Old blind man Tricks
Old blind man Tricks
投稿日 2 years ago 投稿者:

I found 2 nice thing with the old blind man part:

  • we can skip the cutscene, we can pause right after climbing the stairs by holding ENTER and then drop the sword, the cutscene doesn't play at all and we can move

  • there is a way to shortcut to the garden / outside court by going behind the blind man and drop an item right after he calls the guard. the door is open so we can just go.

I cannot use this to shortcut to the hospital since one gem is missing. also going back to the fire place or going to the scriptorium, there is a guard ready to kill you.

One nice way to use it is to shortcut to the library but so far there is not route for that yet

YTP - Knight's Chase I Retro Reviews

A fresh published youtube video about time gate knight chase. Explaining from where it start to some details on the game and some comparison with other games. truly recommended for those who just started wiith the game and want to have a good understanding

2 years ago
投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
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