Idaho, USABryBad4 months ago

Oh shoot! I'm watching this run for the first time and I had no idea that you also used a scrambling Steve Young. I assumed that the Genesis runs also just used Emmitt Smith. I wrongly claimed that I had come up with this meta on the SNES side. My bad! Kudos to you!

aaron2u2 これを好き
スレッド: Tiny Toon Adventures
Idaho, USABryBad6 months ago

Thanks for the input, Dave!

I'm also fairly neutral in full honesty, but I had been bettering my Furrball% so I could upload a decent time. I stopped the grind due to not knowing what the decision would be, so I just wanted to know where we stood with it.

I have been working on a "Buster Only" time recently, and after I got a handle on that I was going to transition into Any% and learn the normal strats, if you will. If the other categories were to be added, I would probably drop a time in each one for fun too.

Again, to clarify, I don't have much of a preference either way, but I was simply hoping for an answer of some sort. :)

MegaMeow これを好き
Idaho, USABryBad6 months ago

Lol okay! That's great to know! The full story is that I participated in a charity marathon where I learned how to speedrun five games in ten days, all but one I had never played before. This is one of the games that I had never played. So really I just watched the WR and tried to mimic it without even fully knowing what the "glitches" are! After race day was concluded, I wanted to go back and upload a final PB for each game, and this run is the result of that. I will say though that I do enjoy this game and am planning on lowering this time and also attempting the "Beat the Game" category, so hopefully I'll find out the significance of accidentally despawning boulders via the scroll glitch (whatever that is). :) Cheers and thank you for the feedback!

As a side question, is there a video guide for the glitches in this game somewhere? I see the quick and dirty text guide in the forums, but unless I'm mistaken it doesn't mention anything about a scroll glitch. I'm just interested in learning.

Edit: I went back and ACTUALLY watched the time stamps you mentioned, and yeah, those boulders are gone! That is strange...I hope that you guys can figure something cool out with that. :D

スレッド: Tiny Toon Adventures
Idaho, USABryBad6 months ago

Where are we at on this? I read the forum thread about Dizzy and can understand the hesitation, but also, if there is a "Buster Only" category it kind of makes sense to do categories of the other characters too. Just my opinion.

Regardless, a yes or a no would be nice. :)

MegaMeow これを好き
スレッド: Tiny Toon Adventures
Idaho, USABryBad6 months ago

Yeah, I have a time I can upload too. :)

MegaMeow これを好き
ラン: Skate Cat
Idaho, USABryBad7 months ago

When is the timer supposed to end? The rules say at the "thank you" text, but this run stops before then. Is there an audio cue? I know that this game and speedrun are still in the beginning stages and all that, so there is probably some variance here. Just looking for a clarification before I start working on my runs. :)

MegaMeow これを好き
スレッド: DuckTales (NES)
Idaho, USABryBad10 months ago

Thank you for the quick responses! I just wanted to make sure everything was up to standards. :)

スレッド: DuckTales (NES)
Idaho, USABryBad10 months ago

Hey guys! So I have started to speedrun this game a bit on my Twitch channel. I've been slowly working my time down and I am around that point where I am comfortable uploading a decent (ish) time.

After I ended my last stream, I noticed that I had a message about "copyrighted audio" and muting my VOD, which happens here and there as I play music every once in a while on other streams. But then it hit me that it shouldn't have muted anything on this particular stream. Long story short, I went into the claims and it seems that Capcom is what is flagging the muted audio for the levels African Mines, The Amazon, and The Moon. The muting is sporadic and only happens a few times and in a few spots. Of course, as luck would have it, the audio is muted during a portion of my current PB.

To my question: has anyone else experienced this? And if this is a known issue, will the mods be okay with muted portions of a submitted run? I've never had actual game music muted before, to my knowledge, so it seems really strange.

I can offer screenshots of the copyrighted notifications and links to my recent VODS if needed for proof, but mainly I'm just wondering what is going on here and how this may affect future attempts.

スレッド: Exit the Gungeon
Idaho, USABryBad2 years ago

I'm not a mod, but a clone run would be considered the same run as the one you died in. Clever thinking, but I don't think that type of run would count. :)

Idaho, USABryBad2 years ago

So I came here to check out the boards (I played the crap out of this game as a kid), and the boards/times are a bit odd.

For example, the WR for one goal is 15 minutes and 52 seconds. In the in-game video, the time is 15.52 seconds. I'm going to assume that this is the same for the other times on the boards, where the WR is 3 hours, 23 minutes, and 29 seconds. Are these just uploaded wrong or am I missing something here?

Kind of the same thing with the "most goals" category. How can the total goals (11) be kept track of with a time? For example, If I score 12 goals, and the time is uploaded as 12 seconds, then I would come up as second place on the leaderboards?

Could the mod clarify?

PopperKing, AaronTruitt そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: WCW/nWo Revenge
Idaho, USABryBad2 years ago

Hello all! I just dropped a few new WR times on the boards (pending approval) and I think the boys and I are going to start grinding this game a bit. I'm hoping the veterans already here will accept the challenge and join us!

