Helios7477 years ago

I dunno. I've tried this part, dashing to the aug doc, and the prologue again and again, uncapped vs capped. And uncapped I consistently take way more damage.

PCs have a million configs and weird things happen. Maybe I'm imagining this, but this does feel reproducible.

Helios7477 years ago

So, for reference, I play at 144hz and usually maintain around 90-130 fps.

When running, I noticed that during areas where I had to sprint through enemy fire, I was taking WAY more damage than the WR runner despite doing my best to copy exactly what they did during those parts and how they moved. It never worked. I always died at the ARC base.

That got me thinking about framerates. It's not exactly news that many games tie things to framerates. Physics, AI, damage, etc.

So... I tried locking my framerate to 60.

I get through the ARC base and pretty much my entire run while barely taking any damage. Wow.

I'm strongly led to believe that the game ties either how often the AI shoot or how much damage you take to framerate.

If somebody could confirm my findings it would be very handy to put in the google doc

Helios7477 years ago

Since DXMD has an NG+ mechanism, would it be reasonable to open up a category for that? I think you could save a fair bit of time if you already had augs from the last playthrough and whatever weapon you needed.

That said, how would one define the rules for that? You can NG+ as many times as you want I believe. and I don't think there's a way to show that your save file hasn't been NG+'d before. Would one care about the number of times NG+ has been executed? It would affect augs activated (one NG+ will typically get you every aug fully upgraded) and inventory things.

7 years ago
7 years ago