スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

@sYn i agree with everything you say, but at the moment we have to wait for the other mods to respond how to handle this correctly.

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

So sometimes it looks like the trapeze disappears at the same frame as reaching the ledge like in Neural his run and sometimes the trapeze seem to disappear a frame later after reaching the ledge. I dont know if it has to do with the frame rate or something else but maybe the rules of timing should be changed, because its seems not consistent. Anyone else seen this ?

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

So with the ledge disappearing i count mad max his time 3:25.899 either way Xray has WR

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

Thats also true stealthunder it says it right in the rules, so that might explain the difference in framecounting by mods, that some count when aproaching the ledge and others wait for the ledge to dissappear. I personally just checked for reaching the ledge so i was doing it wrong also according to the rules.

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

Ok since my time and yours are so close Negativ4k i think your time must be spot on since you are using more precise method to measure the frames, i can only see the 1/100 frames and you can see the 1/1000 frames yours should be more precicise, But we need extra verification by other people also, dont you guys think ? Therefore i suggest to rename Xray WR holder of circus charlie, we shall look into all other runs and correct them. Also negativ4k would you consider to mod for this game ? Does anyone object to this decision of changing the WR for first now bwfore we figure out the rest?

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

But now we all have different times :) , but atleast now we now for sure its not correct

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

so if its 30 fps the error in madmax time is 0,149999 sec and if its 60 fps the error is 0,05 sec so if correct his time should be 3:25.849 at 30 fps or 3:25.750 at 60 fps, which leads me to believe it was recorded at 30 fps

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

Sorry i meant the one in neural's list and stealthunder

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

But why did you both time different time for mad max ? I mean stealthunder and negativ4k ?

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

Its true the timing of madmax is incorrect , i cant frame count it because i dont know the framerate but i know its timed 6 frames minus 0.05s too late. So mad max time is not correct.

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

Also why does one start with 4990 and the other with 5000 ? Can we figure out a method to consistentl reproduce the same starting score over and over ? So many questions right now.

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

Im trying to figure out how the verfications were wrong ? Is the software most use to verify here not precise enough ? Or did we let the points fool us ? We need to figure this out.

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

Wow you are right man that explains the difference in points. Thats very observant of you. Maybe we need to add you as mod 😄 .

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

I can see what you mean , Xray's run seems faster indeed. But there are some inconsistent flashes at pressing start. The flashes do not seem to line up. So we need to figure out a preciser way to time these runs. Because the points somehow are not related to time , which is pretty weird. I am not attacking you personally Negative4k i know the list was not yours, i also was not attacking Neural, it just seemed highly unlikely that every mod had been wrong every single time. But we really need to figure this out quick. But can you maybe explain why the flashes at the beginning at pressing start dont line up ? Thanks for bringing it up because i had a hard time understanding what you was trying to show.

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

So on your list jeffledge has a better time than mine... i end up with more points than him ... So how do you explain that ?

スレッド: Circus Charlie
South Holland, NetherlandsMeatBaller3 years ago

So every moderator has been wrong for all verifications every single time somehow ? Maybe we all just didnt know how to frame count the game. Or maybe we just dont have the precision of NASA scientists. Or you are wrong counting the frames ... One seems more logic than the other.

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