Los Angeles, CA, USAMikeWave3 years ago

The results for the votes are in:

-The YES vote for the category being made has won with 67 out of 73 votes.

-The YES vote for mods being allowed in a No Intro category have won by 54 out of 73 votes.

Thank you to everyone who participated. We'll be updating the boards throughout the week and finalizing all rules.

Happy running, everyone.

fishfry, Ezkimmo そして 18 その他 これを好き
Los Angeles, CA, USAMikeWave3 years ago

Hey guys,

After some extensive debate, we've decided to open up a vote for a potential "No Intro" category. This category, using an edited save file you make on your own, would start the run at the subway typewriter with your IGT set to 0.

See my video on how to set up said save file using the trainer, it's very easy to do:

With this new category come some ground rules, namely:

  1. Inventory must be set up in a specific way for each category.
  2. SRT or Overlay must be displayed at ALL TIMES. Livesplit can be ran on the side but does not substitute the former.
  3. Your save must be made properly in order to avoid bugging the enemy AI outside the subway. Follow the video exactly in making your saves.

More extensive rules going into detail have already been written down but will be publically posted if the vote is a success. The usual rules from the main game categories such as an FPS cap and two minute limits being enforced for pauses will still be in effect for this category.

And finally, we're also putting to a vote the legality of visual mods for use in runs of this specific category. If a success, we will allow COSMETIC ONLY mods to be used in No Intro runs (any mods that break ToS or make gameplay related changes are universally banned).

To explain the reasoning on why we're only allowing visual mods for this category: we want this category if it goes through to be the "non-vanilla" category where we're more relaxed on some rules, while the full game category we've been running up until now is the true, vanilla category. The latter will still be considered the main category of the game, but No Intro will be there as a viable alternative for those who want a shorter run and don't want to have to deal with the various autoscrollers at the beginning of the run.

And finally, to address it, this is unfortunately only being considered for PC due to the use of the trainer.

FORMS PAGE FOR VOTING: https://forms.gle/uBfdZkX5HaepPTQ28

This is bound to be a divisive and controversial decision either way, so while some people might be heated on one side or another, we ask that everyone be respectful of one another; we're all friends at the end of the day.

Happy running everyone!

Voting will end on March 23rd at 7pm PST.


Makarox, Liv そして 22 その他 これを好き
Los Angeles, CA, USAMikeWave5 years ago

Hey guys, after months of testing and fine-tuning, we’re happy to announce that the new load remover timer will be made official in three days (7/18). Hopefully by the end of today, the new LRT will be submitted to LiveSplit, so people will have easy access to the script like they did before. To give some info on the new timer for the uninitiated:

-This is a load-remover that removes nearly ALL load screens. On top of door loads, this timer removes all inventory and merchant loads as well. And on top of THAT, it compensates for frames dropped during a run, making this by far the most fair and accurate timer so far, thus leveling out the playing field completely. -This timer was originally made by Pitted, who also made it so it split on specific doors. The script we’re making the “official” one is a variant of Pitted’s script made by Wipe, who increased the amount of options and customization in the script. Wipe’s script works on ALL categories where it didn’t before, including Ada categories, NG/NG+ Easy/Amateur, and No Merchant categories. You’ll also be able to choose between splitting on chapters or splitting on doors. This script also works on 30 FPS, besides just working on 60. -Subsplits currently aren’t available for Easy and No Merchant categories, but you can use chapter splits for them. Subsplits ARE available for the Ada categories, though.

To give some explanation on what took this change so long, it’s due to the fact that we wanted this to be the “ultimate” timer, with no rocks left unturned. Also, we want this to be the very last time we have to change what timers we’re running on. From now on, we’re hoping there won’t be any more timer memes, and we can just focus instead on actually running the game and optimizing it even more.

Like the last change, all former times done with only the former LRT won’t be invalid. Though if you did a run with both the old and new LRT open, we’ll go ahead and edit your times to reflect the faster LRT. DM one of us if you need your time edited.

