スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames5 years ago

Thanks for everything Adam, I wish you the best of luck from here on out.

Nerd_Squared そして Gc4ever4001 これを好き
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames6 years ago

Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V

As stated in relation to your identical question on MAX, as long as you follow the basic rules, (use a pad) i don't see why not

Wyoming, USATheBronyGames6 years ago

As long as you use a pad and are able to prove it (ie a footcam), I see no reason why it should be banned

スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames6 years ago

https://www.speedrun.com/lmmemes You could suggest it here!

Lestaku-senpai これを好き
スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames6 years ago

Actually, GCMM works on all memory cards, even first party. I know this because I have 2 1st party memory cards (1for US games, and the other for JP and PAL games)

スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames6 years ago

One of the things about going for that 1-cycle, is to pump just slightly slower than usual, (11-12 HP instead of 10) so make sure you're also doing that.

It's very finicky to even get a shot at the one-cycle,and I still have yet to pull it off once (though I have cut it close a few times). You just gotta pray that things work out, I guess....

スレッド: Mass Effect
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames6 years ago

invite expired, could you post a permant invite?

DrFreedomMLP これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario 64
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames6 years ago

There should be this program called "BootCamp" on launchpad for your mac, download Andy make a USB boot drive for windows 10 (or burn it to a DVD if your MacBook has a DVD drive / can use USB DVD) and you'll be able to dual-boot your MacBook into both OS X and Windows 10

スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

If going for 2 cycle, you want to start pumping between 370-350 on first cycle, and 110-90 on second cycle.

Turtleking4597 これを好き
スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

You gotta stand close, to reduce the cackles on those 150 HP boos

the reason why I say this, is that standing too far away makes them double cackle

if you're unsure as to why this is bad, everytime a boo cackles, it adds one to a counter, when it hits 15, it cannot be stunned by adding more cackles, and will start to flee

スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

On top of what Michael said, if it was theoretically legal, it's not possible.

I've tried this myself, with many burnable DVD's and CD's, the Wii does not read burnable media, no matter what you try. The only way it would theoretically work, is if you had a modded GameCube to allow reading backups, and had a case mod to accommodate full-size DVD's (Because a gamecube does have the laser space to read a full size, just not the physical space for it, when unmodded)

Either way, it's banned, so, just wait it out for now, and practice on USB or something just to derust, it's not technically legal, but it'll at least let you play in the meantime, while you wait for the actual game to arrive

スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

As someone who's only seen Skozzy in his arrogant, salty form, it's very interesting to read all this about him, and how he's changed from what he used to be pre-LM, and even still. I'm trying to deduce what happened, as the catalyst of his change in personality that was mentioned, cause while I don't particularly like him, for the way he acts, I want to have some faith in him that he can change, (though that's for another time).

As far as the hardware ordeal goes, I'm not sure if different release periods of Wiis cause any difference in timing, but I do know that different loaders, and HDDs/SD cards can be faster and slower (My current 16 GB SD card comes to mind, being speed class 10/10, when my old 4GB was 4/10). And in terms of the room lag, that, I can confidently say exists on GCN hardware, especially for me, when it comes time for armory.

But, In the end, the past is in the past, and we can't change what's already happened, but we can reflect on it, and learn from it. I hope once everything finally gets laid to rest here, we can look back on it, and have better insight on what to do in the future, should something like this happen again.

スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

I don't think there's any issue with any of those choices

スレッド: The Site
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

it seems like i pushed out the wrong point.

The community does not like the way he runs the game, they want a change and that's what i'm here, trying for.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

Not what i am saying AT ALL, I've lived with manipulative people, so I know what they're like, when they get what they want. But what I DON"T know, is exactly how it happened.

What I AM saying, is that you should try a second chance with him, to see if he truly deserves it, or if he has seen the errors of his way, cause we can never tell for certain until we give it a shot

スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

I'm not gonna say what Blue, Nor Snap said is wrong, i even said, he may very well be the bad person, I don't want to see him as.

However, My point still stands, if he apologizes, and starts to follow the rules, like he is supposed to, What then? You can't say he never apologized anymore.

If it were up to me, what i'd say is, wait to see if he does it, and if it seems sincere, then allow him, and if it looks/feels half-assed, then keep him banned.

スレッド: Luigi's Mansion
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

Alright, I can't stand this, Not me, I never liked seeing conflict, and I never will, so here I am to try to step in

I've never heard of these "frenzies" you've mentioned of Veman, granted, I only started in this community in late 2015, just before his original retirement, with the SGDQ VOD. So that, I have no words for, and I can't make any statements on it.

But in terms of this cheating you keep bringing up, Yes, it is in the past, and yes, he may have never apologized over it. Now, let's me propose a scenario about this, and hopefully, we can all put it to rest.

Say, he came out, and made a statement, formally apologizing to Bonesaw, Skozzy and anyone else he may/has attacked in the past, never does it again, follows all the rules, brings up potential unfair advantages, etc. Would then, in that case, would you be willing to set it all behind and allow him back?

I don't want to think he's a bad person, from what I've seen from him, and maybe it is just me, and he could be. But hey, even the worst of people could change, and if he comes forward about it, would you allow him a second chance?

スレッド: The Site
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

@Deln When the only person who can add/change categories isn't even listening to recommendations, to the point the community has to make their own leaderboards off-site I think it's time you reconsider your spot.

Yes, that's the position BlueHyperMan is in with the DDR:MM Community at the moment, however, he refuses to add anyone as a mod, when asked on social media, according to Bat, who made a request here a week ago...

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

Requesting Supermod for DDR Mario Mix http://www.speedrun.com/Dance_Dance_Revolution_Mario_Mix

The Current, and only Supermod of the game has only ever verified runs, and doesn't even check the forums for the game, even though he has shown forum activity among other games in the past.

Me and Fungah are both the Supermods of the DDR Series, as well as DDR Max and DDR X, and we actually check and respond to forum posts, rather than JUST looking at and verifying runs.

If you check the game's forums, and even visit it's community discord, you can see that it's community is clearly outraged by the lack of care by BlueHyperMan, and it needs a new mod, one that actually performs the proper Mod-Duties.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
Wyoming, USATheBronyGames7 years ago

If you hold Start, B and X on any gamecube game, it'll soft-reset, that's my only explanation as to what happened, you must've done that

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