New ZealandGoldman777 years ago

With the slight increase in difficulty in early level I think we should archive the current records and reset the ladder.

Personally I like the new difficulty, makes it more interesting especially when doing it without heirlooms or buffs since you can actually die pretty easily if you get too greedy.

cdgexe これを好き
New ZealandGoldman778 years ago

I think 1-10 is faster without using the mailer based on the amount of time it takes to mail them to the runner, but the top time in the future for 1-20 will be a guy that has both potions.

New ZealandGoldman778 years ago

You guys had better start farming merry supplies so you can stock up on savage gifts as they have a chance to drop Elixir of the rapid mind which may be necessary for 1-20 speed runs in the future and is the same as the one that drops from the rare garrison mission but NOT the same as the one that drops from Krol the Blade/ Archiereus of Flame i.e Elixir of ancient knowledge.

Proof that both stack: http://www.wowhead.com/item=128312/elixir-of-the-rapid-mind#comments

since they both stack its possible for 600% xp gain from these.

New ZealandGoldman778 years ago

Ok, So just to clarify is it ok to use the dungeon finder tool to find a Pick-up-group?

New ZealandGoldman778 years ago

Im not sure about the solo queing random dungeons, It would likely create a lot of RNG, for example you could get a number of really good players in the random groups and que really fast. Or on the other hand you could get screwed with long que times which would basically make the runs based on luck in the dungeons.

Again its just my opinion but RNG could potentially make certain runs unbeatable in the future.

8 years ago
5 years ago
World of Warcraft The War Within: Leveling
World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor: Archive
World of Warcraft The War Within: Leveling