スレッド: Kwirk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The community discord can be found at: https://discord.gg/Qn6YxB3

Nepumuk これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 22nd of September – 19:00 CEST Till : 24th of September – 19:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 https://goo.gl/maps/nPvFqAp65Ct http://awesomespace.nl/ For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: https://discord.gg/0rIl58dN5J4w7gBn We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here: https://goo.gl/forms/jMMIk0eLDfs189Cz2

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on September 10th (11 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here: https://goo.gl/UMgHDD.

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 17th of September (the ticket needs to be processed by midnight on September 17th). Tickets are €6,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival. https://beneluxsg.org/events/

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WdlKweMHTatZ0IAgQmC_kHnJTk0Xa_cV1ISWx6Epf-A/edit?usp=sharing

Code of Conduct https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FcRN_g55b8NqxOEMC61Y4mR2YgaqXBkdyzmPQagrEiE/edit?usp=sharing

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Since the venue is somewhat hard to reach by public transport, we're setting up a pendel service between Eindhoven station and airport and the venue.

For a fee of 10 euro you can get picked up or be dropped off at either Eindhoven central station or Eindhoven airport. The money is to cover all costs of the trip, as well as buy a drink for whomever is the one driving back and forth (after all, these are all volunteers, so this is kind off a way of saying thank you). Since the service is entirely run by volunteers we do request this people using it to not overuse the service.

If you want to make use of this service, please contact me directly through discord (Crrool#9362) with a location (either central or airport), time/date of arrival and potential other information we need to have.

Note, there is an option to go by bus, which makes a stop about 10 minutes walking from the venue. The bus will cost about 5 euro and takes about an hour to get there. If you want to make use of it, you'll need line 319 to Reusel. This bus goes every 15 minutes. Another bus-line that's close by is 291, stop "Bladel, Hooiberg"

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

For those interested, during BSG annual you can actually get yourself your very own BSG hoodie or t-shirt. For all shirts and hoodies pretty much any color and size is possible.

Hoodies are 35 euro each, t-shirts are 20 euro. Payment can be done in cash at the venue.

For questions or if you want to order one, contact Crrool directly (Crrool on twitch, or Crrool#9362 on discord). Ordering one will be possible untill July 31st.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

I want to mention a few things regarding the cuts before anything else. The cuts are split up in 4 parts, the accepted runs (these are going to be on the main schedule by default), the setup buffer runs (these are on the schedule but are removed if there wouldnt be enough time due to something going horribly wrong), the back-up list runs (these runs are rejected, but will be on a list of back-up runs in case something happens to another run or we start running very far ahead) and the rejected runs (these runs will not be in the marathon). As with any marathon, dont feel bad if your game(s) didnt make it. There is only so much time to fill, so one way or another games are going to have to be cut. We appreciate all of your submissions and are looking forward to seeing all of you during BSG annual. Anyway, without further ado, the cuts for BSG Annual: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/114vquTpRjXIG-Z9QTqrRsvEXdzR7su_KSuZQmicSJSw/edit?usp=sharing

The schedule can be found here: http://www.speedrun.com/bsg_annual/schedule

Nepumuk これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 16th of June – 19:00 CEST Till : 18th of June – 19:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 https://goo.gl/maps/nPvFqAp65Ct http://awesomespace.nl/ For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: https://discord.gg/0rIl58dN5J4w7gBn We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here: https://goo.gl/forms/8vvzecziyOZcNCol1

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on June 4th (11 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here: https://goo.gl/UMgHDD.

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 11th of June (the ticket needs to be processed by midnight on June 11th). Tickets are €6,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival. https://beneluxsg.org/events/

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WdlKweMHTatZ0IAgQmC_kHnJTk0Xa_cV1ISWx6Epf-A/edit?usp=sharing

Code of Conduct https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FcRN_g55b8NqxOEMC61Y4mR2YgaqXBkdyzmPQagrEiE/edit?usp=sharing

Nandii, Ronald そして 2 その他 これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Quick question, I noticed the FF1 estimate was set to 1:47, where that should be 1:40. Any reason this is different? Or is it just a small error in the schedule?

Indi これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

For the duration of BSG annual mass housing will be an option. The mass housing will be in the same building as the event, costing 35 euro for a week or 10 euro for a night. However, if you'd prefer a hotel there are options near the venue as well.

More hotels will be added to the list once we hear back from them.

Hotel de Tipmast Tipmast 48A, 5531 NG Bladel (about 1km from the venue) The Netherlands Contact form: http://www.hoteldetipmast.nl/detipmast/index.php/contact Single rooms: 55 euro a night Double rooms: 75 euro a night

Nepumuk これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Ticket sales just went live

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Dropped my Evoland estimate from 45 to 42. Been getting pretty consistent sub 40's in my offline practice runs. Might drop it further down to 40, but dont wanna overdo it either.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Submitted a bunch of games. As riekelt might know, if you ever need more, you need only to ask Keepo

スレッド: The Site
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Another ganda one I suppose, but: http://www.speedrun.com/user/ganda61

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 19th of May – 19:00 CEST Till : 21st of May – 19:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 https://goo.gl/maps/nPvFqAp65Ct http://awesomespace.nl/ For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: https://discord.gg/0rIl58dN5J4w7gBn We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here: https://goo.gl/forms/ZOPGNs5B3MPhnQ4x1

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on May 7th (11 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here: https://goo.gl/UMgHDD.

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 14th of May (the ticket needs to be processed by midnight on May 14th). Tickets are €6,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival. https://beneluxsg.org/events/

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WdlKweMHTatZ0IAgQmC_kHnJTk0Xa_cV1ISWx6Epf-A/edit?usp=sharing

Code of Conduct https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FcRN_g55b8NqxOEMC61Y4mR2YgaqXBkdyzmPQagrEiE/edit?usp=sharing

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

How will it work? We ask runners to submit their runs individually using the form that's linked below. In case you want to submit multiple games or categories, you have to fill the form out for each additional game/category. You can opt to mention your preferred run/category, this is not a guarantee that that run will be accepted, but we will take it into consideration.

