Smartkin3 years ago

The Japanese(NTSC-J) version is the slowest. From what we observed NTSC and PAL have no significant difference.

スレッド: Crash Twinsanity
Smartkin6 years ago

Twinsanity is a hard game to begin with and we for sure ain't adding NoOoB categories. You aren't forced to learn everything at once. See what tricks you are comfortable with or ones that you struggle at. Leave some for the time being and do runs. After some time you can come back to what you were struggling with to understand it better or ask people around for help, if it still causes trouble learning. Just keep learning more stuff when you get better and better and eventually you will find yourself doing all OoBs and skips without too much trouble.

Spikestuff, PeteThePlayer, そして Jumpyluff これを好き
Smartkin6 years ago

I honestly should have written this a while ago but oh well doing this now I guess. I completely agree that the current ruleset is a mess and needs tweaking. And I agree with every point Omega and Leo make. I am not really a DO runner because I enjoy full runs a lot more but regardless these are still as important as Any%. The only thing I wanna point out is to start as in Any% while it does remove any means that the save could have been setup very specifically to cheat in a way to save time during the run, the biggest downside of the idea is the intro itself, it doesn't hurt Any% too much, because it just makes sense to do the entire story and the run is long enough to compensate, but for the DO it basically makes it a 7:30 minute intro to even get an attempt started. In turn this can make runners just not run these because of how quickly and tedious this will get just to improve your time on any character DO. But still the fact that no cheating and no preliminary setup can be done is still a lot higher as a priority and all the other points Leo mentioned also add up to this, so I just say do it and let runners bear with that. SI/DG and IW timings should probably stay the same though, I mean they are in some way NG+ :^) Why I focused on the timing idea is because it basically solves all the problems that just come up when you allow to skip the Prologue.

Just a small note on Bonus Day increases, again if we make Any% timing rule it will be fine tbh. As Leo mentioned they might as well be slower, but you never know when a more optimized route comes up.

That's all from me folks. Have a good day :v)

Leonis07 これを好き
スレッド: Final Fantasy
Smartkin6 years ago

As a reply to Indi, my post only collects everything what happened and who was involved in the situation and how it all played out, no attempt was made to make anyone mentioned at fault.

Sharing my bits of thoughts on the entire situation, I have mixed feelings about what happened. You can even consider an entire community failing at handling the situation properly here. Mods and admins making decisions that should have been made and discussed with a community as its entirety. Others miscommunicating with everyone else, making discussions a complete mess. All of that created a very unfriendly and uncomfortable atmosphere around, which as a result led to this discussion existing. I believe that the community can still be united but I suggest the entire community be as one for once and discuss it together. To decide on who will represent us in each of the games: the original, 012 and NT. No talking behind the scenes, no witch hunting, no backstabing, just a friendly conversation between the memebers of the community.

MASH そして Indi これを好き
スレッド: Final Fantasy
Smartkin6 years ago

Good day to everyone reading this o/ This post will convey all the problems that the Dissidia community is having right now and why some of the current moderators in charge of the boards should be replaced. To start things off, the community is quite small but the way some things have been handled were a complete nuisance to say the least.

Our first concerns started raising way back in November 2017. Oméga Phénix joined the community server and wanted to check if anybody in the community was interested in running a new category https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403600592276160522/422040452410376201/image.png

But such question was met quite unfriendly with the following reply from IndDragPack(who is one of the current leadearboard mod at the moment) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403600592276160522/422040500372242432/image.png

A few moments later IndDragPack apologized for his reaction(stuff happens, we all have a bad day here and there so it was completely fine) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403600592276160522/422040659180912651/image.png

However, it did not stop there. A few months later Mizzow got a new record time so as it usually goes you congratulate your fellow runners, Leo just said "GG" but IndDragPack's reaction was something that noone expected https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403600592276160522/422039342513651712/image.png

Not long after theat Leo was banned from the server. Which caused everyone to be confused and wanted some kind of explanation how was this even handled. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403600592276160522/422039414168879114/image.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403600592276160522/422039631010463754/image.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403600592276160522/422039759699968001/image.png

However, the only reply we received was from Crrool https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403600592276160522/422040272688513055/image.png

Instead of having a proper converstaion with the community, they just decided to ban him. Such actions were viewed by many as rude and unacceptable. Due to all that the community got split and now we have 2 seperate Discord servers.

