messaged me recently asking if he could use kegs on the gold hoarder, it's actually this message that made me bring up the keg thing. I can tell him the rules have changed before he submits it of course, but I thought this was good evidence that new runners don't mind doing the preparation.

Second: Is it possible for me to start a tall tale, vote to end it, then have a crew member join who is on the final checkpoint so we can vote to start from there. I will have started without using checkpoints, but someone with a later checkpoint saved joined my crew and let my skip to the end. It doesn't break any rules, but we can't really allow that.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Those are good points about the checkpoints, we'd need to establish a firm rule about how checkpoints can be used though. For example I've not used the checkpoint system yet, can you have multiple checkpoints saved for a single tall tale? Because if I make the rule 'cannot start the tall tale using a checkpoint' we dont then want people skipping checkpoints. As for the preparation, I know thats not how the 'story' is really meant to play out, but in speedruns the story is often completely ignored for whats fast, I also allow kegs for FOTD. Also, to my knowledge only TT9 has a guaranteed boss spawn location and only TT9 has a single place to sail, causing the wind direction to be so important. That tale has become a very optimised run, and when runs get optimised to that degree its usually the case that getting the top spot requires you to go through that much effort.

But yeah, if we can agree on a rule for how checkpoints can be used I'll allow them

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

The way I see it, using checkpoints at all would be like using a new game+. I don't really want to add another category for tall tales that involves checkpoints, because we already have the 100% category that nobody really runs. Personally, I would allow most skips, and I allow preparation due to the nature of the game (For example I'm fine with you covering the gold hoarders throne with gunpowder kegs before you start the tale) but using checkpoints is like quitting the game and then loading a save thats further in.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Hi all, a run was submitted recently that used the new checkpoint system to finish TT9 in under 2 minutes by activating the final checkpoint whilst parked at the shores of gold. As clever as I thought this was obviously I couldn't allow it. Luckily in this case it did break a rule "All runners must be in range of the STARTING island" (They were all aboard the ship but it was at the shores of gold, not Morrow's Peak) so I was able to reject it fairly. I've now added to the rules that checkpoints can't be used when running Tall Tales (I'm sure you understand that other games wouldn't count a speedrun that starts from the final checkpoint). That's my bad for not adding the rule when the update dropped.

Anemion これを好き
スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Rules are ammended to say you pretty much need to make a new pirate (With a few exceptions). Thanks so much for the guide lapkist. That should make the run accessible to new runners.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Ahoy! Just in case you aren't keeping up with the other forum posts I'm announcing that I've added a few new categories! Fort of the Damned is now a new main category and all of the tall tales now have a 100% category to try. Both of these have a lot of rules that had to be implemented for them to work but I think I've got them all figured out. If you can think of any issues with the rules please let me know. Otherwise I'm excited to see how quickly the new runs can be completed (Particularly the Fort of the Damned).

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

I've added the category

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

As I suspected, creating a 100% category for Maiden Voyage creates one for all Tall Tales so I've had to have a lot of rules, maybe check through them yourself and tell me if I've missed anything but I think I've considered all complications Tales might provide.

Would it be possible for one of you to create a Guide in the 'guides' section of the website about creating a new pirate for 100% runs? Just so that new runners can also do it. Make sure to mention deleting the pirate for new runs. I'd do it but I've not made a new pirate myself yet.

I've also said that making a new pirate is recommended but not necessary. I'd prefer it if you made a new pirate but if you can't (For example solo players or maybe xbox players?) I won't disqualify the run.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

obviously making a new account to run all of them would be a nightmare so I again dont mind going through the video myself to make sure every part is done. It is my job.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Well if everyone's okay with using a second account for maiden then thats fine by me. To my knowledge if we add a 100% to one level it will add it to all levels so the rules will be like "You must complete every commendation that CAN be done in a single run of the tale" so for most thats just the books. In maiden it includes all the other stuff, in seabound it includes digging up the 3 things, and in shores of gold it includes selling the hoarders skull.

@lyran good question. Technically if only 1 pirate read all the books they are the only one doing 100% but I dont mind if its just 1 person. Just make sure that I can see each book being read to at least the 2nd page (Thats how the commendation counts it)

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

If people would prefer a 100% instead of an All Journals category then you wont need to make a new account. I will watch and make sure all the objectives are completed. But as lapkist says, theres actually a chance that when you spawn into the island no chickens will spawn making one of the tasks impossible. I'm not actually sure how I make an extra category for an individual level but I'll figure it out or ask smoosh.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Having the POV of the whole crew does sound necessary. It'll be the best way to make sure no other crews are helping. So I'll add that as a rule if people want the category.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Wow dude nice, have you posted this to the sea of thieves reddit? If not I don't mind advertising it on there for you. I was actually looking into getting an obsidian capstan code as a prize for something similar if I could. Does the prize go to the runners with the MOST first places on the leaderboard or do they need all the spots?

OldHarvey これを好き
スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

In terms of the server, I don't care if it's an alliance server or not, but the rule would be only 1 crew can take on the fort. If any other crew helps the run would be disqualified. If any other crew even shows up at the fort I'd likely disqualify it. This is obviously an issue because other ships will want the loot.

In terms of the barrels, I also don't mind how many you have before hand, same goes with barrels in tall tales. Especially since forts start with plenty. However linksyx says theres a damage cap with barrels implying you couldnt one-shot an ashen lord with one? I thought you could but I've never tried it.

The reason I allow you to grab so many barrels in this run in particular is because the FOTD takes ages to set up anyway, so all other set up might as well be allowed.

But yeah, if another crew shows up at the fort it wouldn't count anymore, speedruns are for 1 crew, so I can see a lot of runs 'dying' for reasons out of our control. I still don't mind adding the run if people will run it, but it sounds so annoying that I won't be trying it.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

We've talked about forts as a category before and it didn't seem possible, but FOTD seems a lot more doable with a definite start and stop time, and it'd be easier to confirm that you are the only crew doing it. I like the start time being placing the ritual skull and the end time being the use of the key. I personally don't mind adding it as a category, the only issue is how easily a run could die because another player shows up. But thats just the game I suppose.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Can't remember if you did this in your run but other runners hug the right of the sea when sailing to minimise time in kraken ink. There's time save there.

MrLeSinge これを好き
スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

That would count, as long as the cutscene starts I don't care if the boats there, I managed to finish it without my boat appearing in the cutscene before. The issue is I've tried to shoot my self out the cannon to do this before, quite a few times. You get black screened VERY quickly and put back by the wheel. I don't think there's a situation where it'd save time. I'm surprised Lyran managed to sword lunge it. But if you can manage, it'll count. You just can't leave the vicinity of the boat once you've set off without black screening.

スレッド: Sea of Thieves
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

New times are up along with new rules. For the glitchless (Normal) category you cant see the gold hoarder explode in the top run so I used when I heard him explode. I recommend watching the gold hoarder during your runs.

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Sea of Thieves
Sea of Thieves
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