EnglandBrynjolfRavendale5 months ago

Speedrun.com decides to spam me 20+ emails about you and your grafting :P


EnglandBrynjolfRavendale10 months ago

Noice. Also, in regard to my best run prior to this. For some reason, I could push my left analogue stick fully 90 degrees left and somehow not derail without braking anywhere. I did laugh when I learned it was possible (fairly consistently too). It didn't last a year though. :P gg

スレッド: X-treme Express

Dear fellow conductors who may find it useful,

I have made a spreadsheet of all 80 trains with a few filtered tables for ease of use: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HzB1W4IRBijBlPiqhn9SJ3nloYgtxOhJ_3LnqTeLd_E/edit?usp=sharing

Hopefully, it's readable with all the conditional formatting I've done to it. Let me know if anything needs changing/adding. Let the theory crafting begin!

P.S First thread ever on this game poggers Regards, Brynjolf.

Deathmones これを好き

Noice. I don't read comments or messages much. Your comment on "stick spam" in my attempt. :YEP: Aggressively shifting train weight off the rail totally makes sense to get back on it. :YEP:

That train is a very good shout stats-wise. :)

Edit: The moment I write this and tried it, never used the train before, not touched the game in 2 weeks, in one take, 1m 32s 666ms. Lol

Imma sees if I can get it lower first.

The last three missions are just amazing and clever!

ZwingaTron これを好き

Yikes -016ms. gg

Deathmones これを好き
One casual speedy boi. (Mostly racing like games)
4 years ago
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