That being said, I'd like to officially ask for a single player, 40-Man Battle Royal category. I know it was asked for in another thread a few months ago, and so I'm just asking again. We've had a lot of fun with this mode in other wrestling games! The option to play two player is awesome and I love that it is here, but realistically a 1p vs 3cpu or even a 1p2c vs 2cpu has literally no shot of even being close to the current two player times...so let's start some competition and split 'em up! :)

We really hope that this category can be added soon, and I look forward to the friendly competition that is sure to follow in the coming months. Good luck and have fun!

bradenexplosion, 5upamayne, そして Megamatt79 これを好き
スレッド: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

I have messed with the different AI difficulties for the Royal Rumble, and while I can't fully speak for the other runners (though they would probably agree), it seems that the best AI difficulty to pick is "Easy". I had the same thought as you while messing with attempts, so I know where you are coming from. In theory, it makes sense. In practice, it's seemingly not worth it. While it's true that the AI might be more capable of eliminating others, it also slows down YOUR eliminations greatly. The current times at the top of the boards in Any% pretty much have the player eliminating someone every 15 to 20 seconds, including their ring entrance. This is a tall order on easy, but it would be near impossible on Hard. Not to mention that the AI only has about 10 seconds in between each elimination to do anything, and more often than not they are just attacking the other AI randomly, so eliminations usually occur at about the same rate. Compare the top Royal Rumble Any% times (on Easy) to the Royal Rumble in the top times of the "Road to Wrestlemania" category (assumed on Hard) for reference. The difference isn't pretty. LOL

TL;DR Unless some type of new strategy is discovered, Easy is better than Hard, and it's not even close. It also takes a huge amount of luck and RNG... :)

To your CAW question, I suppose we would need more info? Do you have a specific question? When creating your CAW you can change literally all options. I have a few CAWs with certain movesets OR I just swap moves in and out based on what category I'm running. I also have a few "strong" CAWs with high offensive and defensive stats, and a few "weak" CAWs with low/no offensive and defensive stats. I usually go against a weak CAW when going for exhibition records, but use the strong CAWs for teammates. Touching on the above, I've even dabbled with strong/weak CAWs in the initial four of the Royal Rumble, with varying degrees of success. But again, I think it's more luck-based than anything as I've seen strong CAWs suck and weak CAWs get some serious work done!

Let us know if you have any other questions and good luck on the runs! :)

5upamayne これを好き
スレッド: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

To Megamatt's post above, I also had another thought while reading his proposal. We all know that the settings to a match are saved after a match has been chosen. With that in mind, if someone gets a time that they want to submit, it could be suggested that they include quitting back to the main menu, and then go to set up another match. This would show the settings that were saved from the prior match. It's kind of the same as what Megamatt79 is talking about, but could cut down a VERY long video to a much more manageable bite to verify. I think either method would work fine though.

Megamatt79 そして 5upamayne これを好き
スレッド: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

Yeah, I can't imagine that us running the Any% the way it's meant to be run (including pins, submissions, etc.) will really change a whole lot on average, but the possibility is there for some quicker times. Doing a few matches with the "Quick Match" mode on, the computer players caused three submissions in total. The computer elimination totals weren't too different from normal, but the RNG is there to make something exciting happen. :)

A Ring Out Only category could vary with the Any% category though. I disagree that the fastest runs would satisfy both conditions. While it's true that the player will still be throwing people out, it's the COMPUTER players that are the wild card who can and will pin, or most likely, tap out other computers at some point. In my current Royal Rumble WR, the computer threw out 7 people. Of course that isn't normal, but it isn't out of the realm of possibility that with submissions active the computer goes crazy and RNG has them toss 5 entrants and tap out 6 entrants or something nuts, blowing the current time out of the water. I agree that the average match from each of the two categories would be similar, but I do think that the Any% category has the potential to shave off a lot more time than the Ring Out Only category, simply due to Quick Match. I'm okay with not adding a Ring Out Only category for now, but if we get some test runs and DO see a bigger difference, I think we should reconsider.

I think adding a "Quick Match" category to the submission section is an excellent compromise, and I fully agree.

I'm glad to hear that you have a copy of the game on the way @NihilistComedyHour and I look forward to your runs!

5upamayne そして Megamatt79 これを好き
スレッド: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

@Megamatt79 my feelings about the "Quick Match" I think mirror yours. On one hand, it seems to cheapen the overall FEEL for the category and it just seems a little...lame...but on the other hand, your current time might just be yet another one of those runs that you can only theoretically tie (kudos to you for optimizing so many runs to the point where you can only be tied), and so in that regard I don't think it really changes things. Either way, I think the run is fully optimized at either your standard time or my "Quick Match" time. I too, could go either way with the ruling, but I DO think we need it to be clarified.

