Kumamoto, JapanDBcade21 days ago

Daraku Tenshi is, and has always been a fantastic game in my eyes, its got fantastic sprites with some well developed gameplay.

The cast is bit lacking in their tool kits, but maybe that would all get fixed, and some additional characters playable when the version we all have been waiting for will release at some point. heavy breathing

In the meantime, if your just discovering this game, or feeling like taking up a cool challenge for this well loved game. Try a speedrun!

I've updated the leaderboard with a few things,

  • Added the Character Annotations. So you can note who you use for the speedrun.

  • Added the ability, for now, to submit on the same board with another character. If we get more runners I would absolutely be inclined to add IL's but this is basically the same thing.

  • Attached the FGC and Beat em up discord. With the state of fighting game speedruns the way it is, we need to make sure we support the Speedrun community and talk about our run to get it into possible events.

  • Fixed the background, added a higher resolution image.

  • Switched the image for the game to the actual poster that was used for release, and so it fits visually when loading the page.

Good luck to all runners, never give up on this game!

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade21 days ago

This title is no joke. This game is on an ultimate level of difficulty. I must admit to almost three weeks running this game to get nowhere. Merely doing the important duty of warning you fellow runner. Your execution and patience will both be tested with most warriors including myself wearing the shame of being able to clear this game.

I have blown the dust off this board and prepared it for the fast game players to see, However I must warn you before booting up this game again, it is not for the weak willed.

  • Banished the shameful incomplete runs.

  • High score gets you no favors, and we know its not appreciated or considered true in the warriors of fighting game community. Removed for all time.

  • Shogun, Samurai and Youkai have been enlisted for your choosing.

  • The legend of @Dumple was inscribed correctly.

  • Added a background and slightly changed the screen, happiness and any emotions will only hinder your gameplay. Embrace nothing, only your fight matters.

  • Opened the road to the fighters and group of people who like to punch with buttons, it is said this is a great place to spread word of your findings. https://discord.gg/6Ay9bmb

A final warning, and a best of luck to all who travel the road of the Shogun Warrior, also known as, the Fujiyama Buster.

スレッド: Kōryū no Mimi
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade21 days ago

A great action belt game for the super famicom. Also based on the anime of the same name. Lots of weapon variety, and tons of combos.

The game does little handholding but after a few attempts you can probably clear this with less trouble, especially with their being so many answers to all the enemies you face.

This leaderboard was never set up to represent the game, so I have done several things.

  • Submitted @gameO time on his behalf from RTA in Japan.

  • Removed any highscore or incomplete categories.

  • Removed 1CC variables.

  • Removed @BOSSCAT submission to avoid any issue.

  • Added Arcade Clear.

  • Set the difficulty default to normal%

  • Changed the theme, and picture associated with the game to the official box art.

  • Attached the https://discord.gg/k5wmNCSaVE Anime Speedrun Discord.

Happy running!

スレッド: SlashOut
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade21 days ago

A gem of a game, this one really shows off practicing combos, timing, and item and gauge management. This is one of those games for the Naomi hardware that in my opinion makes it one of the best, it's a bit challenging, and can take some real practice but in full swing this game really moves.

I decided to give this board some real quality of life upgrades, mainly because it deserves it.

  • Theme updated (But I need a higher res version of the background I chose.)

  • Poster used for the game image.

  • Main category changed to Arcade.

  • Difficulty properly slotted. Default category is Very Easy% as of now, due to @BOSSCAT having the only run.

  • Character Annotations Added.

  • Current run updated with the variable.

  • Other unnecessary variables removed. We can always add 1CC back as an annotation.

This comes as a top recommendation, with the ability to emulate Slashout now there is no reason not to try this one at the least.

スレッド: Violence Fight
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade22 days ago
  • Link was changed to Violence_Fight from Violence_Fight_
AlbertAC3 これを好き
スレッド: Solitary Fighter
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade22 days ago

An upgraded version and follow up to Violence Fight, this time you get to even throw hands with a bear!

