スレッド: Donkey Kong (NES)
Florida, USAFlobeamer19227 years ago

So it's just like the arcade version in that way.

スレッド: Donkey Kong (NES)
Florida, USAFlobeamer19227 years ago

Sounds good. Honestly, when I first saw the High Score tab, I thought it was basically just a high score leaderboard, which would've been pretty neat.

スレッド: Dragster
Florida, USAFlobeamer19227 years ago

I'd say EZScape was the catalyst for all of this, since he made that video on Todd's supposed 5.51 time before it all blew up.

スレッド: Dragster
Florida, USAFlobeamer19227 years ago

But he hasn't done it. That time will not be submitted to the leaderboard until he does.

スレッド: Donkey Kong (NES)
Florida, USAFlobeamer19227 years ago

Since the NES version's top score defaults to 000000, would it be that time stops the moment you earn any amount of points?

スレッド: Die Hard (NES)
Florida, USAFlobeamer19227 years ago

I uploaded a new run (2:42) to my Twitch page today. This was done live on Nestopia.

スレッド: Die Hard (NES)
Florida, USAFlobeamer19227 years ago


This is a glitch I've known about for more than six years. As you probably know, if you lay down C4 on the roof, a series of explosions occur, and the final one is supposed to kill you. But for whatever reason, if you run to the very top of the screen before this happens, the final explosion won't kill you, and it'll take you straight to the end screen.

Here's the movie file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9uxledeghtexqc/Die%20Hard%20Attempt%203%20%282%3B47%20WR%29.vmv?dl=0

The emulator I used is VirtuaNES, which is definitely not the best choice of NES emulator these days, but I was off on vacation when I got this run, and it was the only thing I had.

So this is the route:

  1. Use the staircase to get up to the 35th floor
  2. Get the roof key from the key holder
  3. Use the staircase to get down to the 31st floor
  4. Run down the in-game time by going back and forth between the 31st and 32nd floors until there are only about 30 seconds before the second lock opens
  5. Get the detonator from Heinrich
  6. Pick up the C4 in that room in the top right of the 31st floor
  7. Use the staircase to get back up to the 35th floor
  8. Get up to the roof
  9. Use the detonator to set the C4 down on the helipad
  10. Run to the very top of the screen before the C4 goes off

I understand that filming my VirtuaNES movie file playback with OBS is far from the best recording method, and if necessary, I can try to get a live sub-2:50 run on a different emulator since I'm back home now. I just wasn't exactly certain if what I did would be acceptable on the leaderboards since it's not specified in the rules.

7 years ago
2 years ago
Die Hard (NES)
Die Hard (NES)
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最終ラン 7 years ago
Die Hard (NES)
Die Hard (NES)
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