Finally, when Dissidia NT came out some new runners appeared, specifically MASH, TheCelticZ and Ultronimus. Of course since the game was new and fresh, categories and rules were supposed to be defined. Sadly, instead of speaking with people that want to run the game, rules and categories were instead discussed behind the scenes. https://i.imgur.com/mFym7sv.png

That led to a lot of misunderstandings and arguments. https://i.imgur.com/aD8pvoT.png https://i.imgur.com/hMlweLC.png https://i.imgur.com/J4IDCsC.png https://i.imgur.com/5xCEJpe.png https://i.imgur.com/nOkAp8S.png https://i.imgur.com/x1El9Xg.png https://i.imgur.com/lc2E6fa.png https://i.imgur.com/xLhM12s.png https://i.imgur.com/2ojXay4.png https://i.imgur.com/FQjVkVt.png

However, when all of that came to the somewhat proper conclusion? Setting up the boards was still for some reason a big problem which led to the following argument. https://i.imgur.com/j8TDifW.png https://i.imgur.com/f9wimkU.png

P. S. from author: I hope this represents the current situation the community is in and gets resolved as soon as possible. Everyone and especially Dissidia community members are welcome to discuss this in an adult manner.

Thanks to Oméga Phénix for providing the screenshots from some of the discussions that were later deleted.

Thanks to Leo for proof reading.

Leonis07 そして 0megaPhenix これを好き
Smartkin7 years ago

Sorry that we haven't been updating on I wanna be the co-op but a lot of new techniques and skips were found so we spent a lot of time researching and glitch finding, all of this resulted in massive improvement in the game. We couldn't get a huge PB but me and Sheep got 47:51 and were on 42-43 minutes pace runs lately. One of the things that have been discovered is pausing/pause abuse which isn't a feature in the game but the game can be forced to do so if you minimize it, which allows co-op partners to desync in some useful places, especially bosses. The run with most of the new strats and skips can be looked up here, after that we found one more use for pausing in Stage 2, also we missed doing new Dimentio skip with pause abuse:

スレッド: I Wanna Be The Co-op
Smartkin7 years ago

One way to do so is monitor capture and then crop it to capture only game layout.

Smartkin7 years ago

PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp

SerSanju, Minns_du_mig, そして Babyhuehnchen これを好き
Smartkin9 years ago


Smartkin9 years ago

No idea but after one night my composite cable disappeared that was connected to PS2. It wasn't labeled so I guess it is dead now I know it was short af though

Smartkin9 years ago

sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I was that russian guy who did Crash Twinsanity dunno why we haven't talked at least once; oh, well maybe next year :^)

S. これを好き
Smartkin9 years ago

I wrote a special pastebin for that so here it is: http://pastebin.com/rcJf3MVD

Love everyone who I met there and hope to come back next year <3

I'd like to lynch Cereth for being too suspicious and not voting for Eidgod that last time OpieOP

SerSanju そして Alko これを好き
Smartkin9 years ago

Paid :^)

SerSanju これを好き
Smartkin9 years ago

I will have BetaM and PeteThePlayer on the couch for my Crash Twinsanity run. I can also help commentating every other Crash game in the marathon :^)

SerSanju これを好き
Smartkin9 years ago

I'll bring my PAL PS2 along with Component cables as well as a controller. If needed I can bring my PS3 controller. BetaM will bring Crash Twinsanity with him.

Baffan これを好き
Smartkin9 years ago

So today I PBed and got WR in Twinsanity 100% and got 1:16:44. Again estimate is the same


Smartkin9 years ago

Paid or at least should be OneHand

Smartkin9 years ago

PBed in Crash Twinsanity 100% today and got 1:17:50: http://www.twitch.tv/smartkin/c/6661927 Estimate is the same

Smartkin9 years ago

Beta, OK I got the thing about not adding variable. Then the only opinion that I have here is just allowing it. Like giving argument that not using SFX doesn't let viewers enjoy the game isn't really valid(no offense Saboom if you're reading this), so allowing it will be most logical decision. And I don't think it has been ever discussed with community so I have no idea why it was banned on the old leaderboards. As you already mentioned that in the main post it's an official feature of the game and not anything connecting with hacking the game or such stuff. Truth is I don't really care about the game but I care about community. NO DRAMA ALLOWED

Smartkin9 years ago

Just create a subcategory thing so people know if run is with SFX or not. Just like DMC4 has subcategories such as NG+ or just NG, with Turbo option on or not. So this isn't that big of a problem IMO

10 years ago
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