United StatesBlueRunsFast6 years ago

I just started running IL the other day and I agree. There's not really a difference between amateur, normal, and veteran. Combining at least these three would help the leaderboards look more organized and help anyone who follows the game with the excessive amount of notifications. Maybe keep pro by itself because its very different from the other 3 but besides that id agree that each difficulty having its own category in IL is nearly pointless. At most I feel like amateur might save 10-15 seconds through out the whole game over veteran. that amount of time would barley make a difference in a individual level

United StatesBlueRunsFast6 years ago

For the single segment level leaderboards what would be considered a tactical reset? If there's a way to reset without hurting the legitimacy of the run to save time I want to do it

United StatesBlueRunsFast6 years ago

Thanks man. ill forcefully get over it soon. im just not use to these shenanigans in a speedrunning community. the people in re4 seemed excited, maybe even happy to see a new runner. new looks and views can help a run out so much. like that truck skip thing in 2-1 was so hype the other day. and as far as i can tell that was the first time its ever been done. runners should want these new starts to be found so they can implement them in there own instead of bitching about how your time is faster than theres.

United StatesBlueRunsFast6 years ago

Our runs will be going on here when i finally figure out how to edit a segmented run properly. i want to provide a form of proof for me and snows runs. it wont stop people from accusing but it will make them look stupid in the process. it is pretty easy to tell a cheated time from a legit one with enough practice put in the game. ive just been so salty since fireblast called me a loser. like i dont even know who he is and hes gonna say some s¤¤t like that to me cuz my times faster than his. get outta here kid lol

United StatesBlueRunsFast6 years ago

Two days ago i was messaged by someone known as fireblast. Now as im sure all of you know lots and lots of hours go into getting theses runs completed, so being called a cheater for simply beating someones time is, well, unsettling to say the least. Ive put much more time into RE4 than i have in RE5, and in my opinion my RE4 runs are way more impressive than anything ive done in RE5, but noone accuses of cheating in that game. My point is that me and RE_Snow ARE NOT cheating to beat these times. We are working, practicing, grinding for these times just like everyone else. Calling someone a loser for beating your time is so childish.. so naive and ignorant. Im making this public because im not gonna let being called a cheater and a loser stand. Not now, not ever

KaneGTq そして RE_Snow これを好き
United StatesBlueRunsFast6 years ago

I guess one thumbs up equals 4 question marks lol. but regardless HUGE help. Thank you :)

United StatesBlueRunsFast6 years ago

First attempt after reading this i got the correct amount of Ganados. Thanks Phaero! ????

JTB これを好き
United StatesBlueRunsFast6 years ago

I'm trying to use the method i see the majority of the fastest runners using and it simply isnt working. My first thought was it was a console thing but the 5th place runner in this category played on Xbox One as well and he did it the same way 1st-4th did... I shot the one granado outside 7 times, killing him and then do the menuing where items are moved around and a granade is equipped. I run into the cutscene building and throw the granade out the little peep hole thing which triggers another cutscene just before/after the shotgun is picked up. Then i grab the granade behind the glass in the cabinet and run downstairs and jump out the window. When i turn to the left to kill the last granados to end the fight instead of seeing 10+ there is only 3. Out of at least 10 attempts ive only seen the correct amount of people once. What am i doing wrong!?

United StatesBlueRunsFast7 years ago

Thanks Chrioden. i'll have to play around with it a bit and see what works on ONE for me when. appriciate the help!

Chrioden これを好き
United StatesBlueRunsFast7 years ago

I've been noticing a dramatic difference in enemy behavior between these two runs. I was wondering if anyone had any clarification as to why. I can only think its d.a figuring how my normal Separate Ways runs are sloppier and have more mistakes than my SW+ runs, but I'm not sure. I first noticed the difference in chapter 4 before the battle ship area when it was seemingly harder to bait enemies into attacks and easier to just run past them without getting hit. For example the tall intimidating armored enemy with the long metal weapon at the start of chapter 4 wouldn't even swing until I was half-past him, but in SW+ he was a must dodge kind of guy. I'm trying to come up with a consistent strat for this run and the different enemy behavior compared to what I'm used to in SW+ is making it difficult. Any knowledge as to why they're behaving differently and/or how to make them behave the same way every time is much appreciated :).

Fantomasn96 これを好き
United StatesBlueRunsFast7 years ago

Hey Sleep a recent run of mine was put in the wrong category. I'm not sure if I mislabeled it or if it was a simple mistake from a mod but either way I just want it to be put in the right spot. My HD console no merchant run was not done on pro. I played on normal difficulty. Thanks in advance for any help!!

United StatesBlueRunsFast7 years ago

Thanks. I'm pretty sure I have it figured out now!

Sleepwalker_92 これを好き
United StatesBlueRunsFast7 years ago

My Seperate Ways NG+ speedrun for RE4 on xbox one is broken up into six videos on twitch; one for each chapter besides chapter 4 which is broken into two videos due to a well placed typewriter (just after making it through the battle ship). On top of not knowing how to send the vids in with my submission im not sure if or how badly useing saves/loads will affect my real game time in comparison to the 24:45 in game time i finished with. I understand real game time will be used for determing the speed of my speedrun but i didnt and dont know how to time my run accurately with real game time. I apoligize for my ignorance on the subject but i feel the quickest way to become knowledgeable (on this subject) is to ask the people who know what there doing. I spent roughly 3 hours to get the 24:45 time but countless hours learning enemy movements, ways to manipulate those movements, granade throws, and quick kills for boss fights. I really want to have my time on here lol any an all help will be greatly appriciated.

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