When can I submit? Submissions will run from April 10th, 6pm CEST until May 7th, 11:59 pm CEST.

Where can I submit? The submission form: https://goo.gl/forms/RdQMFmC2laskyOl82 Submitted runs: https://goo.gl/ZkLkrw

When will I know if my run got in? The cuts will be announced one week after the submissions close, on May 14th (time TBD). The schedule will be announced on May 21st at the end of BSG 14, live, on stream.

jellyd0ts, Ronald そして 8 その他 これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

As with any event of a size like BSG annual, a lot of work needs to be done on-site to make sure the stream will run smoothly and everyone will have a good time. As such we're actively looking for people interested in taking a shift for hosting or tech, or any other sort of help at the event. If you are interested in helping out you are of course welcome to.

In order to ensure that everyone, including volunteers, can get the most out of their stay, all shifts are limited to a maximum of 4 hours (with most shifts being around 3 hours in length). New volunteers are requested to be at the venue the day prior to stream so we can properly instruct them on how everything works and on everything they need to know.

We're currently looking for volunteers for:

Hosting: Hosting involves, among others, announcing runs, reading out donations, plugging incentives and talk about the charity. If you're interested you're also welcome to help with runner interviews between runs.

Audio: Audio involves monitoring audio and adjusting audio levels if needed.

Tech: Tech involves setting up games, keeping track of the timer and all the involving software, making sure everything is properly cropped and just in general making sure the stream keeps running smoothly.

Other: Aside from all the stream-related there are plenty of other things that will need help. Stuff like cooking, cleaning, first aid and so on. If there are any such things you'd be interested in helping, feel free to let us know as well.

In case you are interested in helping out, you can fill out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/NMuJyVyjLNfR8Ji53

Soreyasu, SevenS1ns そして 2 その他 これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

BSG, also known as the Benelux Speedrunner Gathering, is an on-site marathon in the Netherlands. Naturally the event is open for people from all nationalities. The doors will be open starting Saturday the 19th of August until Sunday the 27th of August. The stream is scheduled to run starting Sunday the 20th of August untill Saturday the 26th of August. Mass housing is available untill Sunday the 27th and will cover this entire period.

Venue Egyptischedijk 14 5531NE Bladel the Netherlands

Due to the venue being somewhat hard to reach by public transport it will be possible to be picked up and dropped off at Eindhoven Central or Eindhoven Airport, more info on this soon.

Submissions & Schedule dates Submissions open: April 10th (6 pm CEST) untill May 7th (11:59 pm CEST) Cuts: May 14th Schedule: May 21st (announced at the end of BSG 14)

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. Tickets can be purchased through https://beneluxsg.org/events/ starting May 1st. Tickets will be €50,- per person, mass housing will be €35,- for the full week. Daytickets will be €12,50, and mass housing tickets for 1 night will be €10,-

Hotels In case you'd prefer a hotel over mass housing, you can find more info regarding nearby hotels here: http://www.speedrun.com/bsg_annual/thread/tbnt9

Volunteering The volunteering thread can be found at: http://www.speedrun.com/bsg_annual/thread/mxkqx

Contact info Please join the public discord: https://discord.gg/0rIl58dN5J4w7gBn

Discord is our official means of communication and is the easiest way to get in touch with any of the organizing members.

Boxmeister, Ronald そして 9 その他 これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 21st of April – 19:00 CEST Till : 23rd of April – 19:00 CEST (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 https://goo.gl/maps/nPvFqAp65Ct http://awesomespace.nl/ For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: https://discord.gg/0rIl58dN5J4w7gBn We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here: https://goo.gl/forms/bMtcxPfu8GV55dej1

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on April 9th (11 pm CEST). You can view current submissions here: https://goo.gl/UMgHDD.

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 16th of April (the ticket needs to be processed by midnight on April 16th). Tickets are €6,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival. https://beneluxsg.org/events/

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WdlKweMHTatZ0IAgQmC_kHnJTk0Xa_cV1ISWx6Epf-A/edit?usp=sharing

Code of Conduct https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FcRN_g55b8NqxOEMC61Y4mR2YgaqXBkdyzmPQagrEiE/edit?usp=sharing

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 24th of March – 19:00 CET Till : 26th of March – 19:00 CET (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 https://goo.gl/maps/nPvFqAp65Ct http://awesomespace.nl/ For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: https://discord.gg/0rIl58dN5J4w7gBn We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here: https://goo.gl/forms/QjCFXkwO3MIoL82d2

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on March 12th (11 pm CET). You can view current submissions here: https://goo.gl/UMgHDD.

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 19th of March. Tickets are €6,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival. https://beneluxsg.org/events/

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WdlKweMHTatZ0IAgQmC_kHnJTk0Xa_cV1ISWx6Epf-A/edit?usp=sharing

Code of Conduct https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FcRN_g55b8NqxOEMC61Y4mR2YgaqXBkdyzmPQagrEiE/edit?usp=sharing

Indi これを好き
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Schedule is live

スレッド: Final Fantasy
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

I suppose someone should explain the cause of the timing difference. Luzbel's time in fact is not wrong, reason being the timer started differently rather then finished differently. If you look at the start of the run he did a reset at about 6 seconds. Retiming the run from reset untill the final point (the one you correctly pointed out) will give the time luzbel has on the leaderboard.

To confirm this cronokirby frametimed Luzbel's run back in the day and that was the timing we used for the final time. Hope that clears up the reason for the time being wrong.

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