New York, USACryonics1 year ago

I've noticed if you view games in a series/on a specific console or whatever category, you can still sort runs by date added, # of runs, etc, but it will only show # of active players. You can still sort by games with most runs, but it won't show you how many runs each game has, just how many active players. Dumb update.

Ivory, Grapevine そして 2 その他 これを好き
New York, USACryonics1 year ago

Hi all, I've been doing some housekeeping lately and wanted to make a real quick recap of what I've been doing to the board:

-Reorganized the No Restarts and Glitchless tabs into their own subcategories of any%

-Added some IL categories and variables for them (only useful for worlds with worms in them)

-Added new misc categories: Reverse% and Low% (details can be found in their respective "rules" section

-Changed the overall theme to Ocean - I think it looks neat! Will probably change it every now and then, but after a lot of messing around with it I think I'm gonna leave it as is for now.

As for what I'm working on now, I've been wanting to get an updated guide for this game up for a bit now due to the best we have currently being a 9 year old forum on a website most are unfamiliar with, but I'm starting to realize the whole youtube video format isn't working out for me, whether or not I'm doing it live or pre-recorded it doesn't feel right. Therefore, I think I'm gonna move my resources to a forum-like post/guide posted either here or formatted on steam and then forwarded here, as I think I can communicate best through text format.

I'm also planning to add some save files that can be downloaded and used in your games for either practice or to use in reverse% to avoid having to complete the game every attempt.

That's all for now, thanks for checking in!

New York, USACryonics6 years ago

So I have a very, VERY difficult time doing tricks like screen scrolling and ladder clips (since they're frame perfect). Keyboards have quicker travel times, so would we be allowed to use a keyboard for these tricks, and use a controller for the rest of the run, or would this be an unfair advantage and be banned? (No, this wouldn't be using extra key bindings, it would just be using the keypad for certain glitches and using the normal controller for the rest of the game)

New York, USACryonics7 years ago

Welcome to TFIJ speedrunning. This is a great but underrated game for speedrunning, and even with the lack of runners I hope someone stumbles by this post one day and hopes to try and speedrun this game with me. This game has great potential for speedrunning with its glitches like worm cloning, OoB, and its overall mechanic of jelly, which makes the game very fun and challenging to play and speedrun. If you want to know more, you can join this discord server and ask any questions about the game or read up on this SDA forum explaining everything you need to know about TFIJ speedrunning. Discord: https://discord.gg/tTvjqWj SDA forum: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/the_floor_is_jelly.html Have fun speedrunning.

New York, USACryonics7 years ago

I would like to run DKR but don't have an actual console.Next best thing is an emulator, right? But they're banned, why is that? Why are they banned?

New York, USACryonics7 years ago

After observing a lot of runs, I see that what most runners do is use bombs to kill off a horde of darknuts. I am having a very difficult time trying to kill these darknuts with the bombs, does anyone know a good strat for killing off darknuts? Thanks in advance!

New York, USACryonics7 years ago

Hi! So I was thinking of running Zelda, and was wondering if we use an emulator, could we use an SNES controller for speedrunning the game, and if we could use different controllers for the emulator period. Thanks!

7 years ago
2 months ago
The Floor is Jelly
The Floor is Jelly
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The Legend of Zelda
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Daytona USA
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The Floor is Jelly
The Floor is Jelly
最終訪問 2 months ago
The Floor is Jelly
The Floor is Jelly
最終アクション 1 year ago