  • Added the annotations for Character choice.

  • Fixed the difficulty variable, default is now normal arcade.

  • Removed 6 year inactive mods.

  • Discord linked https://discord.gg/6Ay9bmb

  • Removed any unused or high score categories.

  • Current runs adjusted and added notes about emulation.

  • Added the consoles, its still available at the time of this posting through Switch, and PSN (PS4)

If you havn't had your face punched in enough today be sure to try the original grime game Violence Fight over at https://www.speedrun.com/Violence_Fight

スレッド: Violence Fight
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade22 days ago
  • Updated the Consoles, Its available on PS2 Taito Memories, PS2 Taito Memories The Bestand Taito Memories Eternal Hits. As well as, PS2, Xbox, and Windows Taito Legends 2.

On a side note, if you wanted to get the official arcade port of this game its on the Egret II Mini.

AlbertAC3 これを好き
スレッド: Violence Fight
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade22 days ago

Violence fight the prequel to "Solitary Fight" and arguable more cheap.

Try your hand at beating this game, Is Ben Smith really the only champion?

  • Added the annotations for Character.

  • Fixed the difficulty variable.

  • Naming conventions inserted, can be changed on request.

  • Discord linked https://discord.gg/6Ay9bmb

  • Removed any unused or high score categories.

  • Current runs adjusted and added notes about emulation.

In the meantime, when your not scared like me of this game, you can try out https://www.speedrun.com/solitary_fighter Though its still just as frustrating at first. Look forward to seeing who takes up the challenge.

AlbertAC3 これを好き
スレッド: Savage Reign
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade22 days ago

Savage Reign, Is a game where not only does the AI not play nice, but you are subject to not being able to use a lot of your arsenal early on. I applaud anyone who can even clear this game.

This game is actually on my hardest fighting games list, close to the top because of its constraints and it being a perfect example of AI reading your inputs.

  • Added the character Variable.

  • Set the default category to Arcade Level 4.

  • Attached the community discord.

  • Removed the 100k and other highscore categories for this game.

Shoutouts to Dumple san for having a 1CC of this game with Carol. Feel free to ask a question here, or even better posts tips and strats if you have them.

スレッド: Martial Champion
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade22 days ago

Id prefer if we can keep all fighting game speedruns in the FGC speedrun server. They have enough trouble on their own getting into events, support, and cross run is more beneficial in the long run.

Feel free to invite everyone there! https://discord.gg/6Ay9bmb

ThatPunk_ これを好き
スレッド: Simple 2000
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade1 month ago

There is, I can post that as well, I was trying to put things into video form as well for everyone.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

With so much misinformation floating around this game, BAT 2 Plus might be a contender for most obscure and certainly the least documented. I want to use this section of the board as a discussion place for Battle Arena Toshinden 2 Plus (BAT 2 Plus) in addition to the fgc speedrun discord https://discord.gg/6Ay9bmb The rules, character variables, and theme likeness have been copied over from the original game. Arcade Mode is relatively the same as the previous entry but AI have been improved. Full Game has a different number of versus count for some reason.

The main thing to remember about this version is that character damage has been greatly reduced, along with some properties changed all together.

Some moves now seem to be geared toward ringing out, and some have been altered in a way where they can't be used in a combo anymore. Some combos and axis fixes (get de-aligned is sadly still a huge issue) have been made but all these changes are so great it deserves its own post.

I added @BOSSCAT as a mod because they did a run first and requested of this me. At the time I didn't know if it was just a small upgrade or simply a minor change. So I sunk a large amount of time into Toshinden research, particularly this entry.

The previous entry is here https://www.speedrun.com/battle_arena_toshinden_2

My hope is that a few more runners, when browsing Battle Arena Toshinden entries give this game a try. I might actually be leaning toward thinking this is the best entry out of all the games, though some of my favorite characters really feel like they got nerfed this time around. Good Luck and Have fun.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

If your curious you can also check out https://www.speedrun.com/Battle_Arena_Toshinden_2_Plus since some of the combos are useable between the two games.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

@Kelyaan So first things first, I didn't change anything about the category rules of arcade from what it was originally, you can see I follow the rules set previously from 5 years ago. I just submitted to 1 bout which has always been and was the default.

