スレッド: Factorio
CanadaTKM5 years ago

So in FFF-266 we learned that 0.17 will remove the glorious steelaxe from the game. We have suffered a terrible loss. R.I.P. Steelaxe, you were too young.

"So the change for 0.17 is that we completely removed mining tools from the game. The mining speed at the game start is the same as with iron pickaxe, and the research that unlocked steel pickaxe just increases player mining speed accordingly and that is it."


So does this mean that Steelaxe% will only remain a category for 0.16 and lower? Or will the timer stop when the research to increase speed is complete?

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

I think ball disappearing fully from screen is good. Also we need milliseconds.

afnannen136 これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

Taking into account Reloe's thoughts, I think the best solution would be: Going below 500k with pre-order bonus or getting the cops on you from not paying should be against the rules for the category. I think this is a fair solution.

hoxi これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

Unhallowed, I think taxi's are fine in ASJ, they're somewhat required when spawning outside of medical facilities. It would be too RNG based without them, and they're only used a couple of times, maybe a rule could be added that taxi's in USJ can only be used to get a vehicle (steal it) and not allowed to use it to fast travel (since this follows the strat that Dates and I have used).

As for the letters category, I'm interested in running it and so I asked darkviper to bring up the issue of taxis so I can know how I'm going to be running it. I think the best solution is to perhaps limit the taxi use to only be used to get to a helicopter one time (as in use as many taxi's needed to get to your first helicopter). This solution would have the added benefit of keeping Unhallowed's run valid as the WR (unlesss there was an extra taxi I didn't see).

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

Since the races went well but were somewhat poorly organized I'm asking people when they want to schedule weekly races.

We will have 2 weekly races: 1st geared towards NA / AU 2nd geared towards EU / AU

[IMPORTANT] Ignore the dates in the Doodle's, only look at the times (since it will be weekly).

Vote for ALL times you would usually be able to attend. http://i.imgur.com/mTy5GBh.png

You can vote for both if you're able to attend both.

Click on this to make sure you select the right time zone: http://i.imgur.com/jrHBbaA.png

Race 1: NA Evening / AU Morning: https://doodle.com/poll/iz9uxshdr5ey5ve6

Race 2: EU Mid-day / AU Evening: https://doodle.com/poll/nr9kxab7f4xzzq5v

We will be using SRL and require streaming but you can still run for fun at the same time as us without SRL / streaming.

Guide for SRL: http://www.speedrun.com/gtav/guide/ubv35

ToriksLV, DarkViperAU, そして Hazy これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

First race went well. Second race was a bit of a fail. Thanks to everyone who joined the races! gg

Lessons learned:

  1. Use SRL to make sure everyone starts at same time
  2. Schedule better
  3. Don't rage forfeit-rejoin :(
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

I've updated the post with a second race and a few other minor changes. Please remember to come into the discord (linked above) 15-30min early.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

The one for GTA SA is so good because it's automatic (as far as I know). The issue with what you have linked here is that speed runners don't have time to tab-out and click things. It would be nice to have an automatic one, but I don't think that exists.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

As I mentioned in the post I'm planning to host another one if all goes well. I'll make sure to make some sort of survey to get everyone's opinion on which day / time is best, and I'll focus on Europeans since the time of this one has somewhat excluded them. Thanks for the feedback.

Bad time for you? Suggest a time for race #2 here: http://doodle.com/poll/i429tc8yk86nfbdq

  • [IMPORTANT] Make sure to select the right TIME ZONE at the top -Select all the times when you're available.
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

What is it? Community race for the Trevor% speedrun.

Who can participate? Everyone is invited.

When is it? [IMPORTANT] Come to discord 15-30min early

Race 1: Date & Time: http://bit.ly/trevor_time Countdown: http://bit.ly/trevor_countdown

Race 2: Date & Time: http://bit.ly/trevor_time_2 Countdown: http://bit.ly/trevor_countdown_2

Comms: We'll be in discord chat: https://discord.gg/xKtYrdJ

How it will work: Everyone will start at the same time (countdown linked above). Be in discord to hear / see the countdown or use the link above for the official countdown. No resets allowed (be a good sport and just play fair). The winner is whoever finishes first in real time (show it on stream, or if you can't stream say that you've finished in discord).

If you want the run to be official (for the speedrun.com leaderboard):

If you're going to be running with us:

  • Let me know by saying something in this thread!
  • Say which race you're doing (1, 2, or both).
  • [Optional] Link your twitch in this thread (I'll add it to a multistream) or message me it on discord TKM#8610
  • [Optional] Come in the discord 15-30min early to get voice perms and to test mic.

If you just want to watch: Around 10-20min before the start:

  • I will link a multistream in the discord (linked above).
  • I will post it on this thread (as a new comment and in this post).

It's just for fun, let's have a good race. I hope to see everyone there.

If it goes well, we can schedule another run at a different time so other people can make it.

If you've never done the run before(Tutorial):

ToriksLV, RobinKAKAThaSupriZA, そして EmeraldStar82 これを好き
スレッド: Factorio
CanadaTKM7 years ago

Hello. In the Misc. SteelAxe% category a user name "Adler" has submitted a run (3:43) that is clearly invalid because he uses commands throughout the run. Can a mod please add "No commands" to the rules for SteelAxe% and invalidate Adler's run. Thank you.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

Ban it

Derpeth これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

Then maybe make Torik's or Dates head since they are pretty unbiased, and then have dviper and rye as mods and see how Rye does.

Sunnyy これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

@Sunnyy I agree.

If DarkViper refuses to work with Rye the moderation team should be: DarkViper, Toriks, Dates.

Sunnyy これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

I think Sunnyy's solution is the best, but I don't think DarkViper will agree to work with Rye.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

I agree 100%. Ryedawg should be removed as a mod and a suitable mod should be decided by democratic procedure.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaTKM7 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly with what darkviper88 has presented here. Someone such as ryedawg who has long stopped running the game and who has sporadic interest in the game is not fit to be in this position. Potentially changing the rules of the runs for personal gain would be a horrendous abuse of power. Toriks and darkviper88 should be the mods of this board as they are the two people who are the most active on the speedruns of GTAV.

GreatOne, ranbara, そして BustaCarl これを好き
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