スレッド: Cuphead
Texas, USASplitcycle6 years ago

Alright, I still think this would be a useful skip, seeing as it puts you like two steps from forest follies with the coins already. not sure if it's taking data from another save or not, but I don't think so, seeing as I did it with empty saves. then again how would you get those coins from the warp?

スレッド: Cuphead
Texas, USASplitcycle6 years ago

As far as consistency of execution, I personally cna't do it consistently, but I'm also really new to this whole speedrunning thing Sometimes it makes a save, sometimes it doesn't. But I've done it like 10 times, and it always puts me 2 steps down and to the right of forest follies. I should also note that every time I've done it I spawned at forest follies with 3 coins. I don't think it's loading the wrong save, because I've done it with all empty saves. I got from start of game to the end of forest follies in about a minute with it. It's really difficult, and after further testing, you HAVE to string three dashes perfectly together to get the skip. I don't always pull it off, but when I've gotten the dialogue skip it's ALWAYS put me there.

スレッド: Cuphead
Texas, USASplitcycle6 years ago

I have something that might be useful for all bosses; if you press the dash with the right timing in after you skip the opening, you can get near elder kettle, and dash behind him, at which point you can skip his normal dialogue, and exit. It spawns you right next to forest follies. The main reason I don't just pause and exit to map is because when i do that I can't talk to the apple guy, and get the coins for the 2 weapons I need for the run. (Also how do I get the clips to play from this page? I have no idea.)

スレッド: Cuphead
Texas, USASplitcycle6 years ago

I don't know if I can set this up so it displays here or not.

スレッド: Cuphead
Texas, USASplitcycle6 years ago

Ok, so in the beginning of the game when you talk to elder kettle, I tried exiting to map, and I lost the ability to talk to the apple guy and get the coins. That's not a huge surprise, but I think I found a way to skip it, and I don't know if it's already been found but if you press the dash button with the proper timing you can get two or three dashes in, and get behind kettle. when you walk past him you still talk to him but it does the shorter, "what are you doing here?" dialogue, which ends faster. I got out the door 20 about 15-20 seconds faster than normal. I'll post a video in a little bit, when I clip it from my stream.

P.S. It has come to my attention that there is a major skips thread, I put this in there, so that's the place to check. sorry for cluttering the forum page.

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