スレッド: Kirby's Rampage
Wisconsin, USARexcanyon7924 years ago

By the way, I did know about the second shop in Kirby Kong Country sending you to the first one, I just didn't end up saying anything because it wasn't particularly relevant to speedrunning. When I did find out about that, I tested the other shops too. None of them besides Legend of Kirby and Kirby Kong Country actually do anything different.

スレッド: Kirby's Rampage
Wisconsin, USARexcanyon7924 years ago

Hmm... the AK-47 thing sounds interesting, but you'd probably have to spend more time grinding for coins to buy it. I'll post my findings later (if I remember to).

スレッド: Kirby's Rampage
Wisconsin, USARexcanyon7924 years ago

found out that you can perform Ganon Skip on Ganon, Death, King K. Rool, Tank Head, and possibly Vile. You can't perform it on King Dedede, due to the fact that he doesn't disappear upon death. You also can't perform it on Bowser, because he falls off the screen when killed, and again, doesn't disappear on death. I still have to test some stuff with Vile and Sakurai.

For Ganon, just jump into him with two health at his starting position. You need two health because Ganon deals contact damage very quickly, and the portal is just above where Kirby dies if he only has one health and jumps into Ganon.

For Death, you can get hit by either his contact damage, or his scythes. It's a bit risky to go into the fight with only one health, but it's still possible to do with just one health.

For King K. Rool, you need to get hit by his crown when he throws it, because the portal is too high for Kirby to hit if he dies from contact damage.

For Tank Head, just position yourself where the portal is, and wait for it to fire a missile. You need to die from the missile, because the actual boss doesn't move.

Overall, this was a major discovery for this speedrunning community. Thanks a ton, Master_Keeby!

Master_Keeby そして Kirby5 これを好き
スレッド: Kirby's Rampage
Wisconsin, USARexcanyon7924 years ago

Pacifist almost isn't possible. It probably is, but anyway... There's one section near the beginning of Kirbyman X that has an enemy that slows you down for random amounts of time. This, combined with the homing bat enemies, makes for a randomly determined hell that will ruin your run, near-guaranteed. rip pacifist

OrangeTornado21 そして Kirby5 これを好き
スレッド: Kirby's Rampage
Wisconsin, USARexcanyon7925 years ago

no, the audio doesn't have much bearing on the actual game. you're good :)

スレッド: Kirby's Rampage
Wisconsin, USARexcanyon7925 years ago

There are currently two glitches/tricks known in Kirby's Rampage: Shop Warp and Wall Vault. Shop Warp is where you start The Legend of Kirby and go to the shop, and immediately exit it. This warps you to the other shop's exit, where you can pick up the key to Ganondorf faster and beat the stage quickly. The second is Wall Jump, or Wall Vault. In Kirbyvania, there are two areas where you need to go down a few sets of stairs to get past a wall. The first wall can be jumped over, skipping a small segment of the stage. Those are the only ones that I know about, at least.

スレッド: Kirby's Rampage
Wisconsin, USARexcanyon7925 years ago

Post any glitches or tricks in Kirby's Rampage that you have discovered here.

スレッド: Kirby's Rampage
Wisconsin, USARexcanyon7925 years ago

Genocide is pretty much impossible due to infinitely spawning enemies. I suggest replacing it with Pacifist%, which means you can only kill the bosses.

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