And one final note: people can keep running on Pitted’s original script if they want, but we encourage people to pick up the new script and move over to that for the sake of uniformity, and also because it’ll give you more options. Also, we’re explicitly banning the old LRT from use in the Separate Ways and Separate Ways+ categories, as the old LRT gives a massive advantage in being completely paused in between chapters.

Thanks for reading this, and happy 1-1 reseting everyone!

WagnerBrasil, ColdStone そして 8 その他 これを好き
Los Angeles, CA, USAMikeWave5 years ago

Hey guys, as you might have noticed, we've had a new board approved on SRcom for the Steam version of the game. Why you might ask? Just to make it easier on ourselves in organizing each board, seeing as Steam PC has two separate timers (LRT and IGT) and several rules that are unique to it. Meanwhile, rules and ranking for console versions are mostly consistent. Furthermore, our desire to rank PC via LRT was hindered by the fact that setting LRT as the default method ended up breaking IGT rankings for all the console versions. With the two boards now separated, we can easily make it so there are no problems on both ends.

We're currently working on transferring all PC runs over to the new board, hence why some of you might have gotten a notifications saying your old PBs have been verified and submitted on someone else's behalf. From now on, though, submit all new Steam/UHD PBs over to the new board (linked below):


JC, Carpenter そして 2 その他 これを好き
Los Angeles, CA, USAMikeWave6 years ago

Hey everybody, today we’re announcing a new set of rules for the leaderboard that will go into effect starting on October 1, 2018. It's linked below, and the two biggest changes we’re making are as follows:

-Runs on the PC leaderboard will now be ranked via load-remover time (LRT) instead of in-game time (IGT). -All submissions for every category to the PC leaderboard will now require video proof, regardless of time and rank.

These changes might seem drastic and controversial to some of you, but we believe that they’re steps that need to be taken for the future of the RE4 speed running community. While the game’s IGT, which includes all loading screens, might have been fine for console runs where most runners ran using the same hardware, on PC there’s a clear imbalance as some have PCs which are naturally faster than others. The LRT that’s been developed and used in recent months removes many of the game’s loading screens and provides a much more fair and competitive environment for the game on PC.

To address the second major rule change, we believe that runs on PC are simply too easy to cheat in some way due to the availability of trainers and cheat engine, and that picture proof of the final results screen and typewriter save just isn’t enough. On top of this, programs like OBS and XSplit are free to use for both streaming and recording long videos, giving little excuse for runners to not be recording their PC runs in some capacity.

We’ve taken most runs that were submitted without LRT and changed them to have their IGT act as their LRT, in order to smoothen the transition for when it happens. We hope that this two-week grace period will give everyone time to set up their LRT, troubleshoot it, ask questions, give us feedback, and to update their times.

Final things to stress:

-All runs that were verified before the new ruleset is enacted WILL REMAIN verified. You don’t need to worry about your old runs without VODs being retroactively rejected. -For console runners: almost nothing has changed on your end, as most of the major changes are for PC runners only, so don’t stress too much over the change. We do still recommend reading through the new ruleset, though. -The ruleset being linked is not final, and is subject to change before October 1. -The new ruleset for each individual category will be more fully fleshed out by October 1.

Link to a PDF containing a general overview of the new rules:


Zero, adrihime そして 6 その他 これを好き
Los Angeles, CA, USAMikeWave6 years ago

Hey everyone.

Made a video explaining a trick to get through item text boxes faster since a lot of people don't know about it and just mash X instinctively when it's not the fastest way to mash. The video might not show the greatest examples of it but if you try it out for yourselves, you'll notice how much faster it is.

Basically it's like this, on an Xbox One/360 pad press X ---> A ---> X to get past the text. The game will recognize those inputs faster than if you were to just mash X.

On a keyboard and mouse, the equivalent is E ---> Enter ---> E.

adrihime, BlueRunsFast そして 8 その他 これを好き
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