Second, I speak in great detail in all the videos about how the new route has been done, and I have always shared strats publicly.

Third, If you want me to add a multi bout category, I'm ok with doing that, but you would have to decide on a condition. For example, 3 Set Points, Max Difficulty. You can respond here if you want that. The other difficulties were unsubmitted to, I would be happy to add a 2 point, Stress Relief. But it needs to be decided on. The other difficulties were untouched for 5 years, that is 5 years of NO SUBMISSIONS to a variable of 2 bouts. If we add it it back it should be a special Multi Bout (round) challenge so the rules and conditions need to be set, not just having it so its an empty category that will get at most 1 submission.

I'll end with this, Your making a big thing from a change that got rid of 1 thing, this game has been on life support 5 years, even before I came and did some well needed fighting game research. I have done this in BAT 1, with Ellis' slide infinite, or Gaia's extremely cheap fireball push, and everyone came back and beat my times. I have done this in BAT 2 in addition. Just recently I just did this in Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition, board sweep, and guess what @AlbertAC3 came right back and improved the times with his own board sweep. It's a healthy thing, and these event's are the kind of thing that are good for a game because they push it forward. New strats, new routes, better defined rules, actually having variables set correctly. This back in forth in common in speedrunning, in fact its actually hype and something most runners of games look forward to. I know it sucks to lose a record, but come back and beat it, be a positive part of the history of the game you run. Not a negative one.

You've done a run or two copying the Veil Strat that @deserteagle417 and @ShoShinjo preformed and perfected, 4 months ago. While I am happy to see additional runners, you've never interacted with anyone in the community, your gameplay is not clean compared to someone like @1800POOPNOW whose multirun also got deleted, and I see this is your first speedrun. This behavior isn't making you look good. However I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt because your not understanding really what changes were made based on your above comments.

You can work co-operatively and cordial with me to talk about what category we can add, or you can just remove yourself from a community you barely were a part of. I hope its the former but I can accept the latter. It's your choice of what kind of speedrunner you want to be.

Glitchedd, AlbertAC3, そして Nighlin これを好き
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

Your 1 Set point records are still there and the 1 set (1 Bout is just as it is).

I'm not sure what you mean by "Yet 1 game still has these categories." If your referring to BAT 1 and BAT 2 or BAT 2 PLUS or any other Toshinden entry, they all are different game with their own settings and values, and play drastically different from each other.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

Your welcome to do your own long runs, and post them in the discord as well as in the forum here.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

What are you talking about. The number of Bouts is a variable. Bat 1 and 2 are completely different games. All I did was remove that variable which was added almost 5 years ago.

Your welcome to come to discord vc and discuss this, your not coming through well on text. And I think you don't understand the changes that were made. The only difference is 3 runs were removed, since the 2 point setting was removed, since its lengthening the game.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

The only other runner with a run was Poop san, and I am sure he would understand the decision.

Again adding extra rounds and stretching out a run is fine if you want to do that on your own, but its not needed for the leaderboard. Your welcome to speedrun how you want. But for the official leaderboard im not going to add 2 , 3, 7 round runs.

If those variables weren't up there in the first place you would not have even submitted to them.

Also to what records are you referring to that are impossible to beat?

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

Huh? The layout is the same minus the round variable. Everyone has been running arcade mode 1 round, and selecting difficulty.

All I did was go into the coding and make sure the runs are in the correct Arcade sub difficulties, rather than categories. This is common practice.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 months ago

Again the default was moved from its original value of 1 to go UP toward more rounds increase. Usually for speedruns we go down, this game in general is meant for one round and its again, THE DEFAULT. Not a huge hefty change. It shouldn't have been changed in the first place. The other ones had been empty for a very long time. Sorry your unhappy but please focus on speedrunning the game as its intended.

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