Thank you for the congratulations on the Royal Rumble, by the way! I still believe the fully optimized run to be around a 6:45 or so, which means we still have at least 20 seconds or so of meat on the bone for anyone willing to give it a shot. I don't think I'm done with it just yet, myself. :)

Now to your point about the Royal Rumble category. In the VOD I linked, you can see that I was literally going for the first ever No Ring Out time, and I found the "Quick Match" setting while preparing to do so. This discovery changed my course of action for the stream entirely, because I wanted a ruling on "Quick Match" before I even attempted the run, as obviously it would change things dramatically. Even though I haven't uploaded a No Ring Out time, I LOVE this category. When I was a kid and playing with friends, THIS is the mode that we played all day, every day. So I do vote to keep it as I think it will be a lot of fun to get it optimized. However, your idea of COMBINING both modes and creating a new category (or just tweaking the current Any% category) I also love. Throwing out people is still the fastest way, I'm sure, BUT allowing pins and submissions as well means that the computer wrestlers add an exciting bit of RNG that I am all about.

TL;DR It's up to @NihilistComedyHour and the rest of you to decide the ruling on "Quick Match" as I will roll with it either way, but we do need clarification in the rules for all applicable categories regardless of our decision. I also say "yes" to updating the Any% to allow for all eliminations, or alternatively, creating a third Royal Rumble category for this purpose and changing the current Any% to Ring Out Only.

Megamatt79 これを好き
スレッド: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

Runners! I think we need to have a discussion. So as of now, all of our attempts at submission times on the boards have been with the submission setting set to "Yes". Easy, right? Well, I was goofing off and changing a few settings around and discovered the "Quick Match" option listed with submissions (the three options are Yes, No, and Quick Match). I didn't recall seeing that before while playing the game, so I decided to play with it and see what it did. After testing, I eventually got a tap out on my first submission, at 6 seconds. This would obviously crush the current WR.

Upon further testing, it looks like the "Quick Match" setting might just add an RNG factor to tapping out rather than having to damage the opponent a certain amount. While playing with the same characters, and the exact same settings, doing the exact some moves, I've had results vary from a tapout at the first submission, all the way to spamming submissions and getting a tapout at the 50 second mark.

So here's the deal. We need to decide if "Quick Match" is allowed or not as a setting. It isn't a cheat, by any means, but also if it is allowed, it would drop submission times substantially in all categories. The only other category I think it could affect would be the Royal Rumble No Ring Out %, which doesn't have any times currently. What do you guys think? If "Quick Match" is deemed illegal, we need to change the category rules to specify that it isn't allowed, because as the rules are currently worded, it is my understanding that this setting would be allowed.

As I mentioned, I have a 6 second WR time on standby, but I didn't want to upload it without bringing it up with @NihilistComedyHour and the rest of the community.

Just for posterity sake, reference, and transparency here is the VOD on my twitch where I discovered and tested these things: My discovery starts at about 1:20:10 and I stop messing with it at around the 2:01:00 mark.

What do you all think?

Megamatt79 これを好き
スレッド: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

Got it. I wonder then if a mod should change the board rules officially then to 100%. Because as it sits, my strategy would be to include count outs and such, and that would make my times significantly faster, especially if no one else is using those strats.

Yeah don't break the Nintendo original...LOL! The game can definitely troll you. Just don't plan on perfection at first. Just PLAY and the more that you do, the better you'll get. Once you have a rhythm and general feel for things, then you can go for the speed. At the higher difficulties, you can just let them attack you and then YOU can reverse their attacks in order to weaken them. There are also certain reversals that can't be reversed (if that makes sense...LOL). For example, regular punches can be reversed back and forth forever, but if your reversal of a punch is something like chops to the head or an arm breaker or some other specific move I can't remember, then you can block a punch and have for sure damage. If you are using a custom character, just play around with your moveset a little and see what you like.

You'll get there, my friend! Keep working at it!

スレッド: Kung Fu
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

Hey Slack, now that you are a mod, how about that "damageless" category you mentioned before? I'd love to challenge you at that. :)

Deadguy, I hope to see some good times from you on the boards soon!

Slackanater, Twinstar, そして Thee_Deadguy これを好き
スレッド: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

@Pottsie91 I can't speak from personal experience RECENTLY, but I played the absolute crap out of this game when I was younger and on all difficulty settings. I do remember it feeling like the Road to Wrestlemania started "easy" and ended "hard", so you are probably correct. Again, I can't verify with anything other than my memory, so don't quote me.

Try going against the Undertaker on hard in exhibition or something and see if it is a similar experience to your matches that are giving you issues.

Personal question, are you doing attempts for the boards right now? I was waiting on an answer to my above post before I gave any official attempts...but if you are attempting it, are you going for the 100% (no count outs and such) or any%?

スレッド: WWF WrestleMania 2000
Idaho, USABryBad3 years ago

So there is currently one time on the boards in this category, and it is a 100% run (I think it is, at least). I do intend on challenging this record, but I wanted to touch base to see if the category rules are for a 100% run or an any% category. I know the thread mentions different categories, but I only see the one, unless I'm mistaken.

If the current board is any%, my strategies will obviously be a little different than if it's officially a 100%, so I just wanted some clarification before I start to prepare my plan of attack. :)

4 years ago
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DuckTales (NES)
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最終訪問 2 months ago
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WWF WrestleMania 2000
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最終アクション 3 years ago
WCW/nWo Revenge
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最終アクション 1 year ago